If a picture is worth a thousand words then this graphic is worth ten thousand.
Amidst all the discussion over who Trig's mother may be, some of our readers have stepped forward to gently remind us that a crucial message may be lost in the debate - the one message upon which this blog was founded. That message: Given the evidence, it is highly, highly suspect that Sarah Palin gave birth to the Trig Palin.
So to prove that we are still on message, we would like to halt the debate over who Trig's mother is and observe a moment of silence as we reflect upon who is not. The debate, we are sure, will resume. And that is fine just so long as we don't lose sight of the original message.
A special thanks to long-time reader and contributor Way of Peace for this awesome graphic.
Update: In response to many requests, Way of Peace has provided an alternate graphic. Let us know what you think. (Remember, click on them to make them bigger.)

Second update: In response to many MORE requests, we've also prepared one with the "Nail in the Coffin" photo. (Also, I re-read my post on this photo just this morning. If you are new to the blog and have never seen it, you should read it. If you are not new, but have not looked at this in awhile, you need to read this post again - if I do say so myself.
A candidate to the second highest office in the United States lied about being pregnant. I strongly suspect she must have had help in maintaining the deception. The MSM's failure to pick up this story in December, after the discovery of this photo, is nothing short of a criminal failure to the American people.)
Update: In response to many requests, Way of Peace has provided an alternate graphic. Let us know what you think. (Remember, click on them to make them bigger.)

Second update: In response to many MORE requests, we've also prepared one with the "Nail in the Coffin" photo. (Also, I re-read my post on this photo just this morning. If you are new to the blog and have never seen it, you should read it. If you are not new, but have not looked at this in awhile, you need to read this post again - if I do say so myself.
A candidate to the second highest office in the United States lied about being pregnant. I strongly suspect she must have had help in maintaining the deception. The MSM's failure to pick up this story in December, after the discovery of this photo, is nothing short of a criminal failure to the American people.)
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 415 of 415So Levi is going to pose nude or semi-nude for Playgirl. Of course he's doing it for the money. Will it make Sarah look bad to have been associated with someone like that, even though he is no longer her future son-in-law? I keep thinking that, the more Levi is in the public eye, the better the chance that he might spill the beans about Trig...mention it to his next girlfriend, who will then tell the media, etc. I wonder what kind of agreement (if any) he has with Sarah and Todd about spilling the beans. What does everyone think?
Audrey, we miss you very much. Stay safe and come back when you can.
In Chicago this week, a TV news anchor gave birth to her 4th child in the car, while her husband was driving her to work.
Now imageine if an ex-TV sports reporter gave birth to her 5th child in an airplane.
Still watching...still waiting...
I check here every day, glad to see that others do also.
Stay safe Audrey.
Very good post, peony. Miss you lots, Audrey. Just checking in. One day, when I click over here, you will be BACK. Yes!
WWWoman: I keep trying to imagine myself in Levi's shoes. I think he needs the money because he expects there will come a time when a custody battle will happen, and if he has zero money, he will lose. The Palins will see to that. Plus imagine the legal bills for his Mom. In his position, I would do the same -- I would do anything legal to provide for my family. It is sleazy, sure. But it's not like he has a portfolio of other choices. Plus keeping his name in the news, even in this low-life way, might help when he responds to SP's lies, if he has to. I'm guessing that Levi/Rex are not sure yet what they will have to do to meet Levi's goals (which I do not doubt are all about his family). Sure, you and I might do it differently, but I'm all for giving him the benefit of the doubt and some support for being in a very tough spot at a v young age.
Just want to leave a note, hoping Audrey and family are safe. You are missed!
Still waiting and watching..... any returns planned????
I have come to believe that $arah did not have Trigg, but neither did her daughter. I believe that it was "arranged" for her to become the new "mother" of that baby and I believe that her church, her closest friends and doctor were all a part of that plan. I believe that she announced her 'pregnancy' right as McSame secured the nomination knowing that he wouldn't be choosing a VP until the summer, thus it gave her "time" to roll out the story, with the creds from the moral minory crowd once they found out that she had "that little Down's baby", as Dr. Dobson called him. She makes references of how she was "chosen" to be his mother, both to cover her rear end just in case and to give the impression that it was somehow divine. And I think this story is going to hit the fan. I wish you well and hope you know just how instrumental your blog has been to get people to thinking about this in a critical way.
a HEART-FELT wave to audrey and morgan: we miss you both and the blog.
Me too. Still here, but we really need help. Someone who knows something should really talk asap.
Hi Audrey -- just sending you a warm greeting. Wishing you well, hoping you are doing fine.
Audrey, I hope that from time to time you come here to see if anything is happening. At this time of year, I wish to thank you for opening our eyes to a Wild Story about a Wild Ride. You provided an excellent forum for discussion, and it was a sad day when you were driving off of your site. Know that you're missed, and still very much appreciated. And, from time to time, please assume another name and join us in the other blog discussions.
Happy Thanksgiving!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING audrey and morgan: you are both missed!
Hey does anyone know what happened to Audrey? I hope all is well with her.
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