Almost exactly nine months ago, I woke up one morning very pissed off. Something as plain as the hand in front of my eyes was being ignored by the main stream media to a degree I could not fathom.
And - since it occurred to me this morning - that nine months (rather incredibly) is the length of the average pregnancy, I thought it might be interesting to reflect this morning, on just how this "pregnancy" has gone.
Let's return to September 13, 2008, the day I launched the website. (The blog came a few days later.) It had been almost two weeks since John McCain had announced Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, and the initial hysterical joy over the announcement, even among the loyal base, was beginning to erode just a bit. The Charles Gibson interview on the 11th, while not the catastrophe that the Couric interview on September 24th would become, had certainly not not been a smashing success, either. Palin came across as vague, uninformed, and rather ineffective. She was noted most often for saying "Charlie" a lot. A real lot.
In other venues, questions about Palin's ethics, mostly vis a vis "Troopergate" (but including other issues as well) continued to dog the campaign. And of course, what has now been called "Babygate," simply would not die.
As I have said previously, my initial interest in the story had nothing to do with Palin or her politics. As a long time childbirth educator and author, I had always had a "pet peeve:" media misrepresentation of childbirth. Overall, books, movies and TV shows present birth in one of two ways: either impossibly sanitary and easy or staggeringly dangerous. Babies either fall out or die; in birth fiction, there seems often to be no middle ground, and believing either extreme does not help women have happy safe births.
My initial assumption upon hearing Palin's story of Trig's birth was that some male reporter had simply gotten the facts wrong because, of course, no experienced mother of four would get on an airplane, leaking amniotic fluid, eight months pregnant. Just didn't happen. Period.
I've said this before but it bears repeating: birth is not a tidy process. The Governor of Alaska did not risk having to lie down in the middle of an airplane aisle, rip off her panty hose, spread her legs, and push a baby out in a puddle of blood, mucous, amniotic fluid, and, quite possibly, either her own excrement or the baby's. If she were in fact leaking amniotic fluid, she knew before she got on the airplane to fly a total of more than eight hours, that this was a very real possibility. And it is because no one would confront her with this graphic and basic reality back in early September we are here today.
To this day, the only truly concrete statement from either of the Palins as to why Sarah made this choice has come from Todd: "You can't have a fish picker [commercial fisherman] from Texas." Good Lord. Which is more absurd, that anyone ever believed this lame explanation or that people apparently still do?
I knew as soon as I realized that Palin was sticking by this nonsensical version of events that there was a lie somewhere. I have never once wavered from that conviction in nine months. I wasn't sure exactly what, where, or why, but I knew it was a lie. I also could never put together in my mind why so few other people - smart people who, while perhaps not knowing quite as much about childbirth as I do, but who nevertheless have a good basic understanding - did not come out and say, unequivocally and simply, "This birth story does not pass any sort of credible scrutiny. We have a right to ask why. And these questions have nothing to do with Palin's daughter."
Nine months is a long time. Women who became pregnant when I started this website and blog are now having their babies. When I chose to begin collating the information about Palin's pregnancy (and initially, my endeavor was to be nothing more than a repository of documents, photos, and facts that at the time were spread all over the Internet) I did not dream it would be necessary even up until the point of the election, some seven weeks later. The idea that I would still be thinking about Sarah Palin's uterus nine MONTHS later would have nauseated me.
My good friend Gryphen at Immoral Minority said to me recently: Audrey, you don't have to prove anything else. You have proved that Sarah Palin was never pregnant. The problem now is getting people to listen. While I am not 100% sure he is right, I know in my heart that it's close.
So where are we going from here? First, look to this blog for much more frequent and probably shorter posts. When I started the blog, Trig Palin (based on his announced birth date) was approximately four and half months old. Now, he is 15 months old. Although I know there is still information out there for us to find, the plain fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult. PD posts, while still mostly focusing on the central question of "Babygate," will begin delving into other areas of comment and research direction, often directly related to Palin's overall credibility. After all the blog is called "Palin Deceptions."
Secondly, we are revamping the website, something that has fallen horribly by the wayside as this blog has become the core of the endeavor. Very soon, we are opening a new area of the site, which will, in easy-to-use "calendar" fashion, have clickable links to many many days of Palin's late "pregnancy" with the associated photos. I still find myself astonished when I look at some of the photos, that she has gotten away with absurd lie for so long. When the photos - event after event of photos - are viewed in sequence it becomes laughable.
Look also for posts from others - members of the wonderful research team that have done so much to bring this story to the fore - as well as possibly "guest" posts by long time readers.
And... just as a closing statement... I know many readers have been curious about statements made on other blogs about icebergs and huge revelations and waves crashing onto the shore. (Well, maybe not waves...) Regardless, IS this story going to be over soon?
I think it may be. I think this baby is going to be born soon, and then we can all send a shower gift, and go home.
No Time for Tuckerman
Time. It is precious, they say. It flies, they say. And former Republican
Party Chair, former Dunleavy Chief of Staff, and now former University of
Alaska ...
1 year ago
Thanks Audrey. As it becomes clear that she intends to run for president and maybe ruin the whole country, it is important that we keep up the pressure. And I so appreciate the hard work and time this takes.
Pressure is how information is leaked out.
Thank you Audrey. I am a faithful reader of your posts, although I just don't come back to visit to read the comments. I agree you should provide more posts and and your team have already proven that she of the square pillow stomach could not have given birth the way she stated.
The more that gets out there the better, and it may force a confession sooner or later. The only logical explanation from all the evidence complied is that Bristol is the mother of Trig, born earlier than April 18, and Sarah faked the pregnancy....end of story. Nothing else fits.
We have learned alot of about Sarah Palin's personality in these nine months, and found out she is extremely reactionary. If she had verifiable proof of Trig's parentage, she would have produced it, of that I am certain, as she loves to say "I told ya so", when it comes to ethics complaints dismissed, Obama, and everything else under the sun. She would have not let this sleeping dog lie for so long. Sarah has the mentality of a 3 year old...if she thinks it doesn't exist, then gosh darnit, it doesn't because she says so.
The fact that C4P'ers even call us Trig Truthers, or Troofers underscores the fact there there is truth to be told about the issue. Enough is enough.
FW aka Virginia Voter
Audrey, I am so ready for closure to the pregnancy lies. I, too, can't stand how the media portrays pregnancy and childbirth. I look forward to the new calendar and hope it sparks some long-overdue interest in the mainstream press.
Good morning Audrey.
I too, also, hope it's over soon.
i cant help feeling a little deflated. still sending love and gratitude from Ky...
Yes, thank you, Audrey. While I don't think Sarah has a chance of being elected president, I can easily see the GOP putting her on the ticket as a VP candidate again, and that sends chills up and down my spine.
I think most people fall into one of several categories:either they think Palin's a moron and don't care whether she had that baby or not; they think she's Christlike and can do no wrong; or they haven't heard enough about the birth story to form an opinion. It's the latter category that needs to be educated. The Palinbots have their fingers in their ears and are humming, "La-la-la-la" as loud as they can; they're certifiably crazy, and are in serious need of meds.
Not only will we finally be free, free at last, thank G-d, we'll be free at last from SP soon, but you and your team will enlighten folks considerably about the realities of pregnancy and birth. I can't imagine two finer ways to use Team Audrey's collected wisdom and detail. Go, Team, go!
Hi Audrey, I'm also a frequent reader of your posts and the many informative comments your readers leave. You've and others have done a phenomenal job here and I am excited to see the improvements also, too.
Something I didn't know before was that the "iceberg" we are hearing referenced is not BABYGATE. I was worried that wouldn't bring her down anyway. Not just with her fans but most Americans who might be able to at least marginally sympathize with their choice. I think that sort of arrangement (adopting your child's child) is more common than we imagine.
So it's good that you are taking your vast knowledge and resources into other areas of Palin's deceptions. There certainly appears to be no shortage of them. I, myself, am now insanely curious as to which GATE the icerberg is? My bet would be HOUSEGATE...Jus sayin...
Susan in MD
wv = thecom (as in, the communication we've been waiting for)
I'm really looking forward to more frequent posts! Thanks so much, as always. I seem to be signed in under my hubby's name, but it seems difficult for me to sign in, so I'll keep being Jeff :-)
I want to add my thanks to Audrey and team! When Sarah was first nominated, I read this website for information because the MSM had dropped the story. One long article by Daily Kos drew such hatred that no one dared to touch it. So Audrey was quite brave in those early days.
What she showed us was the total inconsistency of Sarah's story. Early, the McCain campaign kept her from any media contact-- obviously for good reason. Now that Sarah and family are out there giving interviews, no two stories are quite the same. Each TV appearance or magazine article supplied new information. That coming book (Sarah's, maybe Levi's?) will only add more. In today's computer world, everything is so easily cross checked and referenced that they are at great risk.
For a while, we operated in the collective fear of "What if that woman actually is elected?!" Now, seeing how she handles even the simple business of being a keynote speaker at an important GOP fund raising event, we must realize that she is incapable of managing a presidential campaign. We hope.
So, this long note is a heartfelt thanks to Audrey, who supplied information and kept a story alive for two months in fall 2008 to better inform an electorate. Keep up the great work! I will look forward to whatever you do in the future.
I appreciate all the work you and your researchers have done. I am confused by your last sentence though. Maybe I haven't had enough coffee. I don't know if you mean we should leave this issue behind OR if you think the truth WILL come out very soon? I hope it is the latter because I don't like her getting away with this. At this point, Trig's welfare is what bothers me the most I think. And the use of him as a political tool.....
We have to make sure she will never be president or even governor again. The only way to do that is to not stop exposing her lies......
"Media Whore of Babble On”
New name for Palin from the blogger at Firedoglake!!
so good I had to share
Audrey, I think the deeper truth desperately needs to be said here. The corporate media are the deliberate enablers of this SP madness. You can trace this problem back for decades, but as you analyze it, you can easily see its acceleration in the past few years. O.J., Anna Nicole Smith, Britney, and others like them are SP's progenitors. She owes as much to them as she does to Reagan and the Bushes. The corporate media will showcase whatever or whomever makes them the most cash in the quickest, easiest manner, and right now that person is The Witch of Wasilla. Until the MSM perceives that she is worth more to them dead than alive, they will continue to keep her alive. They all know the truth of Babygate already. You would be naive to think they don't. When the corporate media decides that she is near the end of her storyline, they will all try to ride in on the witch's last broom. Until that happens, you are just kidding yourself if you think it has not yet happened because so few people realize the truth, and you are going to fix the problem by educating the public and the media. Good luck with that. Come on, prove me wrong. I double-dog dare you! Please prove me wrong!
Molly @6/8/09 at 12:09pm said: “Also, when people here started suggesting that Trig was born way earlier than April I thought you were kinda, it looks more and more like that is much closer to the truth than an April 18th b-day. Sorry for thinking you guys nutty!!”
NoMore @6/8/09 at 2:13 pm said: “I finally talked to several NICU nurses in 'my' hospital where I work, and EVERY ONE OF THEM AGREED that a preemie baby will present as a newborn at the age when he/she is *supposed* to be born - not as a much older baby.”
Thank you Molly and NoMore, now you are seeing the picture! I don’t remember what they are called, but there are pictures that just look like a mosaic of colors at first, but if you stare at them for a minute, you suddenly see an animal or person or some object. If you don’t stare at it long enough, the object remains hidden. Voila! We have stared at babygate long enough that we are finally seeing the object clearly coming into view!
How many others here still cling to Trig’s announced birthdate of 4-18-08 because Sarah Palin said so? Because if you still believe Trig was born on 4-18-08, Sarah Palin succeeded in her deception. If you have never seen a preemie and the great difference from that of a full term newborn, I can understand why you are still confused, because I could not figure it out either – until I saw a preemie!
I posted on 3-5-09 that this winter I saw a preemie for the first time in my life. The baby was 7 weeks old when I first saw it, and it could have passed for a 2 day old baby, and still much smaller than my children when they were born. Shortly after seeing that preemie for the first time, the First Family photo was positively identified as taken on 9-14-07. CLICK! I again saw that same baby at 12 weeks old, and it looked like it was only 2 weeks old at best. CLICK CLICK!!
One more thing that just occurred to me, but I have not seen anyone mention, is that Bristol may have been wearing spandex underwear, girdle or whatever in that 9-14-07 First Family photo. I am convinced that she was 4 months pregnant in that picture because that is what I looked like, and my daughter, at 4 months. But if Bristol was wearing a girdle, she may have been up to 5 months pregnant. I didn’t wear a girdle at 4 months pregnant, but I had no need to hide my pregnancies from anyone!
Silver @ 5/31/09 at 2:44 pm – that was a great find! The CourtView showing that Bristol got a minor (4-9 MPH over) speeding ticket on 8/6/07 but the hearing was reset several times until the hearing on 1/19/08. Bristol was a minor, so she would be required to appear in court with a parent. Minors cannot just pay their fines. With that information, I think we can narrow the time frame for Trig’s birth to sometime before 1/19/08.
i went door-to-door in support of McCain-Palin, speaking in support of SP to my neighbors. i donated $$ to the campaign. i went to one of her rallies in Fredericksburg, VA. however, no one is now more ready for this fake birth story to come out than i am.
how can those photos of her square pregnancy, the farce of a woman's 5th pregnancy not being detected before 7 months and the "dash to Wasilla, Alaska birth scenario" be ignored? i do not know who Trigg's mother is but it is NOT Sarah Palin!
My first thought was, "Gosh - has it really been that long?" Nine months. Wow.
I want to add my sincere thanks to Audrey and Patrick and the rest of the researchers and the comment posters for devoting so much time and attention to what will surely be Sarah's Waterloo.
Palin's die-hard supporters now recoil in sheer, utter horror from even the thought of a truth about Trig that is different from what Sarah has spoken. They were not this rabid about it nine months ago. They can't make it go away, and deep down inside they try to bury and silence their own doubts.
Other blogs have sprung from this one and the message has spread. There is only one truth, and it will out. Thanks again, Audrey and all.
Good to hear from you, Audrey. Great post. When Palin was first announced as VP, I wanted to know more about her. Then I heard that "wild ride" story, my mouth dropped open. I personally experienced amino leakage with two pregnancies. Without being graphic, I did not believe Palin's story for one second. And everyone I tried to tell about her lie laughed at me; told me I was crazy. I was thankful the day I found this site. Thank you and company for allowing me to express my thoughts and opinions along the way, even my most outrageous. And I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments as well. The plot would have been better if it hadn't turned out to be a cover-up for a daughter's indiscretion. Much worse, another cover-up adding another baby to the mix. Those poor little pawns.
Audrey and company, you have done a superb job! And from the photo evidence presented by this blog, it should be obvious to all that Palin was not pregnant with Trig as alleged.
I look forward to hearing again from you soon. Keep up the good work!
Lilybart said...
"Media Whore of Babble On”
BABBLE ON!!!! L M A O !!!!
drew from lil ol texas said...
I'm not sure what upsets me the most.
1) The attempted fraud she is trying to pull off by claiming that she is Trig's birth mother.
2) The despicable behavior during that insane airplane trip back from texas. (if she was pregnant) along with the other 18000 +/- miles she traveled in the air during her 3rd trimester.
3) The way she abuses children as props, i.e. flys Trig all over the place and appears to drug him into compliance, kids missing large amounts of school time, being kept up to all hours of the night,etc...
When I add all of this stuff up my stomach starts to churn.
Why isn't there a bunch of press about all of this?
Keep up all the great work Audry, et.el.
Dear Audrey and Co.,
I also, too, want to thank you, there, for all your hard work during this pregnancy! I've logged on every single day and have enjoyed not only your clear writing, but also (okay, I'll skip the "too") the comments from your readers. You've only attracted smart, well-spoken, open-minded people who have been respectful and have added to the conversation. That alone is a huge compliment to you.
Gryphen at ImMor is right: you have proved it. Now, the question is, what to do about it? She is clearly not going away. And she is clearly damaged enough to A) think she is prepared and deserving of high office B) foist that damage on her own children and C) lie with no repercussions. Well, let's prove her wrong. There may be no law against faking a pregnancy, but it's creepy and wrong. It's lying at its most fundamental.
Keep up the good work and I'll keep reading from the Bay Area. Thanks much! L.A. in S.F.
"Media Whore of Babble On", indeed!
I had never heard of Sarah Palin before Trig's birth, and then, when I first heard of SP, the discussion on my favorite message board was about her being Governor and taking care of a special needs child at the same time. It seemed she was under a lot of criticism for that, while the right wing was busy congratulating her for not aborting her son.
Then, she was chosen by John McCain, and the birth story came out. I was flabbergasted that anyone would do such a thing, to fly on several planes when in active labor.
Then I came here, where I have been a faithful reader ever since. I still find it hard when friends say they like Palin, though I have not discussed her in some time. I figure that the constant scrutiny will bring the truth about her to light. I doubt very much that SP will ever admit any wrongdoing. It just isn't her personality to do so.
Rather, the truth will come out by some of her own words, and some members of the family will also "slip up", without even realizing it. I am willing to wait.
Welcome, x! It is thrilling to learn of someone who has stayed with the story and wants to know more. Really. It's inspiring.
I, too, am grateful that Audrey & Co have gathered all this information together. The insanity of the Flight Out of Texas was so obvious that I couldn't believe it wasn't questioned more openly.
One thing I would like to say. I was dumped on by the board monitors in a discussion of a type of Christian, and I didn't even use the term "Christian" as a pejorative. I'm disappointed that it seems to be acceptable to call people "witches" in a disparaging manner. I realize it was inadvertent, but people should realize it's a faith system. It deserves whatever courtesy you would grant Christianity or Islam or Judaism or Hinduism or Zoroastrianism. Not every witch is evil, and yes, we do exist, and there are probably more of us than you realize. I doubt any of us would particularly want to claim Sarah as a coreligionist.
i TOO believe that you and your team have collected enough information to make any reasonable person doubt SP's deceptions.
what is needed now (as you have suggested) is to design/craft factually and graphically compelling summaries that expose SP's blatant contradictions.
Could Trig be Track's son?
Could he have had an affair with Levi's Mom? (Making Triggy Bear Mercede's brother.)
Are there pictures of Mrs. Johnston from this time period proving she is not pregnant?
I cannot wait til Babygate breaks. I am tired of being thought of as a tin foil hat wearing looney, all because no one wants to face the truth that Sarah Palin is NOT Trigs birth Mother.
I think we need to do more research into premature babies. As well as the other gates (housegate, travelgate etc).
Good job at keeping the burners light under SP!
My WV is geerse (as in keep those gears turning...)
Thanks for your ongoing efforts. You are supported by many people who are also incredulous that no one has called her on this.
You stated:
“I also could never put together in my mind why so few other people - smart people who, while perhaps not knowing quite as much about childbirth as I do, but who nevertheless have a good basic understanding - did not come out and say, unequivocally and simply, ‘This birth story does not pass any sort of credible scrutiny.’”
I’d like to venture an opinion as to what may have contributed to the fraud not being exposed earlier. Perhaps it had something to do with the scarcity of mothers in powerful positions, who could have publicly denounced the fraud. Mothers, especially those who have given birth several times, have more knowledge than most people of the birth process (other than physicians, labor and delivery nurses, midwives, doulas, and other childbirth professionals).
However, due to the incredible demands of motherhood, many mothers do not continue to work in the “traditional” corporate manner that allows them to obtain powerful positions. Thus, many of those with the knowledge to confront this fraud, do not have the “power” to do so. And most of those with the power and the public platform do not have the knowledge.
Nevertheless, as many have posted on this blog, scores of us knew there was a lie somewhere in this story. Since we weren’t major players in a political party or media kingpins/queenpins, our voices were ignored, ridiculed and marginalized. But we’ve maintained our beliefs and continued to ask about the birth story in the hopes of keeping our leaders accountable, trustworthy, and honest.
Thanks to all!
I, too, am enjoying our wild ride in Sarah's wake. I love when people come together to solve mysteries and problems. I'm proud of the civil discussion here and appreciate the moderator's work even when I have to get reminded of the rules. Thank you to everyone who makes this effort possible. I like the new direction idea.
wv sultion =solution!?! soon I hope...
A light bulb went off when I read the graphical description - all of a sudden I remembered in detail my youngest daughter's birth sixteen years ago...
and I realized that I would never have boarded an airplane at that late stage in pregnancy.
If SP actually did that, which she did not, she would have been attempting to kill the DS baby or is certifiably insane. Which all has been mentioned many times before.
I look forward to more of your good work, Audrey. And I thank you very much for all the effort so far, and I thank everyone who has contributed to the discussion.
wv = bilies as in SP's story belies belief.
Audrey, I've been a fan since I first found you after they threw Bristol under the bus on national television. I'm looking forward to watching your baby grow and develop. "We bring them into the world; the least we can do for them is to let them show it to us."
You have shown those of us who read faithfully that it does indeed take a village to raise a baby, but it looks like anyone can lie and say they're the baby's mother. Keep up the good work.
My continuing thanks.
I've read this site basically since it started. I used to come on and comment a lot, however I don't have as much time to comment lately. I think the idea of a calendar with photos or links would be a great idea, as a lot of the photos and links get lost in the "discussion" and if there are 600 or so posts they become easily lost.
To Susan @ June 9, 2009 8:41 AM
I think that sort of arrangement (adopting your child's child) is more common than we imagine.
I dont think the issue is that she may have adopted her childs child, the fact of the matter is she LIED about it. If she said I'm adopting my childs down-syndrome child so my child can still have a good life then I'm sure she'd have been popular and supported.
ProChoiceGrandma @ June 9, 2009 10:39 AM
How many others here still cling to Trig’s announced birthdate of 4-18-08 because Sarah Palin said so? Because if you still believe Trig was born on 4-18-08, Sarah Palin succeeded in her deception. If you have never seen a preemie and the great difference from that of a full term newborn, I can understand why you are still confused, because I could not figure it out either – until I saw a preemie!
I posted on 3-5-09 that this winter I saw a preemie for the first time in my life. The baby was 7 weeks old when I first saw it, and it could have passed for a 2 day old baby, and still much smaller than my children when they were born. Shortly after seeing that preemie for the first time, the First Family photo was positively identified as taken on 9-14-07. CLICK! I again saw that same baby at 12 weeks old, and it looked like it was only 2 weeks old at best. CLICK CLICK!!
I too have just saw my properly first preemie baby. The I've only seen photos of her at 7-9 weeks old; she still looks way smaller and frailer than a new born baby. I think she was born 2 months early. She is still in the hospital...they say Trig a DS preemie was released after a day or two......hmm.
on SP's misadventures in DC:
The epic three-month-long, on-again, off-again, maybe, maybe-not, acceptance-one-day, rejection-the-next saga of Gov. Sarah Palin's attendance at one -- just one, mind you -- GOP dinner seemed to perfectly exemplify all her party's woes: She literally knew not if she was coming or going.
It was in March of this year that the progressively dysfunctional GOP invited Ms. Palin to speak Monday night at the annual Senate-House fundraising dinner, which is, among legal grafters, a really big thing. So oodles of timely preparation are always in order. But true to modern form, following her initial invitation there reigned unbridled "confusion" -- that's the one word that repeatedly pops up in every press account of this risible, Keynote Cops affair -- as to whether she would, indeed, even attend, let alone address this august gathering of GOP misfits, malfeasors and malefactors.
So the dinner's sponsors, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee, decided to shortcircuit the confusion by inviting a former House Speaker instead, which, naturally, only exacerbated the star-crossed confusion.
By last week they were back to reinviting Palin to attend and speak, by Saturday she was asked to attend but not speak, by Sunday and Monday they were begging her to at least show up and "be recognized," and "with just hours to go before the dinner was to begin, Palin's spokeswoman would not confirm even that she was attending."
Which of course she finally, anticlimactically did: "If she hadn't walked quickly across the stage at the outset," noted the Politico, "and if her presence hadn’t been mentioned briefly in the remarks of some of the evening's speakers, it would have been hard to know that she had, in fact, shown up."
Audrey & team – I want to say a big thank you for keeping strong and keeping the pressure on SP. Bottom line is, in my opinion, SP is not the birthmother of Trig. SP “may” be Trig’s mother now but it doesn’t mean she gave birth to him. I have said it before and I will say it again, SP seems to be gaining much momentum in my neck of the woods and from listening to some of my friends elsewhere SP is growing stronger with her campaign there also. I have read places that SP won’t be on a national ticket again but I say; let’s make sure she doesn’t get the chance to be on a national ticket again. I would like to see B completely ruled in or out as Trig’s birthmother but I guess that is just wishful thinking on my part because I personally don’t think that it is Bx2. I hope the updated website will have detailed B information on it as well, so that maybe people will start coming forward from Alaska. Every time I see a comment about Track being the father of Trig, I think that there might be some discussion and information about ruling him in or out; I would like to see information on this subject sometime!
"How many others here still cling to Trig’s announced birthdate of 4-18-08 because Sarah Palin said so? Because if you still believe Trig was born on 4-18-08, Sarah Palin succeeded in her deception."
It's the same way every time Sarah Palin opens her mouth, and of course, that's why a lot of us say, "if SP opens her mouth, she's lying".
It was like that when she said Levi was qualified to work on the North Slope.
It was like that when she said "both Levi and Bristol are working their butts off to parent and going to school and working at the same time. They are certainly not high school dropouts."
It was like that when she swore Levi wasn't living with Bristol in her house, "By the way, it would be over my dead body that a kid would live with my teenage daughter,"
And in this most recent Big Lie, she's saying what she did with Newt Gingrich's speech was not plagiarism, and that Geoffrey Dunn, her first critic on the issue, is a "buffoon" for suggesting it.
Trouble is, with ALL of these instances including the plagiarism, there are resources on the Internet where the curious and the skeptical can disprove her statements, eventually if not instantly.
(btw, at this site, there IS substantial evidence that she is wrong, Newt Gingrich is wrong in supporting her claim, and her lawyer Van Flein should know better than to claim her 2 Gingrich references in a 17 minute speech are "proper attribution".)
The difference between us and her devoted followers? They accept statements like the above from Palin herself, Gingrich, and Van Flein without question.
They were SOOOO amazed last week at the sudden upswing in Palin's use of the English language! They said it was her best speech ever! "She's turned the corner!"
Welcome “x” at 10:45am, glad to see you join in! I have a favor to ask of you, if I may. I have a distant friend who was a Hillary supporter, then she became enamored with Sarah Palin and told me “She is a breath of fresh air”. Can you tell me specifically what you saw or read that made you realize Palin was a fake? I tried to convince this friend to use and several other sources, but she continued to spout all the talking points used by Hannity and Faux News and the emails claiming Obama was a muslim, etc. She even sent me an email to join the Tea Party nonsense! I really would like to know from you what changed your mind? I do not want to be nasty or ugly to my friend, just show her how she was mislead by all the McCain/Palin lies. With all sincerity, I would really appreciate it.
Doubting Thomas said, "I am tired of being thought of as a tin foil hat wearing looney, all because no one wants to face the truth that Sarah Palin is NOT Trigs birth Mother."
Yes, yes! My primary motive in wanting to see her exposed is because I know she's a danger to this country. But I must admit to a more personal motive: I have been called all sorts of foul things simply because I refuse to believe a lie that should be obvious to anyone with the courage and sense to open their minds and think. Enough is enough.
Having TriG travel by air AT ALL, as well as for him to undergo any change in elevation, is actively dangerous for him. This fact really jumped out from a post by the mighty Regina at palingates on June 3, titled, "Sarah Palin and Down Syndrome." Here's a bit from just one of the links she presents:
"Children with DS often have medical problems such as chronic pulmonary hypertension, frequent infections, and pulmonary vascular overperfusion and injury from existing or previous cardiac defects. These problems all may be viewed as risk factors for HAPE (high-altitude pulmonary edema) and thus result in the rapid development of HAPE at low altitudes. Care should be taken when traveling to even moderate altitudes with children with DS."
So when one of us asks in exasperation, "Is SP trying to KILL TriG?", we now have the dire example of high-altitude pulmonary edema. HAPE may develop rapidly even "at low altitudes." And then the paragraph ends, "Care should be taken when traveling to even moderate altitudes" with DS children. Was "care... taken" with TriG? Nope! Being paraded around at the RNC was infinitely more important!
When Heather Bruce spoke briefly on television the other day, she remarked that SP had "a lot to learn" about both DS and autism. Heather's son is THIRTEEN. Wouldn't you think that GINO had had plenty of time, in a family as "close" as she insists it is, to bring herself up to speed on autism?
But for GINO to fly thousands of miles to give a speech about special-needs children? When she knows less than nothing about them? Of course! Most high-profile speakers, even if they were experts, would at least bone up on the subject on the trip over, dontcha think?
So, whatever happened to Levi and the rest of the Johnston family? Are they waiting until after sentencing to spill the beans? I think everyone harboring the lie is despicable. If Clinton can be impeached for lying, how can Palin expect to be elected to higher office after having been exposed lying (eventually she will be exposed) on such a grand scale? Regardless of the reason. who would believe anything she says? Imagine the fights with Congress. It's possible she is just ''riding'' until she's told the ride is over and then will have built up a nice war chest and reputation to ''retire on''.
Yes, her infamous reputation with it's scandals, half truths, and outright lies is not salvageable so why not just continue on ahead, through that door...she has achieved ''success'' in its purest form.
And, her base will remember her as an odd sort of tour de my opinion that's all that she cares about at this point.
Even Republicans Say Limbaugh, Gingrich And Cheney Speak For GOP — But No One Names Palin!
The poll finds that when national adults are asked who is leading the Republican Party, the names most often cited are Limbaugh and Cheney, with Gingrich and John McCain tied for third. Meanwhile, a majority — 51% — had no opinion or said no one.
One other interesting tidbit: There’s one Republican who would perhaps like to be seen as speaking for the party more than anyone else right now. And she wasn’t named at all by either national adults or Republicans and Republican leaners, even though she was on the national ticket less than a year ago.
Thank you, Audrey, for all the work you have done. As with the others, I, too, hope that the truth will finally come out. In reading through the comments I am struck by high quality of the posts and the consistent good will both toward you and the other posters. It is a testament to your integrity. Good job, well done!
mlaiuppa said...
Could Trig be Track's son?
Could he have had an affair with Levi's Mom? (Making Triggy Bear Mercede's brother.)
Are there pictures of Mrs. Johnston from this time period proving she is not pregnant?
I have maintained that Track is somehow involved in this entire fake-pregnancy facade, on some level (thus being so swiftly shipped off to Iraq). I have no proof, obviously - it's just a burning hunch that will not go away.
Audrey - and everyone - thank you for your diligent work!!! There is NO DOUBT that the truth will eventually come out. And as I have also maintained:
There is NO WAY Sarah Palin will stand a chance in any election to come, especially on a national level. Sure, her blind-allegiance fans will vote for her, but they are miniscule at this point.
Her "star" and her "appeal" has already faded quite fast - added to the fact of how completely deranged and batshit crazy the Republican party is right now. Her presence and her name in the spotlight just proves that even more.
And trust me: Newt Gingrich already has the knives out for her (as do many in the GOP).
Sarah Palin is toast. And the truth about the fake pregnancy will be the final nail in her coffin.
"I dont think the issue is that she may have adopted her childs child, the fact of the matter is she LIED about it. If she said I'm adopting my childs down-syndrome child so my child can still have a good life then I'm sure she'd have been popular and supported."
I keep thinking: what was so bad that faking a pregnancy looked like the smart choice?
Hey Audrey & Co,
I hope this isn't a goodbye from Audrey? Although I was here w/a diff username I've been here for the whole "wild ride!" :) Sarah is still going full speed ahead, and Trig is still her prop. I believe you have proven your case. It doesn't mean that there isn't more evidence to find rather than just a gathering of the current plethora of evidence. Even if an Iceberg "Gate" hits Palin, I still want the truth about Trig to come out. I sincerely hope that when the MSM decides to "out" her, it's a Republican leaning organization/station/website/paper so that it won't be painted as a "liberal attack."
Anyway, thanks so much for all your work Audrey and I look forward to the site redesign and guest bloggers. If you need help w/anything you can post and ask for it- $ for a webdesigner or even volunteer webdesigners, anything really and I'm sure we'd all help in any capacity we can.
I'd not only like Trig's parentage to be revealed, but also whether he has received any special services. Is Sarah's schedule public record/accessible? B/c her aide who did her scheduling I remember reading would have scheduled OB/GYN appts and should not been "surprised" about Sarah's pregnancy. If she's not taking Trig, is Todd? Is Bristol? If not, he needs a new mom IMHO. Maybe the need for a birth certificate to be presented to receive these services is the reason? Despite Bristol's comments on Myspace about having to be the mother duck & her tiff w/Levi, I believe she's a good mom. To me, the difference in the way Bristol holds Trig vs Sarah speaks volumes. Maybe it's time for Trig to be given to his rightful mom so he can receive the care he needs.
I have to run to drive my kids to their specialist who is 40 mins-1 hr 20 mins away (the current rush hour traffic we're going to get is always a lottery!)
wv="mutica"-mutiny among Sarah's ranks
For those wanting to contact CBS in support of David Letterman in his spat with Palin, Team Sarah (who have declared war on his) has kindly provided the contact info:
You may contact CBS at (212)-975-4321, send a message via the online feedback form:,
or mail your feedback to:
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said June 10, 2009 9:50 AM...
"Having TriG travel by air AT ALL, as well as for him to undergo any change in elevation, is actively dangerous for him.
[...] But for GINO to fly thousands of miles to give a speech about special-needs children? When she knows less than nothing about them? Of course! Most high-profile speakers, even if they were experts, would at least bone up on the subject on the trip over, dontcha think?"
I believe I heard Sarah Palin herself in that interview with John Ziegler yesterday -- or perhaps it was towards the end of the Hannity interview -- that she and Todd were going to pick up Piper and Trig on the last leg of their flight home.
That would be the usual stopover in Seattle, if they're flying from that Texas tete-a-tete with Cornyn and the collarbone-broken Rick Perry.
Trig has been traveling by air, indeed, MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel!
I wanted to share this video link with everyone.
This morning on MSNBC, Sarah Palin's "documentarian" and de facto "spokesman" -
John Ziegler - unleashed his patented brand of batsh*t lunacy on Contessa Brewer - regarding the remarks Letterman made about SP the other night.
Ziegler led off the interview by referring to MSNBC as "Barack Obama's official network," then proceeded to blather on about unrelated stuff, and then finally insulted Contessa.
Look at this guy's crazy eyes, and they way he's smirking and laughing though it all. I swear to God, these people are certifiable. Someone would have to be, to be a "professional Palin supporter" like this. Give a look:
Too late for SP:
First At-Home Screening Test For Amniotic Fluid Leakage During Pregnancy Now Available
***Article Date - 14 Aug 2008***
"""AmniScreen™ is the first and only FDA-approved at-home screening test for amniotic fluid leakage during pregnancy, a condition that may lead to serious complications such as infection and preterm labor.
AmniScreen™ is a...test that offers the convenience of at-home screening for pregnant women."""
In other words, to determine if amniotic fluid is released requires a chemical test, which, at that time, required a medical professional.
If Dr. CBJ diagnosed by telephone, without physically seeing the patient, and said it was okay to proceed with flight, that would be illegal in the State of Alaska.
The graphic posted on five-thirty-eight today showed Palin as not so popular a governor as she purports herself to be - so I am thrilled, Audrey, that you are opening this blog to *all* Palin's Deceptions.
And Thank You for doing this work because it's a Fact that the MSM in Alaska has protected SP and turned a blind eye to her shenanigans. If it weren't for this blog and a few select others, the wool would be pulled *thick* over our eyes.
It could be SP's bad luck to be a politician in this century.
WV=parin as in Paring it down.
I agree with IvyFree:
Ivyfree said...
"" One thing I would like to say. I'm disappointed that it seems to be acceptable to call people "witches" in a disparaging manner. I realize it was inadvertent, but people should realize it's a faith system. ""
I would also like us to not call names... that is one thing SOOO good about this blog...that we have developed and discussed the facts, not devolved to verbal abuse.
It's also personal - you can call me a Witch, I'm proud of it; I've known it for over fifty years. But you'll never know what it means to me - that's the beauty of it.
Calling a woman names doesn't do any of us any good, much less aiding the effort we are in.
as long as palin refuses to go away...neither should this blog
you have done a great job at creating and continuing one of the most entertaining and educational blogs that i have ever read
Here's an idea-- maybe once everything is redesigned and updated, folks could drop a note to Newt G. about this site. Although publically friendly with SP despite the plagarism, you KNOW that Newt must be salivating at the thought of getting back into the spotlight himself as a 2012 contender.
And like others, I can't wait for the truth to be exposed, not only to be rid of SP once and for all, but also to prove I'm NOT (that) crazy to some of my friends.
"she and Todd were going to pick up Piper and Trig on the last leg of their flight home."....She at the Yankees game and her baby is with Piper? I wouldnt leave my puppy with anyone for as long as she leaves that child in the hands of others.
O/T:Switcheroo game of Palin... AGAIN!
As you know, Letterman made some jokes about Palin and 'her daughter', and had to qualify that he meant BRISTOL, not WILLOW after Palin tried to get some more attention out of the whole issue. Especially because he mentioned 'her daughter getting knocked up during the 7th inning'.
Well, it turns out that NEITHER Willow NOR Bristol were at the game!
Here are some still pics as proof (KaJo posted them at Gryphens blog) :
Turns out, that 'daughter' was JUDI GIULIANI - NOT Willow!
here's a typical blogger posting at HUFFPOST re SP vs LETTERMAN:
jimbeaux1961 said,
Ya know, it was Palin who put her daughter Bristol on display, and for her own selfish purposes.
Now she's done the same thing to Willow, and for the same reasons.
She knows it wasn't the 14 y/o Dave was talking about.
Yellowgirl said...
"Here's an idea-- maybe once everything is redesigned and updated, folks could drop a note to Newt G. about this site."
What delicious irony; she is brought down not by tin-foil-hat-wearing-basement-bloggers-in-their-pjs, but by one of her own!
wv: ickee (One good description of Gingrich)
I am confused by some reports that Willow was carrying a baby in New York (Long Island?). Are there any pictures? Which baby? I thought there was a quote from SP that Trig did not make this trip. And I can't imagine that if Bristol did not come, they would bring her baby Tripp? I am very seriously troubled by the press that SP continues to get nationally. I would hope that if there is a story that is known that can stop her efforts to run for President in 2012, that it comes to light very soon.
Margaret Carlson just opined on Keith Olbermann:: once you take your children out of their "zone of privacy" and expose them to the media the way SP did when she dragged Bristol and Levi forward at the RNC like "Charles and Diana of the Klondike" they become fair game. She also went on to mock Bristol's "Abstinence Tour" that also kept her in the spotlight. SP's outrage is nothing more than a cheap attempt to stay in the media. Sarah wants the world to know that she's protecting her daughters from the crude jokes of the left-wing comedians. Yeah right.
Daisydem, I haven't been able to find any pictures of Willow carrying a baby, either.
However, on AKM's blog Mudflats, one of the mudflatters, Merry Prankster, under the topic "Boots On the Ground On Long Island", said this (and this is the ONLY documentation about a baby that I know of):
Date: 6/7/09
"5:10 – Team Sarah arrives. Todd is first out of the car and gets the low-down. He seems very protective. Once he is clear about the arrangements, the governor gets out. Being a man, I am not very observant about clothes, but the one thing I notice is the shoes! Sarah is wearing red sandals whose heels are 5” tall… She has trouble navigating the uneven walkway. She reminds me of the ditzy aunt at the barbeque with the crazy shoes and the loud outfit. At a barbeque we would just roll our eyes, but she could have been a heartbeat away from the presidency. Fifteen minutes later Willow comes out – short denim shorts & tank top and baby on her arm. Can’t figure out who the baby was. Definitely too big to be Tripp, but Sarah said that Trig did not make the trip. Being a former soccer coach, I can’t help noticing her legs. She looks like she could kick a soccer ball through a wall."
Excellent post. Although I teeter on if it is our business or not..I know that is simply my 'liberal bleeding heart'..get the info girl and don't let up!! ~ the part of the pregnancy that burns me up the most: facts: 1. she knew he had down syndrome 2. she did considered abortion..proves she is pro-CHOICE 3. she hid her pregnancy (doesn't seem to be a 'hide it' type person w/any other topic, eh?) 4. the long plane and car rides...what was her real goal? REALLY. your visual of what could have happened really sends it home!
If she wanted to be 'a spokesperson for ppl w/disabilities...why hide it, where is she now on this, why is she so 'sensitive' about Letterman joke, why did she bring Willows name into it~ hmmm..., why wasn't Bristol in school? Jamie Spears got pregnant back to back..just saying..
Anyway, excellent blog..I shall return. Hope u tweet!
Babygate: It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other about Palin's baby or Bristol's bady. But, if you think having a baby and not "showing" you are 8 to 9 mos. pg. you are wrong. With my middle daughter, I started losing fluid and it continued for 3 weeks before her birth. My doctor told me losing the fluid did not indicate "immediate" delivery, but there was a concern of infection. I was told it would be losing my mucus plug that would indicate the on set of labor.
Three weeks later when I did go into labor and went to the hospital I had gained only 19 lbs and my daughter weighted 7 lbs. 11 oz. at birth. After I arrived at the hospital my labor stopped and my doctor told me to walk the halls. I put on my light weight robe and did so. I had at least 3 people ask me if I had had a boy or girl and I had not even delivered my baby yet. You could not tell I was pg and I was at the hospital and ready for delivery. I left the hospital weighing 3 lbs. less then I did when I found out I was pg. These things happen. Every pregnancy is different.
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