Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Welcome and an Explanation

Over the last 48-72 hours, literally thousands of new readers have visited this blog. Hopefully a few are coming back to see what else is new. I've been so swamped the past few days answering emails, checking out all the places that have linked to us, etc, that I am still working on the third MySpace post. It will come soon. My goal is Monday at the latest.

I'd like to take this opportunity to make a post which will review for new readers some of the most informative posts from the blog from the last seven months. (Has it really been that long? I don't even want to think about that!)

First, though, I am a bit troubled how we've been presented in some of the articles that have linked to us over the past few days. It's ironic that after months of focusing on the question of whether Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig Palin now almost a year ago, the post that brought the blog the most publicity was one that was - in fact - atypical for us.

The decision to bring the teen MySpace material into the dialogue was a difficult one. Obviously, if there was anything absolutely conclusive regarding the motherhood of Trig on MySpace I would have used it long ago, but because there is not, I had been sitting on this information. Most of the material presented I have had available since October. Even now I used only the most minimal material, and only quotes that directly spoke to Bristol and Levi's relationship and Sarah's credibility. These Wasilla teens were not some random kids my helpers pulled off of MySpace just because they lived in the same town; these teens were Bristol's close circle of friends, and frankly I used about 1% of the material we have.

It has always been the goal of my blog to prove that Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy last spring and to leave the question of whom exactly Trig's mother really is to the "clean-up" crew. Over the last six months, I believe I have shown more than adequate proof of this, as follows:
1. I have shown photographs of her less than four weeks before allegedly giving birth to a six pound child in which there are no signs of pregnancy. Click here to read "The Nail in the Coffin," originally published in December.
2. I have shown photographs of her going from barely visibly pregnant to huge in four days. Click here to read "Some New Photo Evidence," published in October.
3. I have shown a screen shot of her approximately ten days prior to Trig's birth in which the shape of her belly is square.
4. I have demonstrated that, on countless fronts, she has told lies about the pregnancy. Read "Spin, Baby, Spin" from September and "Spin, Spin, We Almost Become Dizzy" from December to start. There are numerous more posts on the blog that go into other issues.
5. We have torn apart the "statement" given by the McCain campaign, allegedly from her doctor, that was passed off to the press as her medical records. Here's "The Purloined Letter" from February.
6. I have analyzed the story she told about her trip from Texas to Alaska, supposedly after showing clear signs of being in labor, and, I believe proved conclusively that it is medically absurd. Please visit the website proper for this discussion.
7. I have raised very valid questions about the Palin's failure to release a certificate which, in my opinion, basically proves that he was not born on April 18th, 2008 (regardless of who his mother is.)

I have done all of this - and more (a lot more!) - and still the mainstream media has refused to pick up the story.

I never wanted to "go after" Bristol, in spite of the fact that she was brought into the dialogue by Sarah Palin. Gov. Palin and the McCain campaign announced on September 1st that Bristol was pregnant, making her the most notorious pregnant teen in the world. (Read here: "Bristol Palin: Under the Bus.") They did it because it was the only way they could "prove" that Sarah WAS Trig's mother... tell us that Bristol could not be. The only thing more absurd than their doing it was the fact that the MSM let them get away with it.

However, lately, I believe that Bristol, along with Mercede and Levi Johnston, have brought themselves into the debate. Bristol was not honest with Greta Van Susteren about several things. Levi and Mercede appeared on the Tyra Banks show and provided the program with numerous photographs. One was a previously unseen photograph of Levi cuddling a newborn, Mercede hovering nearby. I'm sure most viewers assumed it was Levi and Tripp. I'm sure the producer assumed the same. It wasn't. It was Levi and Trig, and the photo was taken almost a year ago. You think that was not a shot across the bow to the Palins?

So why keep doing this? Because while Sarah Palin is history, she is history that still matters. I want an answer as to why a dimbulb who considers "What books do you read?" a trick question was nominated for Vice President of the United States. Newsweek just this week goes in depth about her selection process. She was "vetted" mostly on the Internet, according to Newsweek, and McCain talked to her for the first time on the phone only four days before he made his decision. A woman who stuffed a square pillow under her shirt and pretended to be pregnant (so as to avoid some really pointed questions about her own parenting and family values philosophies) less than one year later was presented to America as a credible vice presidential candidate, one seventy-two year old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from the presidency.

More will be coming on this blog soon. We won't be rehashing old material. But, I did want to draw our new readers' attention to blog posts that give a clear idea of what we've been doing and saying for seven months now.

I feel very badly for Bristol Palin, and would have preferred to just leave her alone. Forever. I get no pleasure whatsoever (I believe one columnist used the word "glee") out of publishing material that damages a young mother's reputation. I don't care who Trig's mom is and honestly I wish I had never heard of Bristol. But I care very much that Sarah Palin might have been vice president, and for that reason I continue to pursue this story.


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SCmommy said...

Bravo, Audrey. And a million thanks from those of us who share your opinion of a politician who still seeks the national stage--and should never be placed upon it.

passinthru said...

Well, we care, too.

I believe the nomination of Sarah Palin is an affront to mothers and other women everywhere, because her complete lack of credentials OTHER than those traditionally attached to woman (Look! She's a Mom! She's a MILF! She's a working mom, just like you!) were a slap in the face to women who have tried to make their voices heard across the political spectrum.

Trotting her babygirl out on the ice to deflect boos from a Philly crowd...that was offensive to women.

Making Bristol's pregnancy the story....that was offensive to woman.

And telling us this absurd "I flew to Wasilla from Texas because a fishpicker can't be born in the lower 48", well, that was offensive to anyone with a grain of sense, but PARTICULARLY to woman and mothers.

Speaking to her stories of reproduction is absolutely central to speaking to her qualifications, and holding the line on it (despite the larger media inaction) is a defense of us all, at risk of being marginalized for our equipment.

And welcome, newcomers. It walks like a duck, take a look. ;)

wrisky said...

Thank you for all of your work documenting this farce.

Just why the journalism industry hasn't picked up on your narrative is a mystery to me. The story has all the trashy, pulp fiction, juicy, tabloidy sort of details that should make it a pop culture shoe-in.

Stick a fork in it, the MSM must really be be brain dead.

Daisydem said...

Thank you Audrey. It is hard to see Bristol and Levi become victims of SP's ambitions. And most of us do realize that despite what we learn about these kids, they are just kids who have perhaps made some mistakes for whatever reason. They are very young and need some adult, responsible guidance still and I hope they get that. But I too care very much that SP never gets that close to a political office at the national level, and what's more, thanks to this blog and to others that I have now been following daily since October, I care what happens in Alaska too (though I live far away) whether it is the governorship, the state senate, mayoral positions, etc. So thank you and the researchers for all you have done and are doing.


I've seen this blog linked all over the internet lately. At this late date I guess this story is finally starting to re-emerge a little?

Personally, I wish Levi and his family would make a ton of money doing talk shows and interviews and use it to hire a good lawyer so he can see his kid(s) regularly and maybe even lure Bristol away from that wacko mom of hers and have a life that doesn't involve daily conflicts that are covered by the media. Just a thought.

GinaM said...

Go ahead Audrey do your thing...we got your back. Eventually this will all break and you will know you did not do this for "naught":)

Kat said...


Thanks for all the great work!! I'm sending you the comment I just sent to Ennealogic rather than having the repeat it again. :) OK, so I'm lazy. Please check out the original comment at Immoral Minority if you like. Here's what I wrote....

"I was just at Immoral Minority, reading comments on the Palin/Eddie Burke interview and came across this comment. Maybe you saw it? I thought WOW! This person is responding to an earlier comment re Trig being born Feb. 18, 2008.....

Here's the comment:

"Always Watching said...

Fiftrixiebelle: TRIPP - Bristol's child was born on Feb. 18, 2009. TRIG - Gov Palin's son was born on April 18, 2008. He will be 1 year old this Saturday to be exact. It seems that you need hearing aids and eyeglasses. Maybe you can by some with the money Obama will provide for you by spreading the wealth."

"I responded by thanking Always Watching for confirming what we had always thought about Tripp's birthdate as being around the middle of Feb. due to absence of pictures, etc. as opposed to the "Published birthdate which is claiming Dec. 27,2008 as the date. I then asked if he/she was a close family friend. :) It's clear by this comment & the name that a Palin Person is lurking. Might be insignificant, but to me it was a WoW moment. Can't wait to see if there's an answer. I'm betting not. :)"

Ah hah she sez rubbing hands together, the plot thickens.... Run Scarah, Run... Evil laugh....

ProChoiceGrandma said...

For any new readers on this blog: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This EXTRA LARGE SIZE 9-14-07 official First Family photo CLEARLY shows that Bristol is at least 4 months pregnant:

Do the “granny finger counting” before and after this date. The new MySpace material reinforces my belief that Bristol became pregnant in mid-May 2007 and Trig was born in early February 2008.

sjk from the belly of the plane said...

Queue the music and that Vince dude of Sham Wow/Slap Chop/bitten by hooker fame.

"NEW! Its Ab-Baby....From a Square Pillow to 6 lb baby in just days. Why wait 9 months to have a baby? Who's got the time? Who wants the mess? I dont have the time. You dont have the time, and no one wants the mess..With our new kit you too can have a baby and impress your friends and co-workers with your incredible abs-to baby in just days! And if you order in the next 20 minutes, 'cause we cant do this all day, we'll throw in a free little helper to carry that baby around for you....Heres how to order.."

WV "cract"

Cynthia Rose said...

great post and my continued gratitude to everyone who is working on this issue

my hubby thinks I'm nuts for even thinking about the whole babygate issue - he doesn't think it is important and that Sarah Palin will never get close to the White House any way - BUT everything you posted is exactly why this issue is important - not who is Trig's mother - but how did a person so unqualified get so close to being vp and how do we make sure that the American public is never fooled again

Hang in there, and as one of the commentors above said - we've got your back

Virginia Voter said...

I keep on follwing these blogs and stories in the press and gossip mags because I feel the same way Passinthru and Audrey (and most of the readers her) do.

As a mother, I am appalled by Palin's outright lies, and her hypoctitical attitude toward her own children. I don't claim to be the best mother in the world, but her behavior and rhetoric since McCain cursed us with her presence was appalling. She uses anything and anyone to futher her won ambition, including Trig, a DS baby, who may not even be her son or grandson. All evidence points to Bristol being the mom, but at this point, all I can say for sure is the Sarah is not his biological mother.

I have been following her political goins on thru Palingates, Alaskan blogs, and the MSM, and they are just as scandal ridden as her personal life. She is a mess, and I honestly don't know how she has not been recalled for being completely incompetent. She makes Blago look like an altarboy.

As Americans we all have an interest in seeing the truth come out...and it eventually will.

Gail Zawacki said...

Audrey, stay strong, we need you to lead the way.

Sara Palin is not just a buffoon, she - the phenomena of her ludicrous meteoric rise to prominence - is dangerous.

Palingates dot blogspot dot com had a story about Sara's resistance to granting endangered species status to an Alaska bird and this was my post on that subject:

Palin and the wingnuts cannot allow species to be listed as endangered because if they did so, it would inhibit their ideologically imprisoned predilection to drill baby drill through every available resource regardless of the consequences.

Palin and other believers in the end times have no motivation to conserve or protect the environment, they see it as God-given to them to exploit. She and her enablers who obstruct efforts to transform from a destructive dependence on burning fossil fuels to a green (wind, solar, geothermal) economy are heedless of their responsibility for leaving future generations an uninhabitable climate.

Climate chaos and its attendant extreme and unpredictable weather - tornados, intense hurricanes, droughts, wildfires and floods, as well melting glaciers and ice sheets, sea rise, and acidification of the oceans - fits right in with the coming Apocalypse predicted by the fundamentalist convictions.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Audrey. You're doing this for our country, for women, for truth. If McCain didn't vet SP, then why-oh-why didn't the MSM? Isn't that the job of American journalism? To keep a democracy well-informed?

Thank God for the you and the New Pamphleteers! Welcome, new readers!

Amy1 said...

Yup -- this is important. Who the bioparents of Trig are is not -- not to the electorate.

Just a tiny detail correx that is actually interesting in terms of timing:

Audrey said: "McCain talked to her for the first time on the phone only four days before he made his decision."

Just for the record, the Newsweek article that Audrey links to does not say this was the FIRST time they spoke. Just that they spoke.

The correct sequence seems to be as
The New Yorker article (Oct 27, 08) says:

McCain had met Palin once, but their conversation—-at a reception during a meeting of the National Governors Association, six months earlier—-had lasted only fifteen minutes. “It wasn’t a real conversation,” said the longtime friend, who called the choice of Palin “the fucking most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” Aides arranged a phone call between McCain and Palin, and scrutinized her answers to some seventy items on a questionnaire that she had filled out. But McCain didn’t talk with Palin in person again until the morning of Thursday, August 28th. Palin was flown down to his retreat in Sedona, Arizona, and they spoke for an hour or two. By the time he announced her as his choice, the next day, he had spent less than three hours in her company.

These events fall into an interesting relationship on the time line: the 15-min conversation in Feb 2008; SP's first wearing of the giant scarves (on 2-19-08); followed on 3-6-08 by the announcement of the fake Trig pregnancy.

Diana: Could you please re-post the link to your most current time line? I'd love to know the date in Feb when that 15-min conversation would have occurred: i.e., did the 15-min talk happen before or after the start of the wearing of the giant scarves?

Unknown said...

I haven't written in a while, Audrey and co., but I follow voraciously every day. I love your writing (and your command of the English language, also, too!) and the fact that you are pursuing this outrageous story.

These teenagers are sad and without class or curiosity and they are goin' no where real fast, as they would put it. So too, is that pretender to the throne, SP. She is uneducated, unable to speak in coherent sentences, and poisoned by ambition and mental illness.

Across the globe and across all political lines and sexes, people have seen through her bizarre and shifting stories and sooner or later the truth will come out. It reminds me of the old bumper sticker from 41's terms: If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. Thanks again, L.A. in S.F.

midnightcajun said...

Good idea to put this up, Audrey. What lousy timing that you were going into something you'd avoided for so many months just when the whole Levi thing broke. (And for the record, my quick post a week or so was about this--that events often render what's "coming" obsolete or out of sync. In this instance, a longer delay in part three might be called for here. Given all the traffic you're getting, perhaps turn the spotlight elsewhere for a while?)

As for Sarah's latest blatant lie--calling Levi a liar--the following quotes from People Magazine are very interesting:

January 1, 2009
“Not only has tiny Tripp moved in with mom Bristol, but dad Levi Johnston has been staying over too.”

March 2, 2009
“Since Tripp’s Dec. 27th birth, dad Levi Johnston has been living with the Palins.”

March 30, 2009
“Once a part of the mix, living in the Palin’s five bedroom Wasilla home, Levi has now moved out.”

eat whine rally said...

Thank you Audrey!


ProChoiceGrandma said...

Diana’s timeline was originally 15 pages and included a lot of minute details gathered from many documents, but to make a (slightly) shorter scenario, the following were the most significant dates and events in my opinion.

5-14-07: MySpace from Bristol to Johnny (DOB 2-11-91): “haha, my mom was asking me who i was on the phone with last night, and she said she heard everything i was she think im pregnant. Ahaha, call me later if you’d like.”

9-14-07: First Family photo clearly showing Bristol is at least 4 months pregnant.

10-5-07: Bristol goes with Sarah to tour HUB Juneau Christian Teen Center. Do the Google research yourself - this place has connections with Cathy Baldwin-Johnson (frequently referred to as CBJ, the doctor who allegedly delivered Trig to Sarah on 4-18-08, but wipe that info out of your mind, it was all a misleading smokescreen). This place has connections with some very fanatical religious associations. Curiously, HUB Juneau Christian Teen Center received a $25,000 donation with taxpayers’ money through the generosity of Governor Sarah. Were benefits provided for this donation?

10-07-07 Sunday through Thursday 10-11-07: Bristol travels with Sarah to New York City, where the governor attended a five-hour conference at Newsweek’s Third Annual Women and Leadership Conference. Bristol and Sarah spend five days and four nights in a luxury hotel. Recovering from jet lag, or testing, or perhaps weighing options?
(After the trip to NYC, Bristol is not seen again until a photo from 4-25-08 posing with Mercede the night of Mercede’s prom.)
10-18-07 Thursday- Bristol’s 17th Birthday (DOB 10-18-90)

Nov or Dec 2007: Bristol leaves Wasilla High School and apparently moves in with Aunt Heather, Sarah’s sister in Anchorage.

Dec 2007: Bristol attends West High School in Anchorage for about one month prior to the Christmas Holiday….not to return after the Holidays….according to the principal.

2-2-08: I believe Trig was born in very late January or early February 2008. I have arbitrarily selected a birthday for Trig of February 2, 2008 or Groundhog Day to make it easy to remember. And like in the movie “Groundhog Day”, Bristol repeats the year with her pregnancy with Tripp who was born 12-27-08 OR in January 2009. Should we be looking for “Trey” in December 2009?

2-8-08: Bristol had a traffic accident in Wasilla outside of a local medical facility. If she was still pregnant, I believe that would have raised a lot of alarms that someone 8 or 9 months pregnant was in an accident. I believe Bristol had already given birth to Trig before this date, and possibly she was at the medical facility for a post-partum checkup, or visiting Trig. The other driver did not notice if she was pregnant or not.

2-15-08: AHA “Go Red for Women” luncheon in Fairbanks and Iron Dog Race. Something significant occurred during this trip to Fairbanks. There are ZERO photos for this AHA event, and no press releases. (I counted over 200 photos from the 2009 AHA Go Red for Women luncheon) This is the first travel authorization for Bristol since the trip to NYC in October 2007. The travel authorizations for Bristol, Willow and Piper raise a LOT of questions. The airfare for Willow and Piper were purchased 2-8-08, but the airfare for Bristol was purchased 2-13-08. Willow departed Juneau at 12:44pm and arrived in Fairbanks 4:16pm. However, Sarah’s calendar for 2-14-08 shows GOV, Piper, Willow on Flt #67 from JNU to ANC boarding 7:45 pm Seats 25D, 25E, 25F. Then Gov, Piper, Willow, Bristol from ANC to FBKS boarding 10:40 pm Seats 10D, 10E, 10F, 10C.
So who got on Flt #67 with Gov & Piper for Willow since Willow was already in Fairbanks at 4:16 that afternoon? There is no refund for the ticket for Willow on Flt #67. Something smells fishy with these travel arrangements.

An important point to keep in mind is that Bristol is being kept out of sight of her little sister, Piper. That is why Bristol has been living with Aunt Heather, and not attending any Christmas or public functions with the rest of the (cough) First Family.

We know a “friend” was also there in Fairbanks for the Iron Dog race (no sighting of Bristol in videos and no pictures of her) and that Piper’s airfare was refunded (per Travel Authorization) because little Piper supposedly “drove from Fairbanks to Anchorage with friend, Refunded ticket.” After looking at Google Maps, that is 7 hour drive for a 7 year old, in February, in Alaska. This would be a good time to have a nice long planning session. Please note that it was AFTER this weekend of strange events that Sarah began wearing those long scarves by the following Friday, 2-22-08 when she went to the Nat’l Gov’s Assoc meeting in Washington DC.

2-16-08: Per Travel Authorization, Bristol flies back to Anchorage. Really? Or was it the mysterious passenger that posed as Willow on the 2-14-08 flight #67?

2-22-2008 to 2-28-2008 Palin and Todd in Wash, DC for the Nat'l. Gov's Assoc. winter meeting held 23rd, 24th, 25th. She has 15 minute meeting with John McCain. (VETTING????)

3-4-08: John McCain wins Republican nomination. His nomination as the Republican candidate for President seems to be the catalyst that launched Sarah’s incredible pregnancy hoax. She copied the idea from Desperate Housewives?

3-5-08: Sarah Palin announces that she is 7 months pregnant. When I realized she announced her “pregnancy” the date after McCain won the nomination, it was a BINGO moment! Like most who had never heard of Palin before the Republican convention, I assumed she was surprised to be named as VP candidate in August 2008, but I learned through this site and the January 2008 Alaska Magazine that her name had been buzzing at least since 2007 as a potential VP candidate. With McCain winning the nomination, Palin had to make a “go or no go” decision to cover up her political embarrassment of her pregnant teen daughter. She decided to launch the pregnancy hoax. THIS is why Palin should NEVER hold a position of trust in any public office. Talking about why Audrey keeps pursuing this issue, Lady Rose said it with more eloquence: “BUT everything you posted is exactly why this issue is important - not who is Trig's mother - but how did a person so unqualified get so close to being vp and how do we make sure that the American public is never fooled again.” Ditto, Lady Rose! My sentiments exactly.

4-17-08: The “wild ride” is explained thoroughly and expertly by Audrey in the website and blog. My only addition is to say that if Grandpa Heath had not told reporters what Sarah told him about leaking amniotic fluid, Sarah’s hoax may not have caught Audrey’s attention and Sarah might have … oh, I don’t even want to think about the “might haves”! My sincerest appreciation goes to Grandpa Heath.

4-18-08: Sarah presents Trig as her newborn son. Trig is her grandson, born to Bristol, we don’t care who the father is, although Levi might want to know, and none of this would have had to come to light and embarrass Bristol to her friends and the world if Sarah had not lied, lied, lied and kept lying. And apparently Sarah will never stop lying, all the while blaming everyone else for this debacle. Definition of debacle: something that ends in a disastrous failure, esp. because it has not been properly planned. (HINT: birth control, since “abstinence is not realistic”)

Considering all of the embellishments and out right lies that spew forth whenever Sarah moves her lips, we cannot assume that Trig’s stated birth weight of 6lb 2oz was correct just because Sarah said it. It took us all a long time to realize that she lied about his birth date. Trig was very likely a preemie and had difficulty either nursing or bottle feeding because of his Down Syndrome issues, thereby losing some of his birth weight and/or very slow to gain weight. Further, a preemie does not “look” the same at 3 months old as a full term baby does at 3 months old. It takes a preemie several months and sometimes into the toddler stage to “catch up” to length and weight as that of full term babies. That is how Sarah got away with presenting Trig as a newborn on 4-18-08. This would have also been about the same time period Bristol started all over again with Tripp.


Lynn said...

Palin was at the National Governors Assocation from Feb 23rd-25th wearing a prominent scarf. If she talked with McCain at that conference for 15 minutes it doesn't seem like that conversation predates the scarf wearing behavior. I guess you could speculate that she talked with McCain early in the conference and ran out and bought a couple of large scarves? From the pictures on the site, she is shown wearing large scarves on both Sunday and Monday but she didn't appear in the Saturday photos. Since McCain wasn't a governor, he must have been at some event that included more than just governors? I couldn't find a schedule showing all events to see when McCain might have had access to her.

B said...

ProChoiceGrandma said... This EXTRA LARGE SIZE 9-14-07 official First Family photo CLEARLY shows that Bristol is at least 4 months pregnant:

PCG, I'll grant you that Bristol gained weight between the MySpace photos in June and the family photo in September. I'll also grant that the family photo does not rule out a 4 month pregnancy. But I disagree that photo clearly shows she is pregnant.

The way the dress is designed, the fabric is pulled across the abs diagonally in a couple of places, which could exacerbate the illusion of the bulges. The print pattern also makes it hard to see what is going on. We know from the green sweater photo that even when thin Bristol had a belly.

And, most of all, I do not believe Sarah would have knowingly let Bristol show a pregnancy in an official photo. Either it wasn't clear to those around her that Bristol in this dress looked pregnant, or she was pregnant and it wasn't going to be a secret.

I like your thinking, PCG, and I almost always agree wth you, but I'm not convinced on this picture.

B said...

Good and needed summary. I differ only in that I don't care a lot what the truth does to Palin's political career. Once it is out there, voters can decide for themselves. I am in awe of your work, integrity, and writing. I appreciate you, your volunteers, and my fellow commenters very much.

Avvid said...

Great summary, Audrey!

Would it be possible to copy your "best of links" onto the main website? There have been many times I've wanted to pull up that square-belly-photo in a rush to show someone...

Floyd M. Orr said...

Have you seen this, Audrey?

KaJo said...

Sometimes I think the mainstream media couldn't report an accurate story if their reputations depended on it, because when we read mainstream media these days many times we see the reporter's personal biases interjected into the story, not to mention total ignorance.

Sometimes it's all too obvious that the columnist or reporter or editor hasn't bothered to research the topic reported, just for background information.

Is this laziness? Pressure to "produce", even if it's a poor product? Or the mindset of a new generation who've been "educated" in broadcast journalism?

"Glee"? That's a good example of how thorough and deep investigation of a seriously bizarre story (by Audrey) is turned into a personal "agenda" by someone who has an agenda of their own (whichever columnist used the word "glee").

Unknown said...

Well, and now she is throwing the daddy of her grandsons(s) under the bus. She is on a veritable Vendetta to destroy him and his family. Poor Tripp/Trig! What will the Palins eventually tell their grandchild(ren) about why they (the Palins) felt the need to destroy them?

My wv is 'bersi' as in 'bersih', which means 'clean' in Indonesian...

Amy1 said...

Feb 19, 2008. the wearing of the scarf. In Alaska, Diana. And not on Feb 22.

Feb 23-25, Nat Gov Assn, which was widely viewed, before and after, to be an audition for the VP pick.

Summary of Feb 2008 photos.

Go halfway down on this link for the sqare-belly photos and Audrey's good discussion about them.

Sorry Diana, I guess I meant the detailed travel info timeline -- I can't seem to find that.

LisanTX said...

Thanks Audrey. I agree with your comments in this post. I had similar concerns about Palin as a VP selection by McCain/Republican Party/powers that be.

I love reading the comments posted by readers; they are intelligent and reflect the opinion of many, many concerned people, especially of mothers who have also combined career with motherhood.

Our efforts here are part of democracy in action, holding elected officials accountable for their actions and words.

Thanks again!

Amy1 said...

ProChoiceGrandma (and Diana): super summary. I would add this link at 2-17-08, fwiw, since it could be the truth or it could be a red herring:

"But some organizers of these events said they were surprised when the Palin children showed up uninvited, or said they agreed to a request by the governor to allow the children to attend.

Several other organizers said the children merely accompanied their mother and did not participate."

I understand that last paragraph to mean the children traveled there but were NOT at the lunch.

B said...

Pro Choce Grandma said,
"Dec 2007: Bristol attends West High School in Anchorage for about one month prior to the Christmas Holiday….not to return after the Holidays….according to the principal."

Where was this? I thought it was the Wasilla principal who said Bristol didn't come back after the holidays and that Bristol started West High January 2008, if at all.

Amy1 said...

Lynn -- there was a good deal of interest in Palin before Feb 08 as a key player in GOP stuff. Not so much that one would read about it in every paper, but when looked at in retrospect, way more interest than would be needed for SP herself to feel she was on the cusp of a big chance. This was the big time for her, maybe. So the exact day that we might label the "first day of the wearing of the big scarf" is not in itself such a big deal; it is the cluster of all these big-time events that we can see clearly in retrospect, PLUS our suspicion of what must have been going on privately re the pregnancy ruse.

And we are looking for the slip-ups in SP matching the ruse to what would be normal events, and we have found so many of them, esp the photos, which show the half-hearted attempt to look adequately pregnant giving it away.

The body contours of a full-blown pregnancy are so easy to fake ( and then photograph); body contours that reveal a flat stomach during a preg or a smaller preg than yesterday are impossible to explain away.

Yet, she has so far succeeded as far as the MSM reporting goes.

(p.s.: not "McCain might have had access to SP" but DID speak to her. This 15-minute conversation is documented elsewhere as well.)

ProChoiceGrandma said...

Hi again B,
After seeing how thin and trim Bristol is in the MySpace pictures, I have difficulty understanding your argument about the 9-14-07 photo regarding how the design and fabric of the dress “could exacerbate the illusion of the bulges.”

“The print pattern also makes it hard to see what is going on.” Exactly! I give kudos to Bristol for finding the perfect camouflage dress. I’ll bet she shopped high and low for something to wear in the First Family photo but by the time she wore the dress, it was a little bit tighter, if ya’ know what I mean.

That is not a muffin top. Her baby bump is protruding out, at least 4 months along. I do not believe Sarah knew Bristol was pregnant until after this picture was taken or perhaps the day it was taken, when the photo shoot was already arranged, Track flew in that morning and then flew out that afternoon. They were already committed for that official First Family photo. Bristol certainly would have worn loose shirts and sweatshirts up until the day she had to wear this dress. But that is just IMHO, having had children, and grandchildren, with slim figures similar to Bristol prior to her becoming pregnant. It has been many years, but I still remember the thrill of finally being able to wear a bra-less gown to a function when I was 4 months pregnant!

trev said...

Great job, Audrey. I admire you for sticking to this story.I believe if Palin was a Democrat, the media would be all over this story like they were all over Edwards.
I have to keep explaining to people why I am interested in this story. The fact that a sitting US governor can lie and fake a pregnancy or two is just amazing to me. Just the matter of photos being scrubbed from the internet should make any real reporter go after this story. I am glad there is a place for this. Thanks.

Dee said...

Anyone else wondering why exactly Levi Johnston was living in the Palin household two months before they told their parents that Bristol is pregnant with Tripp? What on earth was he doing moving into the Palin household when he and Bristol are not even engaged, she is not expecting their child and it is already hectic due the recent addition of newborn Trig?

Although I have no doubt that Sarah did not give birth to Trig, I have never been convinced that Trig was Bristol and Levi's child. But this latest revelation to come out of the Johnston interview on CBS, made my jaw drop. I had thought Levi had lived with the Palins after Tripp was born, but it was actually before Bristol was expecting Tripp. No wonder Sarah is all over the place claiming it is a lie. If he had just moved in after Tripp was born and they were engaged and both legal adults, not exactly a huge deal to most people. But before Tripp was conceived - just after Trig was born! It is hard to come up with any good reason why Levi would be allowed to live in the Palin household then, unless he was indeed believed by the Palins to be the father of Trig, with Bristol the obvious mother. It also explains how Bristol managed to conceive again so quickly, if the father of her first child was sharing her bed every night.

I was surprised that the interviewer didn't ask why the Palins permitted him to live with them. I think people who suggest that Levi may have signed some non-disclosure forms for a closed adoption are correct. It seems to me that he is skating right up to the edge of letting the whole story out of the bag. The ironic thing is that it will probably be Sarah's inability to let things go that will push the whole story out into the open.

Here is a link to the interview. At 3:08 the interviewer clears up the timeline by saying he's happy living at the Palins and then finds out Bristol is pregnant.

NakedTruth said...

Kat took the below comment from someone on Mudflats:

Fiftrixiebelle: TRIPP - Bristol's child was born on Feb. 18, 2009. TRIG - Gov Palin's son was born on April 18, 2008. He will be 1 year old this Saturday to be exact. It seems that you need hearing aids and eyeglasses. Maybe you can by some with the money Obama will provide for you by spreading the wealth."

When was Bristol at the 2009 Iron Dog looking pregnant but not still pregnant? Wasn't this in mid-Feb?

What if this person is really trying to tell us that Bristol baby, Trig was born Feb. 18, 2008?

What was SP's travel plans on Feb. 18, 2008?

Just thinking out he box.

Karen said...

Thanks for the post Audrey, this reassures us that there is hope for the truth.

I agree with Virginia Voter, the way Sarah has told outright lies is appalling & insulting.

Avvid said...

Above comments made me think more about the difference between the statement that Sarah is not Trig's "biological mother" and the statement that Sarah did not give birth to Trig.

Have we considered the possiblility that Sarah and Todd are Trig's biological partents, but that they used in vitro fertilization and a gestational surogate?

I could imagine a woman trying to hit the national political stage as a "family values conservative" going to extremes to hide the fact that she used assisted reproductive technology to have her final child, rather than leaving the decision in God's hands or adopting a needy baby. Especially because in vitro fertilization often results in embryos that are not successfully brought to term, which is problematic for politicians who say use of the "morning after pill" is murder...

wayofpeace said...


i can see BRISTOL's bump.

and i can also see that the timing fits.

so, why hasn't this picture been discussed here?

to me (seeing the image blown up) it looks persuasively like BP's 4 months pregnant.

wayofpeace said...

Palin Skipping Town As Stimulus Showdown Looms / Huffpost / Rachel Weiner |

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has turned down a few invites to events around the country recently, citing her full-time job. But she's leaving town just as a battle over federal stimulus money comes to a head:

With just one week left before the Alaska Legislature adjourns for the year, the conflict between Gov. Sarah Palin and lawmakers over taking federal economic stimulus money is the dominant issue left. [...]

Palin herself will be leaving Alaska this week to attend the Vanderburgh County Right to Life dinner in Evansville, Ind. on Thursday, as well as an event for special-needs children. Fairbanks Republican Rep. Jay Ramras questioned her leaving town right at the end of the session, when critical decisions are being made.

"There are some concerns (in the Capitol) about the focus of our chief executive because she's taken a speaking engagement in Indiana for a 36-hour period with only 72 hours left in the legislative session," Ramras said.

Palin, who has barely left Alaska during the legislative session, is clearly irritated.

"I'll be gone for one day," Palin said. "I already have been on record with lawmakers on this. I told lawmakers, you know what, 'Please, don't make me feel that I have to ask you permission, lawmakers, to leave the capital city.'"

Legislators complain that even when Palin is around, she isn't very engaged.

Leaders in the Republican-dominated Legislature tell the Juneau Empire they're "baffled" at the Palin administration's failure to push even their own priorities. They say they have to push Palin's team to support bills they themselves sought.

Among the Republicans' biggest complaints: Palin is disengaged from the legislative process. There have been multiple complaints that Palin administration officials won't take positions on bills, including any indication about whether the governor is likely to sign bills that make it through the process. [...]

Rep. Bill Stoltze, R-Chugiak, has been pushing a bill requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions. That's something Palin continues to identify as a top priority for the session, but when it came up before Stoltze's committee, no one from the administration was there to support the bill or answer questions.

"I can't explain their not even being in the room; that baffles me," Stoltze said. "This is supposedly a top administration priority."

Palin, for her part, denies any problems. "We have a very good working relationship, as far as we know, with lawmakers," she said Friday.

Lisa K said...

Thank you Audrey for what you do. I have believed Sarah Palin has lied about Trig from the beginning. I really do feel badly for Bristol and for Levi. But as others have said this is really about showing the truth about Palin so that she is NEVER elected again to any kind of office. The thought of her being VP makes my skin crawl! I could go on about why that is but you and your readers get it!! And some say she would never be elected as potus but look at George W!!! He is DENSE but the republicans have a lot of money. They can market Palin if they want to. That is why it is the RESPONSIBILITY of anyone who sees the truth about her to expose her lies. We can not let up!!

Why do all of you think the MSM has ignored this story? If there was a birth certificate for Trig you would think it would be easy to access these days with the Internet. Why hasn't someone investigated and reported on this??? Why isn't it taken more seriously? The editor of ADN has publically states he doesn't believe in babygate. He insinuated on his blog that we are all nutcases!! I wrote and asked why that was?? That to myself and others it is obvious she is lying but he blew it off!! It is frustrating!! Isn't this the MSMs responsibility and job to prove or disprove the theory that Palin is a liar???? Why don't they???

Amy1 said...

Lynn -- I feel, upon reflection, like I missed the point of your post in my response.

A reasonable person would certainly say, as you did, "Oh, sure, she gets a little national attention and she starts to wear big scarves? So what? I wear scarves myself sometimes. What a nutty observation to build a key point upon."

Lynn, we've all been there, thinking it's way too nutty, but then we realize that our worst suspicions have a lot of legs. And the "normal person" explanation, the "decent person" explanation -- they just don't add up when compared with the facts. So we put our tin-foil hats back on.

For example, re the scarves. When you look at the photos, you see very few scarves on her trim body before Feb 2008. Starting in Feb 08, she is ALWAYS wearing a scarf. Sometimes not that big, but almost always big enough to obscure her body contours in photos. Like the photo on the left in this set.

Oooopps, I'm wrong: there are a VERY few times SP does not wear a big obscuring scarf in a public photo-op setting until the official birth of Trig. One of them is the middle photo here: The library photo. That didn't work out too well for her, did it? (This photo is corroborated by ADN info/photos from that day, but none of their shots make the point so clear.) That big coat just didn't do the job.

The full-blown preg photo on the right? Well, as I said before, I could buy a fake belly, too, right now, and do a photo like that. But if I had gone public as being 30+ weeks pregnant, it would be impossible for me to get a photo like the one on the left -- at least, not an impeccably sourced, widely distributed, supported-by-other-photos photo that cannot possibly be a photoshopped or altered photo.

After Trig's "birth," she hardly ever wears that kind of scarf.

But your basic point is correct, Lynn (and others who are new to this info might feel the same): this really is stranger than fiction and very hard to believe. For a normal person.

GinaM said...

Audrey I think Floyd M. Orr is referring to this video:

Truthseeker2 said...

I sure would like to see the out-takes for the two recent interviews, because obviously there was a lot more background conversation than what was aired. Two pieces that jump out: when Tyra says, "You were a 17 year-old daddy, you're 18 years old now" and Levi says "yeah" -- even though he would have been going on 19 when Tripp was purportedly born but was still 17 when Trig was born. And another: when the CBS interviewer says "You're happy, you're living as part of their family...she finds out she's pregnant..." and Levi describes his reaction. These interviewers didn't make this stuff up; it was obviously based on the background conversation they were having; and Levi affirmatively agreed with both statements. I know there are those who want to spin this, but I'm absolutely not buying the spin. Perhaps Audrey should contact both shows to point out these (and other) glaring discrepancies and to ask the shows to explicitly address them (as any journalist worth her salt would do). They want a sensational story to boost their ratings -- here it is.

NakedTruth said...

Just read Diana's condensed timeline. It just maybe something with that February 18, 2008 birthday for Trig stated by that Pro-Palin poster on The Immoral Minority. There was definitely something going on with the Palin's with all the travel in and out of Anchorage during this time. Also it's pretty telling that Sarah started to wear a scarf shortly after this date - around the 19th or 22nd.

Maybe they didn't know that Triggy Bear had DS until the birth. I just think that if SP had of known earlier that Trig had DS, she would have started to fake the pregnancy earlier. I believe that even when she started wearing the scarf she was still not very sure if she wanted to go through with faking the pregnancy or maybe Trig had some health problems that made her want to see if he was going to make it before announcing her pregnancy.

IMO McCain winning the nomination on 3/4 and SP believing that Trig was going to make it forced her decision to go ahead with the fake pregnancy and thus on March 5th she announced her 5th pregnancy to the citizens of Alaska.

Now, what do we know about the birth records at hospitals in Wasilla, Palmer and Anchorage for Feb. 17 and 18, 2008? I think someone looked at these but I don't recall the details.

Amy1 said...

GinaM: Yes, those are some interesting videos. Lots of charm.

Note also:
--It's week 29 of her pregnancy:
--She's leaning SO FAR forward!
--Wearing the scarf!
--Sucking up all the air time.
--Saying don't complain about press crit (re Hillary, not SP!)

She was a lot more charming on her way up than she is on her way down.

NakedTruth said...

According to New York Times is preparing a Hit Piece on SP.

The ADN reports:

Earwigs report that New York Times reporter Bill Yardley was in Juneau this past week. He's said to be working on a story about how Sarah's governance has changed since the VP race.

It would be nice if he could do some investigative work on some of SP's gates as well while he's there.

Does anybody know this Bill Yardley with NYT? It would be nice if we could introduce him to

B said...

Pro Choce Grandma said,
"Dec 2007: Bristol attends West High School in Anchorage for about one month prior to the Christmas Holiday"

Found it. Audrey's Nov. 3 post:
"She appears to have attended high school in Wasilla until Christmas and then West High School in Anchorage for January and February."

B said...

ProChoiceGrandma said, "I have difficulty understanding your argument about the 9-14-07 photo regarding how the design and fabric of the dress “could exacerbate the illusion of the bulges.”

Yeah, not clear. Sorry. I didn't mean the bulges were just illusions. I meant that the dress made the bulge look larger.

I think she could be 2-4 mos. pregnant in the picture. The picture is consistent with that. But I don't think it proves that.

She definitely had gained weight all over since June, including her midsection. Maybe it looked even bigger because of the way the fabric is pulled diagonally over it. So I'm not convinced just based on the photo.

If Bristol really looked pg and Sarah noticed before the photo, wouldn't Sarah have made sure Piper stood in front of Bristol's belly? She could have spilled her Diet Dr. Pepper on Bristol's belly and then said, "Oops, Bristol needs to stand behind someone."

Lynn said...

Amy, Thanks for your replies! I must not have expressed myself well. I'm quite convinced that Sarah Palin is being deceptive on a grand scale. Early on I thought maybe she was simply hiding the fact that she didn't want a DS baby and was hoping for a miscarriage by her crazy behavior and by starving herself. I no longer think that. There are just too many weird things she has done and too much photographic evidence to be explained away by my first theory.

I guess I want the case being built on this website to be so carefully constructed that I feel compelled to chime in when I read something that doesn't fit. Someone had implied a chronology of Palin talking to McCain and then beginning to wear the scarves and put the faux pregnancy scheme into motion. After reading the New Yorker article and seeing the gradual building of support for her from influential Republican pundits and players I'm convinced she was probably working on finding that open door and charging through it no matter what obstacles came up. I do NOT think of this group as tin foil hat conspiracists--on the contrary! This is a group of citizens who hope to reveal what a mistake it would be to allow this woman to achieve her ambitions. Go Audrey, Morgan, Patrick, Diana and other volunteers!!

dumb said...

Have you also been investigating current myspace pages within Bristols friend circle? I know there is info on the ones that have not been made private still. Will you be posting those as well?

Also I would like to ask Audrey what you expect to gain from the myspace postings regarding the parentage of Trig? How will this further the investigation? Is it just more evidence to add to the pile showing SP a liar, or do you believe it will help further the investigation into proving SP lied about her pregnancy?

I ask only because so far it seems like this is bringing some negative attention to this blog.

Mary G. said...

I can't believe it! Chuck "her water broke in Texas" Heath has done it again! He has provided a cover for his daughter's wacky story. Now, after almost a year, we learn that Papa Heath saw Trig when he "popped out" (I can't forgive him, or anyone else, for that expression, by the way... babies don't pop and women don't pop them). I could be a tin-foiler and say, you don't say who was giving birth, but instead I'll suggest that Chuck made good time getting to the old Mat-Su regional to meet his daughter off her plane; he waited around for the induction (? how long does this take?); and even then, when the risk factors had reached fever-pitch--44-year-old, multi-para, down's syndrome baby, 5 weeks early, premature rupture of membranes (no one would induce 5, or even 4, weeks early without a reason such as membranes rupturing)--we are allowing spectators in to witness the birth? No doctor worth her malpractice insurance would do that! Are you listening, American Association of Family Practitioners?
Anyway, Chuck Heath, from the bones and carcasses littering your home, you may not tell many "fish tales" regarding the animals you maul, but when it comes to your daughter and her antics... let's say: the big one got away...

midnightcajun said...

I've been pondering why Sarah jumped all over Levi and called him a liar for saying he lived in her house, when People had already printed that information THREE times. Part of it was that the couple are no longer engaged, and the conversation about Palin knowing the kids were having sex suggested Levi and Bristol were "doing it" in Palin's house. But I think Sarah may have another motive here:

It's pretty obvious that one of the Johnstons is eventually going to spill the truth about Trig. When Levi or Mercede comes out and says, "Sarah isn't Trig's biological mother; he's actually the son of Bristol and Levi," Sarah will say, "He's lying AGAIN." She'll have already besmirched Levi's character, which will make it easier for her to convince her followers that he's making it up. Look how she already has some right-wing commentators suggesting incest in Levi and Mercede's close relationship. These people will not believe the Johnstons when they tell the truth about Trig.

Of course, Palin's problem has always been that she doesn't understand that not everyone thinks the way her rightwing nutcase followers do. Once someone on the "inside" opens his mouth, the press will go nuts on this.

sandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Floyd M. Orr said...

I'm sorry to have to break into this discussion again, but there is a CNN video that was just released a few hours ago about the Johnston/Palin feud. One journalist criticizes the CBS interviewer for not asking Levi follow-up questions. The second journalist clearly says that, except for the narcissist openly calling Levi a liar, there is no story here! This is the source of the madness, people! The MSM is deliberately acting as if they don't have a clue why people like us are so upset! All you overpaid MSM journalists know damn well what the big deal is; you just don't want the public to realize it and cancel your subscription to your favorite cash cow.

Daniel Archangel said...

The 9-14-07 photo doesn't show Bristol pregnant for one very good reason. If she looked that way in September then she would have been obviously pregnant while at school in Wasilla and then Anchorage. Her being pregnant wouldn't be a "rumor", it would be a fact with hundreds of people who knew.

Further, the false "baby-bump" picture of Bristol from 2006 shows her with an almost identical physique.

Once again, conjecture on unsupported conclusions is cloudly people's judgment on the evidence. I have to side with 'B' on this one, and I don't often do that.

Can someone nail down Bristol's school attendance dates? If people are now saying that Bristol had Trig in February full-term (unlikely, given his small size in mid-April), attending school in December or January would scuttle that theory. That's just as if someone could show that Willow attended school in March, the Wx1 theory goes kaput.

Here's a challenge: Can any show that Wx1 is impossible? Give it a try, but you can't use any argument that would also invalidate Bx2, such as "Willow travelled in February and March" because we know Bristol travelled in Feb and we don't know she didn't travel in March.


wv = "pines", as in Willow pines to tell the world the truth.

ProChoiceGrandma said...

Hi wayofpeace,
Thanks for your comment at 1:53. The 9-14-07 official First Family photo was previously misdated several times by a simple typo, incorrectly labeled as 9-14-08, so it was pretty much skipped over by most, or at least by me. Once it was correctly labeled as 9-14-07 and verified by the travel authorizations, this is such a crucial picture! The enlarged photo gives greater detail and BP is at least 4 months pregnant. I have to say that for me at least, this was THE bingo moment when the confusion ended and events began to fit into place both before and after the date of this photo. Here it is again in case anyone missed it. :-)

Ivyfree said...

"Have we considered the possiblility that Sarah and Todd are Trig's biological partents, but that they used in vitro fertilization and a gestational surogate?"

I doubt very much if Sarah Palin would be willing to pay for IVF or a gestational surrogate. They're expensive. Nor is it likely her insurance would cover it- very few insurance policies will pay much towards assisted reproduction techniques. And there really would have been no need for it. She had four children.

Doubting Thomas said...

In this Feb. 11, 2007 file photo, Willow Palin, left, and her sister Bristol wave the starting flag for their father Todd Palin and his partner during the start of the 2007 Iron Dog snowmachine race in Big Lake, Alaska.

Now you cannot see "Bristol's" face. But you can see Willows face (and body shapes....)

B said...

Truthseeker2 said...
Tyra says, "You were a 17 year-old daddy, you're 18 years old now" and Levi says "yeah"
the CBS interviewer says "You're happy, you're living as part of their family...she finds out she's pregnant..." and Levi describes his reaction. ***

I've assumed that quiet man Levi wouldn't have corrected his interviewers, maybe not even paid attention to the deatils of what they were saying, but you make a good case. Tyra, at least, might know the truth about TriG.

BG said...

I think one of the biggest problems and probably the main reason MSM has not picked up this story is because most people just don't believe it's possible. Last night, I told my mother--who is NOT a Palin fan AT ALL that the pregnancy was faked. I showed her the flat belly photo, the "nail in the coffin" photo, the square belly photo and still she said "I just think that's her baby. There is no way". There was no convincing her. That is the problem. The general public, even though they are no fan of SP and hate what she stands for, just don't even stop to think that she could have possibly faked her pregnancy. Really, when I tell people that I believe SP faked her pregnancy, they really look at me like I am crazy and say things like "Oh, if its on the internet it must be true (roll eyes)". That is our biggest hurdle and probably why, until we have clear indisputible evidence, that we won't be taken seriously. But we need to keep going. Someone is going to crack. Soon. I hope.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done, ProChoice Grandma. I've been waiting for something like this. Again, where there is smoke there's fire. In the case you present, where there's no Bristol present there's ummmmm, well let me see. . .

Seeing Bristol on myspace and how tiny, slim she is there-- contrasted with the official photo of her in clingy dress with the bump showing. . . well, it's the contrast, isn't it? Not having had previous photos of her to really compare, we could say the bump-dress photo was just pudginess, but now?

Sarah has proven herself out of touch with reality time and time again-- that the fact that she just didn't "see" the evidence in front of her makes perfect sense.

Let's just say that the bump on Bristol is as glaring a "What's Wrong With this Photo?" as Sarah's odd Gallery of Scarves.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone simply come out and ask Levi if he is Trig's bio-father? Ask him if Bristol if Trig's bio-mother? And just ask him if he knows who Trig's bio-parents are if he and Bristol are not. Just asking the questions would generate lots of talk in the media and more information would mysteriously pop up!

midnightcajun said...

Skeptical said, "Why doesn't someone simply come out and ask Levi if he is Trig's bio-father?"

I suspect that when the Johnstons agreed to go on TB and CBS, they stipulated that question was a no-go. Palin's half million dollar legal bill probably includes a charge for the documents surrounding her formal adoption of Trig, which doubtless included a nondisclosure clause.

But think about this: Levi was SEVENTEEN at the time. That means that Mom or Dad would have had to sign for him. So at least one of his parents knows the truth, and is doubtless bound by the same clause. Not so sure they would/could have made Mercede sign. I'm also wondering if a good lawyer couldn't find a loophole (open door?) in that contract.

As for those thinking they see a four months pregnant Bristol in the September 07 family photo, I find it hard to believe that Trig was born full term in February and still could be presented as a believable newborn in April. I also have to agree with Dangerous (for once!) that a heavily pregnant Bristol doesn't fit the other facts we know. I favor a February birthdate myself, but for it to work, Trig must have been a month and preferably two premature.

Here's another scenario: Bristol gets pregnant for the first time in Fall of 06, which is why we see what looks like a baby bump in the green sweater photo. She either miscarries, or Sarah forces her to have an abortion. But the pregnancy starts all those "I want a baby hormones" flowing through her (this is a real phenomena, by the way) and so she soon gets pregnant again, with Trig. Depending on how far along she was the first time, when she became pregnant the second time, her abs might have shown the pregnancy sooner, say at two months, same with the swelling breasts. Some women do show VERY early. Pregnancy relaxes ligaments and muscles in preparation for childbirth (why doctors tell pregnant women they won't hurt their baby by skiing, but they are far more likely to hurt themselves).

This would also explain Bristol's angry "It was MY decision to have the baby," statement to GVS, when she said people giving her mom credit for her keeping the baby is the one thing that made her the most angry about the rumors swirling around them. Sarah could have forced her to have an abortion the first time--the green sweater baby bump time. When Bristol rebelled and got pg again, Sarah took her to NY for five days for another abortion, but Bristol rebelled and insisted on keeping the baby. Only, then Trig had DS and she had to give HIM up, so she fell pg again, with Trip. The "perfect" baby.

A tangle, I know. But it seems pretty clear the girl had two pregnancies; why not a third? With a narcissistic nutcase like Sarah for a mother, Bristol strikes me as a child crying out for love and attention.

Daniel Archangel said...

BG wrote:

Really, when I tell people that I believe SP faked her pregnancy, they really look at me like I am crazy and say things like "Oh, if its on the internet it must be true (roll eyes)".

Don't just show them the pictures of SP. Ask them if they ever heard of anyone going into labor in Texas and giving birth in Alaska!! Nobody rolls their eyes at me on that one, and SP is on record describing those events. Be sure to make it clear that:

a) SP didn't seek a medical go-ahead to travel nor an exam, and

b) She went straight to the hospital when she got to Palmer, Alaska 20 hours after reporting that her water broke.

Would a pregnant woman on her 5th child behave this way? If they answer yes, you can roll your eyes. Against these confirmable facts, a faked pregnancy conclusion is clearly more plausible, particularly with the photographic evidence, her not telling anyone she was pregnant, nobody believing it when she announced, Trig' DS (adding to the risk, if known) etc., etc.

The other circumstantial item that helps to sell the conclusion to disbelievers is that SP would not be the first woman to do this. It does happen all the time. It happens when the faker has something big to lose from the revelation that her daughter is pregnant. SP clearly fits into that profile.

Physical and circumstantial evidence and motive reinforce the strength of the case. You lose the jury, however, when you try to make Bristol the actual mother without sufficient evidence. That applies to Willow, too. If you suggest Willow or Bristol or some other anonymous woman as possibilities, you stand a better chance of converting the skeptical, including MSM.


Daniel Archangel said...

Once again, the green dress "baby bump" photo is from 2006, not 2007. Unless you can explain how Willow got *younger*, there's no way the photo could be from late 2007 to show what some people have always claimed.

Relying on that picture and the 9/14/07 outdoor Palin family portrait for evidence of who was pregnant with Trig is a fool's errand.

Bx2 is still stuck with Trig premature in Feb with no evidence of where he was stashed until April 18. That's overwhelming doubt.


KaJo said...

Oh, yeah, one more thing, re: comments about that Sept. 14, 2007 family photo, and Bristol's slightly protruding belly.

It really isn't protruding much, folks. No more, I'd guess, than a 10-12 week pregnancy.

If you think how far along she would have been (if my guess is accurate) when she was shuttled off to live with her aunt, yes, she could have gone to school and escaped comment/notice for a short while -- until she dropped out of sight altogether, as has been documented.

That is, if she wore to school, even into classrooms, those sweatshirt pullovers and jackets we've seen her wear -- which is one of the "uniforms of choice" for kids these days, if they want to fit in.

Matchup of a rough outline of the timelines for Bristol's physical appearance in both 2007-2008, and fall-winter 2008:

EDConception last week of June 2007?
Picture Sept 14 2007 = 12 weeks?
The week before Christmas 2007 = 26 weeks?
Feb 2008 Iron Dog race = 34 weeks?
March 7 2008 = 37 weeks to March 28 2008 = 40 weeks?

Fast forward to
RNC appearance Sept 1-3 2008 = 5 months = 20 weeks (comparable date in 2007 ~= Thanksgiving late Nov)
Picture Oct 12 2008 in Walmart = 25+ weeks (same as Xmas 2007 above)

BTW, isn't it just a bit funny to see that Willow Palin is the one wearing the "better disguise" in that Sept. 14, 2007 picture, an Empire waist dress? What's even more significant is that Willow's tummy is absolutely FLAT under that dress.

Maybe they should have switched dresses.

Punkinbugg said...


Your comments at 4:20 inspired me revisit the neglected spreadsheet I created when the Palin's travel documents were released by the state gov't...

and guess what I saw?

A big block of time NOT ACCOUNTED FOR starting Feb 17 and ending Feb 29.

On Feb 17, SP flew from FAI to ANC.

During that time, we know she traveled to Washington, DC but there is no record of her travel expenses.

I have the phrase "Pages Missing" where her calendar should be.

On On March 1st, she was ON DUTY. In Anchorage.

March 2nd, she flew to Los Angeles, and returned to Juneau March 4.

March 6-9 was when she chose to unnecessarily overnight in Anchorage each way when flying from Juneau to Fairbanks and return.

This whole time period is just weird.

Ohio mom said...

This is a great column from the Anchorage Daily News that points out how mean-spirited and unfair it is for the Governor to have her spokesperson attack Levi.

Also one of our new commentators wondered why someone in Alaska didn't look up Trig's birth certificate. Unfortunately, in Alaska birth certificates are private and available only to the parents or to the person named on the certificate when he or she becomes an adult.

Lilybart said...

The weirdest thing about the Scarves, is that the photo we all think was staged or photoshopped, is the ONLY photo WITHOUT a scarf...the photo with the appropriately large belly.

Scarves all the bloody time EXCEPT that one photo??

And still, wearing scarves AFTER you told everyone you were pregnant is just weird. She is not in some Fortune 500 company where hiding a pregnancy might be helpful for awhile.

And she would never wear huge scarves if she were not pregnant. She is too vain to be all covered up. But there was NO reason to hide the pregnancy with scarves. All of Alaska would know you were pregnant so what is the point??

(the point was to look pregnant enough, because there is no other explanation.)

B said...

Diana said...
The Newsweek video interview where Sarah is sitting with her legs crossed and leaning forward has always been one of my favorite photo/video "eye openers". I don't know of any woman who would believe Sarah was two weeks from delivering a 6lb+ baby.

Diana, isn't she 6 weeks away from 4/18? (Not believable at that stage either.)

B said...

CupofNoodles said...
Also I would like to ask Audrey what you expect to gain from the myspace postings regarding the parentage of Trig? How will this further the investigation? Is it just more evidence to add to the pile showing SP a liar, or do you believe it will help further the investigation into proving SP lied about her pregnancy? ***

Cup, Not answering for Audrey, but I have come to believe that the mystery pregnancy will not be solved until we know where TriG came from and why Sarah would fake it. Audrey says MySpace shows Bristol was sexually active by May 2007 and dating Levi by June. They show that the original rumors are possible. But probable?

Anonymous said...

Ohio Mom,

Thanks so much for that link to the ADN column by Dan Fagan. Wow, too bad Fagan isn't he editor of the ADN. Talk about speaking truth to power. Of course, a columnist isn't as in a politically sensitive position as an editors is.

But Fagan really nailed Sarah in this one and was bang on in his assessment of her hypocrisy.

I always enjoy your comments by the way. One you submitted a few days back echoed one of the curiosities of the Levi appearance on Tyra.

Does anyone not wonder why Sarah would come out and criticize Levi for his "inaccurate" statements while ignoring the biggest inaccuracy on the program, which was a picture of him holding HER son and not his?

I mean, think about it....the young man embroiled in a family feud with the Governor of his state goes on national television and flashes a picture of himself holding HER son. And she says NOTHING?

Unless, of course its because it is his son and not hers and she doesn't want to draw attention to the shot...

B said...

Punkinbugg said,
"March 6-9 was when she chose to unnecessarily overnight in Anchorage each way when flying from Juneau to Fairbanks and return."

Unnecessary but not surprising. When I traveled for business, I would do stopovers to see family at home. The plane was going to land in Anchorage anyway.

Paper Pregnant said...

Adoption is one of the few instances in which a minor does NOT need parental consent to place a child for adoption. Levi would NOT have needed his parents' permission to place Trig for adoption (assuming he is the bio father).

B said...

Lilybart said...
The weirdest thing about the Scarves, is that the photo we all think was staged or photoshopped, is the ONLY photo WITHOUT a scarf

And the second weirdest scarf thing is why she wears scarves that clash with her pastel parkas. No Alaska fashion police? (Why she wears those pastel parkas in official appearances is sort of weird too.)

Anonymous said...

Bingo, Morgan.

B said...

Iron Dog 2007 is way before anyone was pregnant with TriG.

Amy1 said...

Punkinbugg -- is your "neglected spreadsheet" online? Or could you possibly put it up? Odd that the Gov Conf during that time isn't listed. I think the missing info right there is a pretty interesting find.

B said...

Mary G. said...
Papa Heath saw Trig when he "popped out"

Chuck just says he was there when TriG popped out. That could mean at MatSu but not watching the birth. Could be read either way.

If Chuck thinks TriG was born 4/18/08, perhaps he and Sally were called about 5 am and made it to MatSu by the official time of birth, then were shown a swaddled child or one in an incubator-type bed because he was said to be premature or jaundiced.

I say "I was there" for a niece's birth when I was at the hospital but not in the delivery room.

Tully said...

I might not like your Willow theory, but I LOVE your advice to BG regarding the eye rollers. That was great!

Ivyfree said...

"she already has some right-wing commentators suggesting incest in Levi and Mercede's close relationship. These people will not believe the Johnstons when they tell the truth about Trig."

The people who support Palin are True Believeres. They wouldn't believe the Johnstons under any circumstances, anyway. IMO.

"The 9-14-07 photo doesn't show Bristol pregnant for one very good reason. If she looked that way in September then she would have been obviously pregnant while at school in Wasilla and then Anchorage. Her being pregnant wouldn't be a "rumor", it would be a fact with hundreds of people who knew."

A rumor is just something that is spoken of without direct proof. Unless Bristol said, "Yes, I'm pregnant," then any commentary on her waistline is rumor- even if it is true.

"further, the false "baby-bump" picture of Bristol from 2006 shows her with an almost identical physique."

I know that people think that might be from 2006 but I've never believed it. It's had dates changed, and we can't believe anything put out by the Palins. I've never thought that Piper looked that much younger in that picture, or that much shorter, as she would if it were really from 2 1/2 years ago. Just comparing her with other pictures.

jeanie said...

Dangerous -

I hate to respond to your 'challenge' this way, as I am a very scientific, show-me-proof type of person. I think it's quite clear that SP didn't give birth to Trig.

Along with lots of circumstantial evidence (that is certainly open to various interpretations), one of my main reasons for NOT really considering Willow is simply the way Bristol acts when she is holding Trig. And she was the one holding him 90% of the time throughout the campaigning - except when SP would grab him for show and lug him around in her awkward, unmaternal way. I know intuition doesn't hold water in court, but there is just something in Bristol's sadness, her introspection, her involvement in Trig's care, and the natural way she handles him - all of which point towards her as the mother of both.

I'd need to wade back through the blog for the evidence that the green Bristol w/baby-bump family portrait is really 2006. I KNOW I saw it on the AK governor's website dated 2007 at one point. But we all know what happens to photos of this family.

swain said...

Long time reader. First post.

The Diana timeline is really important and a great resource. Audrey, can you give this a give this a link from the main site? It deserves it. It would be especially useful annotated with a more speculative scenario that fits the known facts.

Thinking about the timeline also gets us to a likely WHY for the deception. I think it goes like this:

Bristol gets pregnant, at some point the family finds out. They decide, for political, moral, and practical reasons, the pregnancy will be kept secret, Bristol will be hidden, and the baby will be put up for adoption.

Late in the pregnancy, or even when Trig is born, they realized he has DS. He's not going to get adopted. Now what?

Sarah is at the height of her career. She's governor, has a stratospheric approval rating, is a rising star in the party, and knows she's short-list for the national ticket. She also has a secret grandson.

Does she put out a statement that says, in effect: "My teenage daughter was pregnant. We kept it a secret because we were planning to give up the baby. But we can't, so... yeah... here's Trig!"

Or do they go for a maverick Plan B... its crazy. But it just might work...

leu2500 said...

There's a lot of discussion right now about Levi must have signed a non disclosure statement when he signed Trig's adoption papers.

I guess my question is this. There's also a lot of disucssion that as an unwed father, he has to sue for custody rights.

So, if he has to sue for custody rights, then why would he need to sign the adoption papers?

So what else would achieve his silence (I have no idea, but I'm sure there are some theories out there.)

Audrey et al: thanks for all you do.

dax said...

Dangerous said:

"Bx2 is still stuck with Trig premature in Feb with no evidence of where he was stashed until April 18. That's overwhelming doubt."

Here's the problem with this challenge, you rule out Bristol as having given birth to Trip earlier than April 18, because of the "overwhelming doubt" that he could have been stashed for several weeks, yet you believe the Palins when they say Tripp was born on December 27 although that means he was "stashed" for nearly 2 months until the Greta interview. One way or another a baby was "stashed" out of public view for as many as 7 weeks, whether you believe - or doubt - the birthdates as given.

Like Tully though, I really like your method of handling of the "eyerollers" and look forward to trying it out myself.

Audrey, I'm not wild about Swain's idea that you post your full hypothesis - leave that to the rest of your commenters, while you present just the facts, Madam. New details continue to come out that put holes in our guesses about the identitiy of the birthmother of Trig, necessitating our evolving hypotheses. But you've only officially consistantly put forth your belief and evidence on one point - that SP did not give birth to Trip.

There's no reason to put your credibility on the line until we have more than just likely scenarios.

eat whine rally said...

Thanks for the link to the Newsweek interview Diana. In watching it again, I got a kick out of her justifying her participation in beauty pageants, by saying, "...they paid for for four..five years of college." and then continues, "...yes, they paid for some college..."

Well, well, she was actually telling the truth about something! It took her what, six years to get her degree? So her winnings paid for at least five of those years!

She's really unraveling!

This from

•Gov. Sarah Palin committed a “terrible breach of respect” to the Legislature by yelling at the staff of the House speaker, Mike and Tim Bradner report in their latest newsletter.

The Bradners’ Legislative Digest reports that Palin was upset about an aide to House Speaker Mike Chenault who printed details on her scheduled trip back East for 36 hours during the final days of the Legislature. She “forcefully” scolded the aide, the newsletter says.

“This lack of decorum has never happened before,” say the Bradners, who have been tracking legislative matters longer than anyone in Alaska.

Andrew Halcro's "A Day in the Life... was extremely accurate!

Grab the popcorn!

B said...

leu2500 said...
So, if he has to sue for custody rights, then why would he need to sign the adoption papers?

Adoption papers for TriG, custody rights for TriPP.

If Bristol wanted to allow TriPP to be adopted, the father would have to be positively identified and waive his rights first, at least in most states.

If Levi or whoever doesn't want visitation rights and Bristol doesn't want child support, TriPP's father probably would never have to be determined.

Two different purposes, two different rules.

eat whine rally said...

For Andrew Halcro's "A Day in the Life..."

Thanks for the tinyurl instructions, fellow poster!

Daniel Archangel said...

Ivyfree said of the Bristol-in-green baby bump photo:

I know that people think that might be from 2006 but I've never believed it.

Audrey showed conclusively that it is from 2006 by showing other photos that must be from the same set (unless they all wore the same clothes in different sets of pictures months apart!) And Willow definitely looks younger than pictures from 2007.

Some things are true whether you choose to believe them or not.

BTW ... Stashing a premature infant is different from keeping a newborn out of sight, then showing him weeks later looking his age. In a NICU -- which would be necessary for an infant that premature to look as he did on April 18 -- dozens of people or more would know about him and half to keep the family bombshell secret. With SP announcing the pregnancy in March, the chance of the ruse succeedly would obviously be so small that I have overwhelming doubt that SP or any woman would try it.

But good luck trying to prove it.


Betsy S said...

Just a thought that the MSM might not rush to call out SP for her continuing dishonesty as they are so markedly in the business to promote the Republican Party. Someone earlier in the blog said that although Bush was DENSE he was elected because of the backing and support
of the GOP. And SP still has many fans.
I thank Katie Couric and Tiny Fey for bringing to the
public our awareness the appalling inadequacies of SP, and just in time, too. Now I thank Audrey for her dedication and perseverance with this blog which I hope will become SP's undoing. Might we go back to the "wide ride" with all its unbelievable connections
and try to find someone who would have been a witness--at the convention, on the plane, at any of
the airports--to SP's supposed prenatal distress, or
lack of it. Hopefully, we could leave off bad-mouthing the kids, and instead be some comfort to Bristol, because I don't see
her mother providing her with any of it.
wv is hoosay, make of that what you will.

B said...

penny said... I got a kick out of her justifying her participation in beauty pageants, by saying, "...they paid for for four..five years of college." and then continues, "...yes, they paid for some college..." Well, well, she was actually telling the truth about something! It took her what, six years to get her degree? ***

Here I sympathize with Palin. These days she might have gotten a basketball scholarship or found financial aid through the internet. Back then, the Miss America organization was, I believe, the leading provider of college scholarships for women. (Mollie Ivins wrote about this.)

I believe her that she did it for scholarships. She looked the part and could play a flute so she went for it and did well enough to get $$. She paid her own way through college. I admire her perseverance.

That said, she seems devoid of intellectual curiosity, like George W. Doesn't mean they aren't smart, but not thinkers. W shows you can go to a top private academic school, Yale, and not be a thinker. There are plenty of people who took >4 years to finish state colleges who are thinkers. Just not our Sarah. Wink, wink.

Amy1 said...

So I'm still fussing with the chronology of Feb - April 2008.

--Feb 08: Things heating up for SP re GOP interest in her;
--The Trig issue (whatever it exactly was, whenever it exactly had its milestones) is privately a known thorn (known to SP) in SP's plans.
--Feb 18: Possible actual birth of Trig. Possible first knowledge of Trig's DS. These are still questions.
--Feb 19 or so: SP has started to wear the scarves. Who knows if at that point she intended to carry out the hoax.
--Feb 20 (date of post of video): at 4:07, SP walks briskly in heels on ice in the 27th week of her preg on the day or so after her birthday (2-11 is BD).
--Feb 23-25: McCain shows interest in her via the 15-min talk at Gov Conf. Photo at left is taken at this conference.
--Mar 3: SP does the Women In Leadership video 3-3-08 -- wearing her scarf AND leaning forward too much if 29 weeks PG.
--Mar 4: McCain is selected as GOP candidate.
--Mar 5: SP announces her pregnancy. video.--Mar 14: Photo at leftis taken on this date.
--Mar 26: Nail-in-Coffin photo at library (Audrey's discussion is here).--April 8 or so: Square preg photo during Elan videoing.
--Apr 13: the whale-sized Gusty photo + video is made.
--Apr 15-17: Gov conf where SP raises her hand to the qu "who would not refuse if asked to be the VP candidate?" Big press coverage of that.
--Apr 17: wild ride (story comes out later, on Apr 19).
--Apr 18: Trig's BD is announced for 6:30 AM.
--Aug 24: The 5-min phone call from McCain to SP.
--Aug 27: SP visits McCain in Sedona.--Aug 29: McCain anounces SP is his VP pick.

BG said...

Maybe I'm dense or missing something but the one thing I don't get with all adoption theories for Trig is why the DS would impact having him get adopted. As far as I know, special needs kids get adopted too. I'm not sure why this is such a popular theory.

Lynn said...

I read the Esquire article --all 6 pages--and am still thinking over what I read. There's so much that is unclear. You'd think the interviewer wasn't there but was using a CCTV to watch. I wondered what kind of person did the interview and if it was the same person in all the segments. I noticed that when the police asked Todd if Piper was in school he said, what? and then when asked again said yes. Then later he's talking to his sister-in-law and he asks her if Piper is with her. I noticed the emphasis by Todd of Trig's parentage by repeating "son, son" and later saying your mother when he puts Trig on the phone with Sarah, briefly. Between the lines it sounds like a chaotic situation and that Todd is sort of out-of-it or possibly depressed. Who wouldn't be! All in all, the article was fascinating.

wayofpeace said...

PENNY, i agree,

SP's house of cards are on free fall.

the stress of having to protect her lies must be getting too intense.

and her bad judgments continue to shrink her support from REPUBLICANS in ALASKA!!!!

she was never very good at any of this... but now she's moving from bad to worse and that won't be pretty.

Doubting Thomas said...

We had previously established the first Scarf wearing day as Feb 19th '08.
But I have found one a month earlier...
January 23, 2008 - NDP leader Brian Mason hangs out with Sarah Palin in Alaska and likes their royalty system.

veebee said...

There has been alot of speculation about whether or not Trig could have been born full term in February and still have passed for newborn 2 to 3 months later. My granddaughter was born November 3 08 full term 6lb.6oz. She lost 8oz just after birth and was slow to regain. As recently as Feb. people were still asking if she was a newborn so Trig who was small and likely lost weight too, could likely have appeared to be a newborn through May.

Another thing we may need to rethink whether or not the Heath's were in on the deception. His remarks as quoted seem very defensive. Either defensive or maybe he was having a bingo moment himself having just realized exactly what his daughter had done.

B said...

Amy1 said...Feb 18: Possible actual birth of Trig.

Wasn't part of the idea behind TriG being born in Feb. that Bristol was no longer pregnant for the AHA and Iron Dog the 15th, and for her car wreck before that?

I agree that any date is possible.

wayofpeace said...

SHANNYN MOORE from HUFF.POST who lives in juneau was interviewed by SHUSTER on COUNTDOWN: she slammed PALIN.

watch it when it's posted at the MSNBC website.

can SHANNYN be the one that can take this to the MSM?

Silvergirl said...

Audrey, Morgan, and all the PD Research team: Thank you for keeping this blog up and running. I hope all the information here will bring out the truth eventually.

To BG: Perhaps it really wasn't Trig's DS that was the problem with his being adopted out. Maybe Bristol could not let him be adopted out after she saw him and held him. Perhaps she balked so much that Sarah came up with the fake pregnancy so that the baby could at least stay in the family.

I agree with others who say they think that Bristol's attention and loving looks at Trig indicate she is the real birth mother. Along with the picture of Levi lovingly holding baby Trig, it is all very telling, IMHO.

I think SP really should not have crossed the Johnstons by not allowing access to the babies. It is going to bring her down, ultimately.

I think it was during the Tyra interviews, part 3, when SJ said she was missing all the pictures when "they were little", and then she referred to their prom pictures.

Well, the average person did not store digital photos of their kids back whe Sadie and Levi were little. I think SJ was referring to both of the babies, but tried to correct herself. I may be back with a partial transcript later, as time allows.

B said...

BG said... As far as I know, special needs kids get adopted too.

BG, I think the theory was that a private adoption had already been lined up and that that family backed out when the DS was discovered. The Palins would have needed to arrange another adoption with one of the families seeking a Downs child. Or, thinking cynically, a DS child presented a political opportuity to Sarah that a non-Downs child did not, so she decided against adoption.

I feel like a real curmudgeon today, but I did not have the same impression as Lynn did of Palin family life from the Esquire article. Large families are usually chaotic. Older kids often take care of younger ones. Todd is presented as laid back, rolling with the punches -- which is one of the ways to survive being a stay-at-home parent.

Now that Sarah isn't using TriG as a campaign prop, I think both of those babies get a lot of love and attention at home from the Palins and Heaths. They also get a lot when Levi or his family members visit, or used to visit.

Unknown said...

I don't know if this has been discussed or brought up, but there are some photos to try to dig for.

Bristol was reported as being at the Alaska Statehood Celebration that was either January 3 or 4 2008.

I have only seen a couple of photos from this event. Both are of Sarah with the license plate.

Bizzare one here, concerning Tripp's birth.
Bill McAllister, the governor’s office communications director, adds: "The governor's office previously declined to comment to honor the family's wishes that the event remain as private as possible. However, the high volume of press inquiries, along with some erroneous information that was published, prompted the governor to make a statement."The only information the governor stated in this press release was that Tripp was born December 27.

Oh and the governor waited until 12/31/2008 to release this.

Tully said...

The "adoption fell through, so we'll fake a pregancy and keep him" theory has never made sense to me either. What makes more sense to me is that Bristol really planned to keep the baby (and maybe marry Levi.) Sarah wanted her to give him up for adoption. You know, so she wouldn't have to grow so fast and all. When DS was discovered, Bristol realized she didn't have the resources to take care of his special needs and a compromise of sorts was reached. Sarah and Todd would formally adopt, Bristol would do most of the parenting, of course, leaving Sarah free for her career. Narcissist that she is, Sarah wanted the attention and affirmation that a fifth pregnancy afforded, needless to say kudos from the religious right base.

I can't see Sarah taking it all on just to cover for Bristol. Nor can I see her adopting a special needs child just for political expediency. But to control a family situation and protect her image, yes. That's what it's all about with narcissists, control and image. They will do some crazy things to maintain their control and protect their image.

eat whine rally said...


My point, is that she actually was telling the truth before she was selected as running mate. It seemed like the five years slipped out and then she tried to backtrack a bit, just because she speaks before she thinks. I guess I was surprised at her momentary candor.

It took me 20 years to get my degree, during which time I worked any number of embarrassing jobs to cover the costs and raise my son. I don't care how she covered her educational costs, I guess I was just struck that she had a potentially honest moment.

As far as her not being a "thinker," but being "smart" like W? That is a brave argument you make! We have often pondered just how smart and crafty SP might actually be in planning and executing the Trig rouse. Unfortunately for SP, we have all witnessed enough verbal blunders by this woman to know she can't even memorize facts long enough to regurgitate them. Who SP really is is becoming clearer everyday. She has NO common sense and is a narcissistic, psychopathic train wreck. Period.


B said...

This was my Esquire summary on the post before this one:

B said...
Someone said Bristol went into labor when Esquire was at the Palin house interviewing Todd.

Not true. I bought a copy and read the article. (To paraphrase Gryphen, I read phallocentric magazines so you don't have to.)

It is mid-Dec. Todd and pregnant Bristol are TriG's primary caregivers. Todd's still on leave from the slope, but will return to his one week off/on job "soon."

Bristol has been to the doctor and says she is dilated 1 cm. The due date is a week away. Bristol brings Willow home from school. Molly brings Piper from gymnastics. Sarah returns from Anchorage.

Now Bristol and Levi enter the kitchen. We don't know where he came from. Sarah shows him how to cook the roast.

"A month later" Esquire is with Todd in Scott Davis's garage 200 miles away. They aren't at Todd's home. The reporter can't count infants, boyfriends, or pregnant bellies for us. Two weeks ago the news was "that Bristol had given birth to a healthy baby boy, TriPP." There is only this mention that that was news. No personal account by Todd.

The picture of Todd with his feet on the table is "on Super Bowl Sunday." That would be a couple of weeks after the interview in Scott's garage. But there's no interview or baby count to go with it.

Interesting quotes:

Willow's friend Cassidy is coming over.
"You're taking TriG," Bristol says to Willow.
"What? No!"
Bristol smirks. "Willow friggin' never watches him," she says.
"You're watching the baby," Todd says to Willow, his tone a statement of fact.

In the kitchen:
Molly says, "Levi got his wedding ring stuck on his thumb." Sarah says, "Levi! That's par for the course. That means you're stuck. That's symbolic or something."

Chuck Heath snippet: In response to the rumor that TriG was actually Bristol's baby, Chuck Heath says, "How can you prove that? Goddammit! I was there when he popped out!"

So, Willow doesn't like to babysit TriG. That night, Bristol & Levi were hands off.

Levi had a wedding ring.

Grandpa Heath didn't say that he saw TriG pop out or out of whom.

wv = sumat as in MatSu?

April 11, 2009 5:11 PM

LisanTX said...

Punkinbugg--I also went back to check SP's schedule and saw the missing pages. The pages are numbered at the bottom. Feb. 17, 2008 is page 232. After Feb. 17, the schedule has 12 missing pages (p. 233-244). It resumes with March 1, 2008, page 245. The number of missing pages corresponds to the number of days between Feb. 17 and March 1, 2008.

This deletion of pages 233 through 244 makes me curious what is in those pages and why does SP want to keep that information private.

Palin Pregnancy Truth said...

Photosleuths and PD Research team:

I think the Levi tattoo is suspicious, but not the Tyra picture. Look at the Star picture (thank you Truthseeker):

When it is enlarged, it clearly shows that the Johnston has evidence of photoshopping (in my unexpert opinion). I'm an able to save the enlarged image (working with the free trial version of photo shop pro) but am working on it.

The screen grabs from Tyra's show illustrate that Levi's tattoo is not as prominently displayed on his forearm as you would expect considering he's positioned similarly. However, its unclear because these photos were screen grabs and lower quality. My conclusion is that its not in the same position.

Please look into this and tell me if I'm seeing things. We have commented that Levi looks younger in these pics. I believe this was taken BEFORE he got the tattoo and it was added in after the fact. Obviously he had the tattoo when Trig was born.

midnightcajun said...

B, I'm sorry, but don't believe Sarah did the beauty pageant for the scholarship. All beauty pageant contestants say that! It's become a joke, like contestants saying, "I want to work for world peace." (And as for her flute playing, ouch! My daughter could play the flute better when she was 8.)

Sarah entered the pageant when she was at the University of Idaho, well into her college trek, so she's lying when she says it paid for 4-5 years of college. PLUS, as simply Miss Wasilla and second runner up (not even first runner up), the scholarship wouldn't have been very large--a few hundred dollars. In those days, the U of I's fees (they didn't have tuition) was only a few hundred dollars, so her scholarship would have been enough to cover that. But it sure wouldn't have covered room and board, or air fare, which would have been in the thousands. So she didn't pay for her own college by any stretch of the imagination.

As for a basketball scholarship, Sarah is like, 5'5". I knew women who were getting basketball scholarships back in the 70's; they were TALL. If she thought she could get one, she was delusional. But then, we already knew that.

Bretta said...

B said...
ProChoiceGrandma said...I meant that the dress made the bulge look larger...I think she could be 2-4 mos pregnant in the picture... She definitely had gained weight all over since June, including her midsection. Maybe it looked even bigger because of the way the fabric is pulled diagonally over it...

IMHO she dressed like that because she's proud of her condition.
My hypothesis is SP took over the pregnancy [by faking] then took the baby.
I think then BP got pregnant because she wanted to, either because she wanted a baby she could keep for herself, or to get in her mother's face, I mean, " your face, Mother!"

KaJo said...

Doubting Thomas said: "We had previously established the first Scarf wearing day as Feb 19th '08. But I have found one a month earlier...January 23, 2008 - NDP leader Brian Mason hangs out with Sarah Palin in Alaska and likes their royalty system."Dang...Some of Palin's scarves are so big, like this one, they remind me of that old Carol Burnett skit where Burnett did her "Scarlett O'Hara"-dress-made-from-velvet-curtains sendup.

Sarah Palin's scarves are big enough to hang in front of a window.

ProChoiceGrandma said...

B said at 4-12-09 at 5:14 pm: If Bristol really looked pg and Sarah noticed before the photo, wouldn't Sarah have made sure Piper stood in front of Bristol's belly? She could have spilled her Diet Dr. Pepper on Bristol's belly and then said, "Oops, Bristol needs to stand behind someone."

B, clever idea, I bet Sarah wishes she had thought of it! But you give Sarah too much credit to have intelligent ideas.

However, if you were to put yourself in Bristol’s place, you would have put on your camouflage dress just before the photo shoot, stay inconspicuously out of the way until the professional photographer placed everyone in position, and suck in your gut as much as possible waiting for the dreaded click of the camera. That must have been a miserable day for Bristol. Sarah is so into herself, flitting around and probably winking and flirting with the cameraman, she would not have noticed Bristol. In the picture the same day where they are wearing the same clothing, Piper is about to do a cartwheel in the living room and there is Bristol sitting in a chair in the corner. My gut instinct makes me feel Sarah did not know about the pregnancy until after this photo. I would like to ask the photographer if Sarah made any requests later to not publish this photo. But what reason could she give? It is a beautiful picture and they all look great. Rock and a hard place.

ProChoiceGrandma said...

I read Mudflats yesterday about Sarah “yelling at and forcefully scolding” a legislative aide for printing details on her scheduled trip to Indiana.
“Mike and Tim Bradner report in their Legislative Digest that an aide to House Speaker Mike Chenault (R) had printed details on her scheduled trip to Indiana, the act of which apparently unhinged the governor. She then committed a “terrible breach of respect” by yelling at and “forcefully scolding” the aide. “This lack of decorum has never happened before,” say the Bradners, who have been tracking legislative matters longer than anyone in Alaska. And yet again, the governor’s behavior becomes the topic of conversations whispered behind hands in the state capital.”

Details? Sarah, don’t you just hate pesky details? The more details, the more scrubbing one has to do later, which as she has learned, is VERY time consuming. I especially like the comment “unhinged”. Would this unhinging have occurred after the MySpace revelations on Palin’s Deceptions?

BG said...

Here is a thought I had last night while watching Countdown. A Palin story was #3. Maybe, just maybe, the MSM does think there is a story here about Trig's parentage. Maybe they are keeping SP in the news and keeping her relevant until "bloggers in pajamas" can crack this thing wide open. Anyone who has taken a close look at SP and her birth story must know something isn't right. I wonder if they are just keeping all of SP's follies in the forefront of our minds until they can conclusively report this story. I suppose it is possible.

Burgh said...

On the previous thread, I posted that SP's response/non-response to the Johnstons (on Tyra) displaying a photo of Levi holding Trig would be very telling, and I think again, too, that she's really sinking herself by harping on his comments about them living together and completely ignoring that photo. Her silence is deafening! She's obviously interested in clearing up Levi's "lies" - but one about her own lil baby Trig, she just blows off. Someone going on national TV and holding up a picture of MY kid with the implicit claim that it's HIS kid would make me livid... but she's out there denying statements and printed accounts that she went along with for months while ignoring this picture.
Todd's remains an enigma. Behind all of the macho posturing and studly taciturn demeanor lie... what, exactly? The type of person who lets his family get dragged through the mud while he remains silent?
I wonder what Meg Stapleton gets paid as SP's foghorn. I hope it's enough to make up for the distasteful nature of her job.
wv: calin!

Burgh said...

*** midnightcajun said...
I've been pondering why Sarah jumped all over Levi and called him a liar for saying he lived in her house, when People had already printed that information THREE times. Part of it was that the couple are no longer engaged, and the conversation about Palin knowing the kids were having sex suggested Levi and Bristol were "doing it" in Palin's house. But I think Sarah may have another motive here:

It's pretty obvious that one of the Johnstons is eventually going to spill the truth about Trig. When Levi or Mercede comes out and says, "Sarah isn't Trig's biological mother; he's actually the son of Bristol and Levi," Sarah will say, "He's lying AGAIN." She'll have already besmirched Levi's character, which will make it easier for her to convince her followers that he's making it up. Look how she already has some right-wing commentators suggesting incest in Levi and Mercede's close relationship. These people will not believe the Johnstons when they tell the truth about Trig.

Of course, Palin's problem has always been that she doesn't understand that not everyone thinks the way her rightwing nutcase followers do. Once someone on the "inside" opens his mouth, the press will go nuts on this.***

As usual, I think you're correct in this analysis midnightcajun! SP's 'base' will believe anything she says, but her problem is that her 'base' is tiny and shrinking. And I bet that she's livid that many people (or an overwhelming majority, according to the Time poll) are believing the Johnstons. While I don't think either family is, well, overendowed with truthfulness, the Johnstons seem more guileless while SP is a polished storyteller.

wv: odorati... like the illuminati but stinkier!

ProChoiceGrandma said...

Palin’s devout followers criticize this “babygate” issue, and seem to think we are finding fault with Palin for her daughter’s pregnancy (with grandson Tripp, they refuse to believe Trig is also her grandson). They just do not seem to understand that the whole issue is that, for political ambitions, Sarah Palin FAKED a pregnancy to cover up her daughter’s pregnancy with Trig! The fact that Sarah Palin went to such elaborate lengths to fake a pregnancy, telling lie after lie, is the entire point of this investigation – to what lengths would Sarah Palin go on a NATIONAL level to lie and cover up anything she deems an embarrassment or a mistake?

Bristol was only 16, and did what a vast majority of teens do. Unfortunately she did not have birth control and no education about birth control. Bristol is 18 now, and after two babies, I do hope she is on birth control since she no longer needs her mother’s permission to control her own body. However, since Bristol is financially dependant upon Sarah and if Sarah refuses to pay for birth control pills because of her whacko religious beliefs, we may see a baby granddaughter in the not too distant future, perhaps named “Trilogy”.

Burgh said...

*** Floyd M. Orr said...
I'm sorry to have to break into this discussion again, but there is a CNN video that was just released a few hours ago about the Johnston/Palin feud. One journalist criticizes the CBS interviewer for not asking Levi follow-up questions. The second journalist clearly says that, except for the narcissist openly calling Levi a liar, there is no story here! This is the source of the madness, people! The MSM is deliberately acting as if they don't have a clue why people like us are so upset! All you overpaid MSM journalists know damn well what the big deal is; you just don't want the public to realize it and cancel your subscription to your favorite cash cow.***

Keep 'breaking in'... I love your comments!
A lot of MSM seems convinced that SP is done on the national stage. Several media people I've spoken with about it think she's a lying nutcase but feel that she'll never escape from 'up there' and have any widespread acceptance. One person I know compared her career arc to Mike Huckabee's: a quirky local, with extreme right-wing views and a certain appeal to a small group, who will find a peripheral role in public, but out of office. I think years from now she'll have that role (and as an aside, Huckabee is quite charming on his TV show; I find his likability really shocking, considering I disagree vehemently with almost all of his views). I'm worried about the ensuing years, before her party finally wakes up and realizes what a small niche appeal she has; until then, I think they'll keep trotting her out... and I'm concerned about 2012. Remember, she's an end-of-times person, and she's got nothing to lose between now and the end of the world (which is why I think she doesn't give a damn about the future of the environment).

Burgh said...

*** B said...
Mary G. said...
Papa Heath saw Trig when he "popped out"

Chuck just says he was there when TriG popped out. That could mean at MatSu but not watching the birth. Could be read either way.

If Chuck thinks TriG was born 4/18/08, perhaps he and Sally were called about 5 am and made it to MatSu by the official time of birth, then were shown a swaddled child or one in an incubator-type bed because he was said to be premature or jaundiced.

I say "I was there" for a niece's birth when I was at the hospital but not in the delivery room.***

I'm going to go back to the weird movie-star couple who had a baby a few years ago. She had a magical bump that went up and down in photos too, and his, ahem, interest in making babies the 'regular' way has been questioned for years. When she 'gave birth,' she'd been brought to the hospital (they basically rented out the wing), which brought the media... and she left in a caravan of identical black SUVs, one of which ostensibly carried the happy couple and their new little girl. And that magically became the baby's birthdate.
I think Chuck was deceived in a similar way. I doubt he was in the delivery room, and when a small baby was presented to him as his grandson, well, I can't imagine him saying 'hey, this baby wasn't just born!'

Burgh said...

*** Dangerous said...
BG wrote:

Really, when I tell people that I believe SP faked her pregnancy, they really look at me like I am crazy and say things like "Oh, if its on the internet it must be true (roll eyes)".

Don't just show them the pictures of SP. Ask them if they ever heard of anyone going into labor in Texas and giving birth in Alaska!! Nobody rolls their eyes at me on that one, and SP is on record describing those events. Be sure to make it clear that:

a) SP didn't seek a medical go-ahead to travel nor an exam, and

b) She went straight to the hospital when she got to Palmer, Alaska 20 hours after reporting that her water broke.

Would a pregnant woman on her 5th child behave this way? If they answer yes, you can roll your eyes. Against these confirmable facts, a faked pregnancy conclusion is clearly more plausible, particularly with the photographic evidence, her not telling anyone she was pregnant, nobody believing it when she announced, Trig' DS (adding to the risk, if known) etc., etc.

The other circumstantial item that helps to sell the conclusion to disbelievers is that SP would not be the first woman to do this. It does happen all the time. It happens when the faker has something big to lose from the revelation that her daughter is pregnant. SP clearly fits into that profile.

Physical and circumstantial evidence and motive reinforce the strength of the case. You lose the jury, however, when you try to make Bristol the actual mother without sufficient evidence. That applies to Willow, too. If you suggest Willow or Bristol or some other anonymous woman as possibilities, you stand a better chance of converting the skeptical, including MSM.***

Dangerous, while I disagree with you on Willow, I'm totally on board with your statements here. The wild ride has never failed to raise the eyebrows of any woman I've mentioned it to. The pictures (especially the one I call Sponge Bob Square Pillow) are icing on the cake. SP sinks herself right at the start with the wild ride story.

Anonymous said...

This is a fairly random comment, from my own experience, regarding Sarah not noticing early on that Bristol was pregnant. . .

When I was a teenager, I had a boyfriend who hit me. I'd go home with a black eye, with bruises on my face-- and my mother, who was unhappily married and also daily commuting to a college 100 mi a day to complete her BA-- never noticed. Or when she did, I explained the bruises away with weak lies and she bought them.

However, my babysitter, who was a salty, wise woman, knew immediately and hammered me with questions. Sadly, she was black, and knew that she couldn't confront my white boyfriend (this was a million years ago.) She begged me to get away from him.

Finally, the guy dumped me. I vowed never to put myself into a situation like that again. But the point is, my own mother, who I lived with, who loved me, who was smart, never knew-- although the signs were everywhere. Because she was so confounded by her own life, I was incidental.

The very slim, happy images of Bristol on myspace do not match either one of the "bump" official photos. They don't even look like the same girl. Even if Bristol wasn't pregnant in either photo (and who knows how many times she might have been pregnant?) that her mother didn't notice how unflattering her daughter's choice of clothing was has always niggled at me.

Both portraits just scream of maternal blindness, as does the video footage of Piper wearing high heels and carrying Trig, but maybe that's because of my own past.

Just so many things that intuitively do not feel right about this family and their behavior.

B said...

You may be right about the pageants. Though she did get extra scholarship money for being first runner up (I think) to Miss Alaska and probably even more for being Miss Congeniality. Had she done debate tournaments rather than beauty pageants, she might have cured her word salad speech and vapid answers, "such as The Iraq."

penny, glad we were actually agreeing about her telling the truth, for once! I also agree with her that the media should have said "former mayor" rather than "former beauty queen." I believe that was meant to diminish her, but she does that to herself without needing any such help.

"Who SP really is is becoming clearer everyday. She has NO common sense and is a narcissistic, psychopathic train wreck. Period."

May I add to your list, compulsive liar and vindictive boss?

From her first moments as "executive" in Wasilla, she started firing people for no reason, just because she could. She continued this as governor. No competent manager would create major problems where no problem existed.

The argument that she had the most executive experience in the last race was laughable anyway, but she was playing with fire to invite attention to that executive experience. Of course, she was right, and the MSM didn't look.

B said...

MY tabloid chick said,
"wv: odorati... like the illuminati but stinkier!"

Ha! That secret odor order may have a foothold in my family too.

B said...

ProChoiceGrandma said, "I would like to ask the photographer if Sarah made any requests later to not publish this photo."

That photo is still on her government-used-as-political website!

B said...

yet another point we have agreed on, the need to leave open the possibility of other options:

"You lose the jury, however, when you try to make Bristol the actual mother without sufficient evidence. That applies to Willow, too. If you suggest Willow or Bristol or some other anonymous woman as possibilities . . ."

dumb said...

For those still discussing the green sweater pooch.

In the myspace photos of Bristol, when she was defintaely not pregnant she clearly had a pooch as well.

Anonymous said...


I do not address moderator questions in the comments section. If you have a question for me please email me directly at


SCmommy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B said...

ProChoiceGrandma said,

The fact that Sarah Palin went to such elaborate lengths to fake a pregnancy, telling lie after lie, is the entire point of this investigation – to what lengths would Sarah Palin go on a NATIONAL level to lie and cover up anything she deems an embarrassment or a mistake? ***

You nailed it!

Lilybart said...

B....the Miss Congeniality is also a lie, too.

my Gwin, 43, of University City, grew up in Alaska and competed in the Miss Wasilla, Alaska, competition in 1984 against GOP vice presidential choice Sarah Palin. Gwin said Friday that she won the Miss Congeniality award in the competition, although Palin's Wikipedia entry says she won the contest — and the Miss Congeniality award.

midnightcajun said...

What's with these missing twelve days from Palin's calendar? Has this blog focused on this before? Weren't they supposed to have been released? Has no one tried to get them?

Mary G. said...

B and NYTabloid Chick--thanks for setting me straight on the Chuck Heath "I was there when he popped out" comment.... I took there to mean--well, right there. (As someone who wanted all her friends and relatives at her births, I guess I thought, how could you be there and not watch??). So perhaps he did swallow the story, hook, line, and sinker.

Mary G. said...

Regarding the missing calendar pages, they are not missing, but it is a rather cumbersome process converting them into a pdf file.... so when the PD researchers were assembling this, we thought we needed all of March, April up until the birth, and the AHA luncheon has been so crucial that we added that.
Palin attended a high-profile Nat'l governor's association mtg at the end of Feb--there is a fair amount of documentation and very boring C-Span-type coverage... I would love to see photos of the black-tie evening events, because it would be hard to hide a pregnancy in evening wear... But on the Palindeception website proper, Audrey has a lot of Feb. events and photos.

Punkinbugg said...

Oh snap.

Even John McCain left SP off a short LIST of today's GOP leaders!

And just to be sure nobody dismisses it as an elderly mistake, he says he KNOWS he has left off a name and he will hear about it!


Also, too :)

If, under the FOIA, somebody knows how to request the release of the missing pages from her travel diary for FEB/MAR 2008, why not also ask them to throw in copies of the scrubbed photos that *were* posted on the OFFICIAL STATE WEBSITE. Doesn't the website belong to Alaska's taxpayers?

trev said...

Interesting stuff here. I am thinking now of the insurance and health records. Is Trig receiving disability payments? Under whose insurance is Trig being paid? Is Trig Levi's kid? Are there medical or insurance records that have been falsified? On whose tax return are these babies being claimed?
I cannot believe there are a number of cities in Alaska where 100% of the people that know the truth are keeping their mouths shut. This has to break soon.

Daniel Archangel said...

NY Tabloid Chick wrote:

It's pretty obvious that one of the Johnstons is eventually going to spill the truth about Trig. When Levi or Mercede comes out and says, "Sarah isn't Trig's biological mother; he's actually the son of Bristol and Levi," Sarah will say, "He's lying AGAIN." She'll have already besmirched Levi's character, which will make it easier for her to convince her followers that he's making it up. Look how she already has some right-wing commentators suggesting incest in Levi and Mercede's close relationship. These people will not believe the Johnstons when they tell the truth about Trig.
We don't know what *Truth* the Johnston might reveal, but SP calling them liars at that point would do little good. MSM won't just take her word for it. The Johstons will have a confirmable piece of evidence that MSM will verify. At minimum, SP will have to produce confirmable evidence that she is Trig's biological mother.

The missing pages from SP's schedule corresponding to Feb 18 - 28 is interesting, but it is pure conjecture to conclude any particular event or events occurred then. Travel records indicate she, Willow and Piper flew from Juneau to Anchorage on Feb 22, just a few days after returning from Fairbanks. The records indicate they stayed in Anchorage.

Something important probably did happen then, but we can't say what with any certainty. Right after that, she went to LA then announced her 'pregnancy'.


B said...

I read that she won Miss Wasilla and not Miss Congeniality among those in her hometown who knew her. Then she won Miss Congeniality but not Miss Alaska at the state competition.

LisanTX said...

Lilybart--Does Gwin have a medal, certificate or other momento of the Miss Congeniality Award?

If she does, I think this story would be sensational!

Does Gwin have any other memories of SP from the pageant?

This could be a fun story!

Emily Z said...

Truthseeker, I just went through your photos, and I had a few thoughts:

First, in the picture with the blue baby blanket, I definitely think that the baby Mercede is holding is Trig - looks completely different from all Tripp pictures we have - head is completely different shape, much smaller.

Second, I find it telling that the picture Mercede chose to decorate with footprints is the one with Levi holding Trig. (I believe she did it, not Tyra producers...but I could be wrong)....why would she choose THAT picture unless it meant something? If she was just on a "Oooooh cute baby!" kick, you'd think she would have done the pic that focuses mostly on her!

dumb said...

I came across this blog yesterday, and read most of the website and I wanted to comment on what I have come away with being someone who lives in Alaska. I'm surprised I had never heard of this blog before, as I get most of my news online.

I don't find your photo evidence conclusive at all. None of those pictures are clear enough to prove anything.

Even after reading everything you have presented as facts(some of which are highly debatable)
I believe that Trig is Sarah Palins son. I believe she did endanger his life with her birth story as well. I know some find that story awful and can't believe Sarah Palin would do that, but you are willing to believe she did all these other things, its just kind of odd to me.

NakedTruth said...

AlaskaGrown said:

"I believe that Trig is Sarah Palins son. I believe she did endanger his life with her birth story as well. I know some find that story awful and can't believe Sarah Palin would do that, but you are willing to believe she did all these other things, its just kind of odd to me."

It's kind of odd to me that you would think that we wouldn't believe that SP would endanger a baby's life. That theory has surfaced on this blog as well but many of us do believe that the pictures of her non-pregnant belly, the wild ride story, rumors that her daughter was pregnant during the time of her supposed pregnancy and that no one at the time she announced her pregnancy (at 7 months) thought that she was actually pregnant shows that SP most likely faked a pregnancy.

Welcome! We are glad you are here. Keep reading.

LondonBridges said...

Perhaps Sarah won miss congeniality at the Miss Alaska pageant, not the Miss Wasilla competition.

SCmommy said...

I had posted a comment about the camo baby blanket, but after checking the babiesrus website, that blanket *is* still being sold, so my point was moot. Rats.

Just an observation, however. Doesn't anyone in either of these two families know how to take a photo that is in focus? Some of these photos are the kind that I hit "delete" on my digital camera to keep from wasting the space! Geez O Pete.

Of course, it totally suits their purposes, so why am I surprised?

Daniel Archangel said...

I want to welcome 'AlaskaGrown' and appreciate the comments.

I think that this input would be typical of most non-converts and we should all take heed. But it also points out that the only choices from the wild ride are reckless or liar. There's reasonable doubt for either conclusion. But 'AlaskaGrown' still counts on 'belief' that SP gave birth to Trig, not facts.

To take on that argument, I'd say that if you have to rely on belief, that believe is probably wrong because SP could (and should) produce those facts but hasn't. In fact, she's refused even though she is very aware of our conclusion. That circumstance supports the inference that she doesn't have the facts to prove she's the mother because, in fact, she isn't.

In that case, the absence of evidence is evidence of absence. If a defendant states an alibi that could be confirmed with evidence in their control, but doesn't, every juror in the country would correctly dismiss the alibi.

I invite 'AlaskaGrown' to listen to Gov. Palin's recorded interview with Lisa Demer of ADN about the wild ride and then answer this simple question:

Was it medically urgent or not?

If your answer is 'yes', then why didn't she get checked before she left Texas, or anywhere along the way other than in Palmer 20 hours later?

If your answer is 'no', then why did she leave the conference early, feel the need to rush back to Alaska to have her child there, and went straight to the hospital (where her doctor met her)?

You see, AlaskaGrown, she can't answer that critical question and neither can you. If she was trying to hide recklessness, why admit to unconfirmable reckless behavior?

That's why we other grand jurors at PalinDeceptions have concluded that she rushed back to Alaska for reasons having nothing to do with her 'pregnancy'. She was clearly lying about something. Combining the "shock and awe" pregnancy announcement, her intentional "fashion-assisted camouflage", her not telling even close family about the pregnancy -- all admitted -- what other conclusion can we draw?

I agree, the picture alone are not conclusive. If they were, this would all be over. But the circumstantial evidence supports the conclusion about the physical evidence.

I think if SP were not your governor and the story seems incredible, you'd have little doubt like most of us. The only open question is who Trig's real mother is.


Tully said...

I would be interested to know specifically which facts presented here you find highly debatable. Many of us would welcome the opportunity for that debate. That's really the purpose of the blog. Also, how long did it take you to read "most of the website"? Just curious.

ps: my vw is "plonest" Palin version of honest?

Unknown said...

What a wonderful collective consciousness-raising effort this blogsite is! When truth finally prevails--and surely that time is imminent--then the consciousness of humankind in general will have benefited. To stand up for the holy spirit of truth is to do good.

Ennealogic said...

Hello AlaskaGrown, welcome.

You said, "I believe that Trig is Sarah Palins son."

Could you tell us more about why you believe the way you do?

And what you think her reasons were for undertaking such a wild ride?


dumb said...

I believe that SP birthed Trig probably for the same reasons many of you don't.

We all agree SP is not the most rational person in the world so Dangerous you cannot apply rational arguments to her. Why would she do this or that, why would she fake a pregnancy... none of it is rational, so a rational argument does not apply. What I would do doesn't matter. What SP would do is an entirely different matter.

As for the photos, there are others to refute the photos that have been provided here. Even ones from the same day as your photos where she clearly looks pregnant and in the ones you present she does not.

Tully I will come back later as to what evidence I find debatable, I have some things to do tonight.

dumb said...

Also Dangerous,

As to SP not answering the question.

Who is asking? Anyone of importance to SP has not asked. I don't know if this blog has contacted her or not, but I can't imagine she would answer given the content of this blog.

Punkinbugg said...

AlaskaGrown at 2:40 asks, "Who is asking? Anyone of importance to SP has not asked."

Don't you think Patrick Dougherty, the editor of the Anchorage Daily News, might be important to SP?

He called her out - - BEGGED her to put these rumors to rest -- and she REFUSED.

here is just one of their exchanges before he was cowered into giving up his line of questioning.

leu2500 said...

Well, the Palin-Johnston feud continues.

Per the ADN ( Chuck Heath told US he wants Levi to use some of the money he's making from the talk shows to support Tripp.

Facts don't bother the Heath's, do they?

Bretta said...

"""Lilybart said...
B....the Miss Congeniality is also a lie, too.
my Gwin, 43, of University City, grew up in Alaska and competed in the Miss Wasilla, Alaska, competition in 1984 against GOP vice presidential choice Sarah Palin. Gwin said Friday that she won the Miss Congeniality award in the competition, although Palin's Wikipedia entry says she won the contest — and the Miss Congeniality award. April 14, 2009 10:10 AM"""

I read the Wikipedia page to say that SP got the Miss Congeniality in the Miss Alaska 1984 contest, not the Miss Wasilla, which is what she won.

SP said she contested over several years to pay for college, but is only listed for 1984, so I guess she didn't win but the Miss Wasilla.

That means I don't understand how she paid for five years' college with one year's earnings.

Anonymous said...

Alaska Grown

Welcome to the discussion.

I wonder if you could please send us links to the photos that you mention will refute those that we have provided on the blog.

"As for the photos, there are others to refute the photos that have been provided here. Even ones from the same day as your photos where she clearly looks pregnant and in the ones you present she does not."

Thanks for your contribution.


veebee said...

CupofNoodles said...

For those still discussing the green sweater pooch.

In the myspace photos of Bristol, when she was defintaely not pregnant she clearly had a pooch as well.

I have to disagree with that statement. In the pictures where Bristol is wearing the tee shirt and tan pants, her clothes appear to swallow her. If her belly was pudgy the clothes should appear tight in that area but instead you see extra material gathered up which shows the clothing is loose on her.

Amy1 said...


I would love to know how you can refute these photos.I find a lot of the circumstantial evidence compelling but not actual proof -- but it was this set of photos that convinced me SP was not pregnant.

Even if there's another legit photo taken 10 min later that shows her looking appropriately pregnant, I would say it doesn't matter: easy to look pregnant when you are not, but IMPOSSIBLE to look not pregnant if you actually are.

By the way, if you don't agree with me that these photos are 100% proof, you are in good company. There are other cool contributors on this blog who do not find them to be 100% proof -- that's why I'm interested in your line of thinking.

I'm trying to understand how one can look at these photos and draw a different conclusion from mine.

Center Stage Corsetry said...

Audrey, I don't post as I have been so busy w/my new business and 2 special needs kids and my own medical problems...I used to visit your blog multiple times a day. I had a free moment, came back, and OH MY! You have proven already I think to 99% of the reasonable people who have been with you along the way that Sarah is a liar and not Trig's biological mother. I just keep waiting for the MSM to pick it up and someone to break this open.

As a mom of a disabled kiddo who was born a week after I turned 20 I feel angry with Sarah. Angry that she would lie about this, and if there is any chance she forced this farce on her kid and her kiddo's teenage boyfriend I'd want to rip her to shreds. This is the formerly young, unwed mother in me, who faced down boyfriend, family, and friends who didn't believe I could do it. They tried to force me to have an abortion, to give him up for adoption. My boyfriend was at first excited, then he went home to talk to his mom and came back insanely angry, saying I'd intentionally trapped him, he was too young to settle down, etc. I sat down with him, his mom, and his big sister while they all pressed me to have an abortion. My boyfriend left me, my best friends disappeared, and my mother continued to press for adoption, for HER to adopt my baby. Since my crazy mother emotionally abused me my whole life, hell would freeze over before that happened. I was not able to cut her out of my life till I heard her call my baby stupid and retarded when he accidentally knocked something over at age 15 mos. There is an instinctual need to protect your child that is hard to explain. When she did that, I cut off contact and never looked back, despite her being my only family.

Interestingly, my ex told me later he regretted what he had done, that his mother had scared the daylights out of him, basically manipulated him, and b/c he was later committed and missed me/regretted the past she apologized to him and said she never should have interfered. This is the power of a mother over her child, even though he was 21 at the time! How would Bristol and Levi fare, facing down Todd and Sarah, telling them she's pregnant, right before Sarah is about to get her claws into the power she so desperately craves???

I know I made the right choice, but I had about 2.5 years on Bristol and my mom didn't have a political career. (And you think Palin is scary?! LOL) My now 10 yr old requires psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, regular checkups w/his pediatrician, assessments with the school, assessments at children's hospital, homeschooling since he lost it last August, and honestly a heck of a lot of patience. His behavior, especially before we knew what was wrong, was scary and occasionally dangerous. I 100% believe that if I had given him up for adoption he would have been shuttled from foster home to foster home, to homes where the "bad" kids go, or to the hospital locked up, or even worse beaten and abused b/c of his behavior. When he starts to make my anger bubble over I think of what his life would have been like without me and it calms me down. Now who is taking care of Trig? Now that he's no longer a prop, where is he? Is Bristol staying b/c she wants to be near BOTH of her babies? I don't see Sarah in a maternal light, and obviously Bristol had a hand in Piper's upbringing. I don't believe Bristol would force Levi out without coercion from her mother. His family seems to be "baggage" to her now that she wants to rid her family of. I kept my baby from his father b/c he was literally mentally ill and dangerous, and it's something I still had to wrestle with. I chose to keep him from the "crazy," my mother, his bio father, married a stable older man, had another child 3 years younger than he is, though unfortunately the crazy I tried to keep him from caught up w/him through his DNA. :( Aside from danger or abusiveness what right does a mom have to keep her baby's father from his child??? I refuse to believe Bristol has excluded him without coercion or manipulation of some kind.

And Audrey, anyone who attacks you as being "gleeful" about Bristol has not done their homework and read this blog back very far. You have been NOTHING BUT respectful, and tried to bring back the focus to Sarah and her story rather than WHO his mom is. I agree, since Bristol is now 18, has publicly gone on TV and done an interview and her baby's father (who is being kept from his baby) has also gone on TV to discuss their lives/babies, that it's fair to open up the discussion about Bristol. You have been very clear and protected the minor kids (Willow and Bristol) and went so far as to create aliases for the other kids. Who would do that but someone who actually CARED if they were hurt, not someone who is GLEEFUL. And with the Republican tea bagging and the stuff they've been spewing, it's been getting scary. I feel sure what's left of the Republican Party would elect her. Her cold calculation, the way she uses people and then throws them away, even her grandbabies' father??!! is scary!

I may not post, but I read, and I support you and your work, as well as that of your researchers. I know even false accusations can hurt, so please know we are with you on this Audrey.

Anonymous said...

Had a great discussion tonight with my ex-NYT reporter friend about "citizen journalism." He asked me how my Palin-watching was going, and after catching him up on Tyra, Levi, and the photos, I told him how many of the PD blog's readers contribute research of primary source documents-- not just opinions.

When I finished, he said, "Well, I'll be able to say I knew somebody who read the blog that broke the Palin story."

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Center Stage Corsetry. Powerful post.

B said...

leu2500 said...Facts don't bother the Heath's, do they?


TriPP has a right to child support from his father, whether or not his mom needs the money. If this goes to court and Levi passes the paternity test he'll have to contribute. If Alaska is like most states it will be a %, so not much money at the moment. But that would be the time for Levi to seek visitation, where he's allowed to take TriPP home w/him.

I really don't think the Palins want to go this legal route. That Chuck told US Mag that Levi should pay up suggests that Chuck isn't in on all the baby background drama. He thinks Sarah had TriG on 4/18/08. First b'day Sat.

Amy1 said...

Well!!! Lying about her Trig pregnancy is one thing, but it just CAN'T BE TRUE that she'd lie about the two beauty contests!

Actually, I'm on SP's side on this one: too easy to disprove. I'm giving her a pass.

sandra said...

Center Stage:

Thank you for sharing with us. Most of us (maybe 70%) have no idea what this can do to a family and the children in it. You are a hero!

sg said...

Most regular posters to this blog dislike SP and her political positions. That goes without saying.

But there seems to be a cognitive dissonance present. On the one hand, SP is so unintelligent, unthoughtful, untruthful, unethical, and incompetent--it's a wonder that she's gotten this far without having been impeached, indicted, crucified, or burned at the stake. Or some combination of the above.

On the other hand, despite her obvious additional weaknesses as a national candidate (e.g., no foreign policy experience, no financial/business experience, no appeal beyond her "base"), SP is still a mortal peril to the Republic. The democratic process can't be trusted: the American people might not see her weaknesses, and instead be duped into choosing such an obviously flawed person to become president of the United States.

My advice: Chill!

Some perspective, from Tommy Christopher of Political Machine:

"Now, we have John McCain publicly crapping on his former meal ticket on "The Tonight Show."

"The problem is that the left is stupidly playing along. They swing at every pitch Palin throws at them, when they ought to let her be. The business with her AG nominee, and that pathetic ethics complaint about her clothes, these are wastes of time. Palin in 2012 is the Democrats' dream. That's doubly true now that the GOP is going after her. Palin's appeal is bulletproof, but limited enough to make her an easy opponent in a national election.

"No matter how hard the Republicans go at Palin, the people who relate to her will only relate more. The left should just get out of the way and let the 2012 Republican primary devolve into Palin vs. The World.

"Instead, by joining the dogpile and inflating or twisting minutiae like the jacket she wears, the left only succeeds in hurting its own credibility.

"Palin is here to stay, and the left needs to get used to the GOP not liking it."

Palin Pregnancy Truth said...

She's wearing jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. Baggy or not, you can still see her belly underneath. Official due date is a week away, but everyone knows due dates are just educated guesses. She's got her baby brother with her, eight-month-old Trig, and he's a case in point: showed up almost a month premature. He's dressed just like his big sister: jeans and a sweatshirt. Most days, she and Todd are his main caregivers.From the Esquire article on Todd.

dumb said...

In response...

I'm not going to invade the internet looking for refutable photos as you have many of them here already, but one in particular comes to mind that is strangely not included here.

It is at the IronDog finish of 2008and Sarah clearly looks pregnant.

The fullness of Sarahs face and the thickness to her calves in many of the photos included on this website just can't be faked IMO.

Thats why the photos prove nothing in my mind, as she could be pregnant in the photos that are claimed to appear otherwise. I do think it might be a case of wanting to see something that is not there.

As for the debatable facts, most of those are found in the blogs. The website really doesn't have what the blog does, and I think I remember alot of those questioned in the comments as well.

I think to the general public Sarahs birth story is not the norm, but still believable. Its not hard to see how someone who has had 4 children already would be able to read the signals her body was giving her. To be on the safe side she should have went straight to the hospital though.

As I was reading so many people were saying how they could not believe that no one here in Alaska was "spilling the beans" or tattling on Sarah. I really believe there really isn't anything to tell on. Sarah hid a pregnancy for a long while, then had a premature child with DS.
Theres nothing to tell IMO, and believe me, in Alaska, if there was something to tell, somebody would have told it a long time ago.

wayofpeace said...

another scandal brewing for our girl. once again her judgment is questioned:


Sarah Palin's choice for attorney general once wrote a column defending the statue of a KKK figure as an expression of free speech and mocked the psychology of a college student who protested the display.

Wayne Anthony Ross has come under intense scrutiny since the Alaska Governor and former vice presidential candidate announced his nomination. His resume includes derogatory remarks about homosexuals, accusations of sexism, and bizarre comments downplaying the fallout of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

But his most controversial incident may have come in December 1991, when he penned an op-ed for the Anchorage Times, a copy of which was obtained by the Huffington Post, entitled "KKK 'art' project gets 'A' for courage."

The crux of the piece, reported also by Max Blumenthal at The Daily Beast, is a defense of one particular art student's statue of a KKK figure -- created for a class assignment to "depict a monster" -- that the University of Alaska-Anchorage had put on display. In the process, Ross insisted that he was no racist. "I am a card-carrying member of the Congress of Racial Equality," he wrote. "I have never supported David Duke, and never will."

But the column was filled with racial and political insensitivities that, even in the relatively homogenous Alaska, were bound (perhaps designed) to stir the pot.

Ross repeatedly chided one particular student, Clara Bynum -- who, Ross noted, was a member of the Afro-America Student Association -- for having the gall to protest the statue.

"A 35-year-old psychology student," he writes, "Ms. Bynum was obviously letting her inner hostilities rise to the surface. Perhaps by the time she completes her psychology studies, Ms. Bynum will have the training and desire to control such emotions."

At one point, he accused her of seeking to trample on the art student's right to expression of free speech by threatening to take the statue down -- a legally provocative stance for the leading law-enforcement official of the state.

Truthseeker2 said...

In another sign of how the SP story is slowly crumbling and the MSM is slowly engaging, the HuffPo has a story on how Chuck Heath is calling Levi a deadbeat dad -- and the photo they show is of Levi, Bristol and Trig and the RNC. See

james said...

take your time on the next post -- i realize the only reason you've had a delay is that you are extremely careful and diligent in your research for the facts and for the truth. there is no time limit on being right.

Lilybart said...

Can't wait to see what she says about Trig at the lunch for DS parents. Good luck keeping your stories straight.

Anonymous said...

In the midwestern state in which I live, if the child receives state aid or the mother seeks child support in a paternity action, the state can force potential fathers to have a paternity test. The state is interested in all children being supported; therefore it has an interest in making sure that paternity is established.

Alternatively, if the parents agree to paternity, the court can recognize the agreement and order child support. Grandparents or other relatives do not have a say whether paternity is established and they cannot prohibit the state from promulgating its rules.

I assume that Alaska's paternity rules are similar and that even Sarah Palin cannot prohibit Levi from seeking to establish paternity. Once done, he certainly will be ordered to pay child support. Until then, it would be nice for him to provide support, but it also would be nice if Bristol allowed him to have parenting time equal to hers. And I don't agree with the earlier poster who stated that his parenting time with Tripp should be "in a safe place." What has the young man done to evidence that he has placed the child in danger? Unless and until one can prove that he has placed the child in danger or has abused the child in some way, no restrictions on his parenting time should be greater than those on Bristol's parenting time.

And one last thing: Many adoptions have been challenged post finalization. That is not to say it was a good thing for the child or that the outcome was good. Nonetheless, no reason exists that it could not be challenged here by a bio-parent.

midnightcajun said...

sg said, "The business with her AG nominee, and that pathetic ethics complaint about her clothes, these are wastes of time."

They're not wastes of time for the poor people of Alaska, who are suffering through her reign. There's an old saying, "If it's not in the files, it didn't happen." These abuses need to be documented now, so that they can be used in the future to show a pattern of behavior. And if you think she doesn't have a chance in 2012 so we should just ignore her or even HOPE she runs, read about the people who laughed at this funny little guy with a mustache who thought he could use nationalism and hate to take over Germany...

Ivyfree said...

AlaskaGrown- your suggested photo was "file not found" so I can't comment on that. Maybe it'll be available later. However, I personally don't look at a woman's face or calves to determine pregnancy. I tend to look at her abdomen. Remember that there are bound to be some photos where she looks pregnant; even Sarah Palin isn't so stupid as to fake a pregnancy and not realize that she's going to have to look pregnant at some point. So if you think she looks pregnant, well, I haven't seen that particular photo. Oddly, there seems only one photo where she definitely looks pregnant- somebody help me out here, it's the staged photo at the capitol, with the reporter and the cameraman in the picture. The one there are so many questions about. But remember, also too, that there WERE a lot of photos that disappeared rapidly after SP's VP nomination. I've never really understood why that would happen. You'd think that if you're running for a major national office when you've just been a state official before, you'd WANT to have a lot of photos out there- people are naturally going to go online and look for information. That's how we know so many photos have gone missing. Missing photos, taken during the alleged pregnancy. Wonder why?

The fact that some of the information presented on the website is discussed here doesn't mean that the information is wrong. It's more apt to mean either a different interpretation, or someone playing devil's advocate, or possibly someone who's going through a phase of "OMG even SP wouldn't do THAT." (I find this goes away if I check the news and find out what SP is up to lately- then I realize that SP might just do anything. At that point i usually need to lie down a bit.)

As far as "reading her body's signals" and the Wild Ride goes: no. Hunh-unh. Not at all. That's the thing about labor. It doesn't matter in the least what your previous experience has been- there's no guarantees when you start labor. Without intervention, you don't know when it'll start, you don't know how it'll progress, you don't know what's going to happen to the baby, you have no idea how you'll react to it, and you absolutely, positively, have NO CONTROL OVER IT AT ALL. Get on two flights AFTER labor had started? Wait some 20 hours from onset before getting to the hospital? With a known high-risk pregnancy? Only a profoundly stupid person would do that. That, or it's a lie.

Yes, Sarah should have "went" to the hospital for safety's sake. She couldn't, because she wasn't pregnant. The flight attendants were right. There was no sign of her stage of pregnancy. You think they wouldn't have noticed an eight-month-pregnant belly when checking that people's seatbelts were fastened?

Sarah Palin is a liar, and she's a bad liar. She got away with it for a while because people don't want to think they're being lied to- they want to believe. But eventually, the lies just pile up and they're too obvious to ignore.

I've said it before, and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm here for the schadenfreude. I'm really enjoying watching Sarah Palin crash and burn. I found her campaign profoundly distasteful, I'm frightened of her end-time religion, and I think she's not smart enough to be a mayor (at which she failed) or a governor (at which she is failing) and WAY too ignorant to be a 72 year old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from the presidency. I don't just want her to be publicly failing. I want her to never ever again have a chance at a major public office. Put it this way. The United States has already had a really ignorant lying former governor of a geographically large state as president. We don't need to do it again.

Ivyfree said...

"The democratic process can't be trusted: the American people might not see her weaknesses, and instead be duped into choosing such an obviously flawed person to become president of the United States."

Yep. We've already had George Bush. We don't need a do-over.

Craig said...


I'm with you regarding this alledged conspiracy. I'm also with you in regards to the story surrounding the flight home from Texas being the one part of her narrative that is the most questionable in terms of poor judgement. I really don't think she would want that decision revisited.

I believe that the Johnston's are certainly a key indicator of whether there is anything deceptive going on regarding Trig's, or at least Tripp's birth. For instance, Levi can very easily make a claim that Tripp's birthdate is right or wrong, since he says he was at the actual birth. Just the simple fact that he could potentially state that the 12/27 birthdate is wrong would be enough to cause people and the media to start asking, "well, why in the world would the Palin's need to lie about a birthdate?" And any actual conspiracy would begin to fall apart publicly.

The longer Levi (or any of the Johnston's)goes without contradicting that very simple fact, the less likely (to me) it seems that anything as wacked as a baby fraud is going on.

Time will tell.

More Cowbell said...

It's funny how people look at pictures. Sarah doesn't look pregnant at all to me in that Iron Dog picture-- the part of her body around her waist, where the baby would be, looks perfectly flat even in that big jacket. It does poof out ABOVE her waist but not, I don't think, where a baby would be. I'm sure the truth will come out eventually.

The only people who I think could prove whether Sarah is telling the truth are medical professionals, and I can't believe that they have a different obligation to protect confidential information in Alaska than they do in any other part of the country.

Unknown said...

Amen IvyFree at 7:32am!! You nailed it! I said months ago on this blog that absent any one of the strange events, we might not be having this collective conversation. Each time someone might have debunked our theories or concerns, the "ya but's" would and did come in. Ya but BP was out of school at the same time; ya but there were rumors; ya but the wild ride; ya but the strange photos; ya but the scrubbed photos; ya but the lack of maternal connection; ya but the pregnant daughter. The list feels endless. No other public official has invited this kind of scrutiny, not simply b/c we despise her politics but b/c none of it adds up. And...she has proven herself to be a pathological liar on so many many other serious and innocuous fronts. Keep on keepin' on Audrey et al. L.A. in S.F.

SillyRabbit said...

Yes, as TruthSeeker said today @3:14 AM, the deadbeat dad story is being illustrated with the image of Levi and Bristol at the RNC with TRIG. MSNBC just used that video, and they have dubbed the whole mess, paired with the attorney general fiasco, as Palin-Palooza. How can all these TV producers/directors fail to notice they are showing the "old" baby instead of the new one? This has to be one of the biggest open secrets in the history of journalism.

Anonymous said...

Laura, love your "ya but" argument. Well said!


To the political writer who wags his finger and tells us to let the "real issues" pull Sarah Palin down. . . For me, a political leader's treatment of his/her family is as much an issue for me as the legislative process or political appointments. And if it isn't for you, then you have some learning to do.

questions_and_answers said...

Since there was still some discussion on whether the "green shirt" photo was from 2006/2007, I decided to see for myself. What I did was take a bunch of pictures and put together a timeline of pictures from 2006 to the RNC last fall. I took both pictures that we know dates for (SP's inauguration in 2006, coverage of SP and daughters' visit to the governor's mansion before they moved in, the People photo shoot with the McCains during the campaign), as well as pictures we think we know the dates for (pics of Bristol on MySpace, dated 6-2007 on the camera datestamp, if correct), and put the "green shirt" pic in where it would fit if in 2006, and in 2007. I made timelines for all 2 daughters, so there would be more information to go by. Here's the link:

Betsy S said...

Perhaps it's time for a little bumper-sticker action?
"I log on to Palin's Deceptions--Three Times a Day!"
I'd buy a "Who's yer mom?" picture of Levi and Trig on
a coffee mug, or an "Impeach Sarah" tea towel, or a
"Wild Ride" video game--no?
Well, Audrey, you have amassed well over half enough
material for a terrific best-seller, which I hope this blog will turn into soon.
We all wonder what the ending will be!
Schadenfreude should be in the title somewhere...

Unknown said...

I am a devoted reader but a first-time poster.

I really appreciate the generally good writing and thinking here.

The week McCain announced his pick, I went online to see what "stuff" I could find on SP. Other than SP's talk at her church, some property and businesses the Palins owned with other people, and the young biologist who said she saw SP on the plane during the wild ride, I didn't find much, so I gave up.

I really appreciate the tenacity Audrey and others have shown and how fair they seem to be.

Thank you!

KaJo said...

AlaskaGrown (Apr. 14, 9:43 PM) regarding that photo you show of SP at the 2008 Iron Dog finish where you claim she "clearly looks pregnant"...

Neither you nor the rest of us can see anything but the same woolen native-style long parka she's been photographed in several times before.

It's COLD in February in Alaska, right? Imagine she's wearing a zipfront sweatshirt underneath -- everyone knows how much THOSE add to a person's shape!

In this picture -- -- you can see an obvious "ridge line" of a jacket under that parka, at her left hip (right side, as we view the pic). If there were also a 6+ month protruding belly, you'd think the parka would be impossible to zip up.

There's other pictures taken that same day, same event:

Oh, yeah, about those "thick calves" -- she's wearing heavy insulated boots in that picture.

Speaking of "thick calves": There's are pictures of Sarah Palin taken April 10, 2008 -- supposedly only EIGHT DAYS from delivery -- where she's standing in high heeled-calfhugging dress boots at a ceremony outdoors -- if she had swollen ankles or calves she never could have gotten those boots on. You can find those pictures here --

She looks slim from the rear in these "late pregnancy" pictures (where most of us believe she was wearing a fake belly) -- like this one -- -- check out how she's holding the portfolio tightly against her belly...

(funny! my WV is "triappir")

Yellowgirl said...

Wow, QuestionsandAnswers, thanks for the photo collection. Looking at it, though, I really can't say. I'm thinking EITHER scenario is equally likely. Am I the only one?

Also, other thoughts on AlaskaGrown's new picture? If it was from 2008, it does make you go "hmm". BUT, I have to think it is a trick of the coat, b/c otherwise people would have commented on it THEN, or say when she announced a pg the next month, "I figured as much". NO ONE in the state said that. AlaskaGrown-- WHERE did you find this photo? Any others we can look at?


Scott said...

To me the best evidence that SP is lying is what we have not seen.
Trig's Birth Certificate could end it all.
So Sarah, If you want this to end, and you say you want this to end...
It is simple and completely within your power to do so.
So just do it.
Produce Trig's Birth Certificate and we will all become instant fools.
It makes me wonder why you have not already done this.
Is it not worth it to make this go away?
Could there be a problem with the Birth Certificate?

hrh said...

FOr those concerned about 2012, Just think:


Think it hard, think it long, and keep yer finners crossed.

wv: jacesse (Jackass?!) ?Che? -:)

Bretta said...

On CBS' Levi Johnston interview:
"" Tripp, says Levi, is "starting to giggle and do all -- rolling over, that kind of thing. ... He's getting exciting. I can't wait for him to start talking!" ""

Developmental age for Baby to start rolling over: between two and three months.
Date of interview: 8 April 2009
Probable date of Tripp's birth: in January or February 2009.

It is in the realm of possibilities that 'Always Watching' may have spoken true that the actual birthdate is 19 February 2009.

Ivyfree said...

Okay, I just looked at the picture of Palin proffered by AlaskanGrown. No, she doesn't look pregnant in it.

Her face is squashed a bit, because it's pressed up against Todd and turned towards the camera. Her calves aren't swollen: she's wearing boots. And the body, while her feet are almost exactly side by side, her body is turned slightly to her left, so she can put her head up on Todd's right shoulder. That gives her a slightly wider abdominal area in appearance, but not a protuberant abdomen. That is not a rounded, pregnant belly. I agree with those who says it looks like an ordinary down coat worn over a pullover or sweatshirt.

veebee said...

questions_and_answers - Good job on the timeline pics. With Willow and Piper it's kind of hard to form an opinion. Bristol, the green sweater pic seems to fit nicely in 2007 as her hair seems to be styled the same and her belly seems slightly larger in the green sweater pic than the camo dress pic as it would during a progressing pregnancy. Also Bristol appears younger and has a less rounded face in the pics dated Dec.06 & Dec.06/Jan. 07 than in the green sweater pic dated 06. IMHO, the green sweater pic is taken shortly after the camo dress pic.

Unknown said...

Bristol (orange jacket) in 11/2006:
"Alaska Governor Sarah Palin with daughters Willow and Piper Palin in the Anchorage Intl. airport barber shop, November 2006" "

What is wrong with this picture?!?
"Governor Sarah Palin and daughter Piper (r) speak with a special needs girl in Barrow Alaska June 30, 2008" "

(Piper is - what - 7 1/2 years old last June?)

Daniel Archangel said...

To all:

The Bristol-in-a-green-shirt photo is NOT from 2007. Check Audrey's analysis:

In the 9/14/07 photo -- positively dated, although I can't locate the source of that (maybe Morgan can help) -- where Bristol also has an abdominal "bump", Willow is clearly more mature than in the 'green-shirt' picture. How much older is hard to say, but certainly not a few days.

You have to ignore Willow to conclude the more favored date for that picture, thus seeing what you want to see based on your theory and not the evidence by itself.

Continuing to cite these two photos as evidence of Bristol's pregnancy juts provides fodder for Craig and AlaskaGrown's doubts.

The best any of us can say is we don't know who Trig's real mother is, but Sarah Palin is not high on the list. The only evidence that she is Trig's is her own say-so, and that's hardly enough.

AlaskaGrown proposes, as others have as well, that SP is not rational. I agree that a person is not always rational, although what an observer takes as irrational behavior probably has a very rational motive.

Nobody can rationally subscribe the same irrational motive to a group of people, as would be necessary to conclude that SP faked the pregnancy AND that decision was irrational. It's very reasonable to subscribe consistent motives to a group of people involved in the same scheme. That's why very few of us believe that SP faked the pregnancy on a lark or just for attention. Why would her family and doctor go along with it?

What would be completely irrational is flying from Texas to Alaska while in labor after not being checked by a doctor first. Todd was along, but don't take steps to force her to see a doctor? Was he just baggage?

Besides, SP has admitted that she thought circumstances were such that if she stayed in Texas longer the baby might be born there. Todd echoed that judgment. The risk is not just to the baby. if she was actually in labor (which I don't think she was) SP risked her own life because many women die in child birth if things go wrong (such as an early delivery that could result in a hemorrage) and there isn't medical personal available. NOBODY RATIONALLY TAKES COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY RISKS WITH THEIR OWN LIFE.

So your concluding that SP and TP were simply irrationally trying to get home to Wasilla despite the risks raises major doubts about your conclusion.

But it's because of AlaskaGrown and Craig that we can indict SP but not convict her.


There's a big problem for people such as AlaskaGrown and Craig with conclusions based on conjecture, which allows them to dismiss the solid evidence.

Amy1 said...


--Not showing BC keeps SP in the news (in the blogs);
--BC's bio-Mom info would be embarrassing;
--BC's bio-Dad info would be embarrassing;
--BC's date of birth would be embarrassing;
--BC's location of birth would be embarrassing;
--BC's attending physician or witness(es) of birth would be embarrassing;
--Info on BC might cause Dr CBJ to bail out of the cover-up;
--If a fake BC is offered, SP knows that intense scrutiny of it (and its info) is likely to reveal it's fakeness.

No, folks, I don't think we'll be seeing that BC anytime soon, not until it's all over.

sandra said...

No more: Trig is probably somewhere around. I suspect that is his pacifier. I have observed many mothers "wash" the pacifier by putting it in their own mouths.

veebee said...

Dangerous - If you look at the timeline photos Questions_and_Answers provided it is not obvious that Willow is older. The way she has her hair is very different from other pics of her in the series making it hard to compare. If you are going by breast development, there is an obvious difference between the Oct 06 and Dec 06 pics. I think she may have just been wearing a push up bra that made her appear more developed. If you are saying Willow is older based on her height relative to other people in the pics, without seeing their feet (heels or standing on something would change the perspective) you really can't judge. I would need to see other pics of Willow from the same time period with her hair styled as usual to say which pic she looks oldest in.

leithanne said...

Long time reader. First time poster.

The video of the end of the Iron Dog 2008. Sarah is holding the checkered flag. You tell me.

Frekls said...

Thanks, questions_and_answers, your timeline was very interesting. While this may sound a bit creepy to say, I think Willow may have gone through puberty in 2007. See this picture: Looking at this and Q&A's timeline, you can see how she went from a little girl (very skinny legs and arms and narrow shoulders) to a more womenly shape. (which I think is very flattering for her)

The 2nd timeline for Bristol seems most convincing. I'm not positive about the ones for Willow and Piper, but considering the maturing of her body, Willow's 2nd timeline seems possible, though I might have put the pink shirt picture before the patterned dress picture.

jeanie said...

Ivyfree - "(I find this goes away if I check the news and find out what SP is up to lately- then I realize that SP might just do anything. At that point i usually need to lie down a bit.)"


Frekls said...

Sorry, I provided the picture without the caption. Here it is again, this time with the caption, which mentions the year, 2007.

jeanie said...

To Auestionsandanswers - Your dual timeline is very clever!

It's funny - Willow does look younger in that shot, and the sequence looks more right with the green shirt photo in '06. But Bristol sure looks like she is much older and melancholy, making the '07 time work better for her...

jeanie said...

Questionandanswers - Could you put together one of those dual timelines for Piper? And Sarah herself?

As one who has a couple of standard go-to outfits, accessories and all, I am not convinced simply because she and Todd are wearing the same outfits.

Audrey, I know I generally say that if you're convinced, then I take your word for it, and I'm too lazy to go back and reread the post about that photo right now. So Morgan, if you want to disregard this comment, I wouldn't blame you one bit!

Bretta said...

Questions and Answers organized some pictures of the Palin teenage girls:


I think the second picture of Willow in the October 2007 looks most correct by the shape of her face compared to the surrounding photos.

When I look through the Piper series, the position of the picture in question at October 2007 looks like the best fit, also.

With all that said, Bristol has also changed enough to make me think that the photo of her fits better in October 2007 as well.


If BP was pregnant in that photo, I think it was about three months - making a March 2008 date of birth for Trig.

If SP is the mother, a photo of her at this stage should have looked poochy, too, since she is multi-parous.

leu2500 said...

Oh, I can't pass up this wv: abwists. Must be the exercises SP did to keep from showing while carrying Trigg.

jeanie said...

From the link provided by Dangerous (Thanks - I was being excessively lazy! And I know I'm driving you crazy by still commenting on this! I'm sorry!), the green sweater photo is compared to one with a known date and Audrey concludes the following:

"Given a due date of 5/15/08, IF this picture was taken on 10/23, no matter who is or is not pregnant, it would not have been beyond 10-11 weeks, way too early to show, particularly on a first time mother."

Still playing devil's advocate, there is much speculation still about the actual birth/due date of Trig. So I don't think an assumption of 5/15 is necessarily solid enough to go on.

There is an additional parenthetical remark "(Update: Additional evidence makes it likely that this picture -and the one above - were taken in the fall/early winter of 2006)" - and I don't know if the evidence for that is on the site or not.

I had to laugh when I read that one of the new readers said they had 'read through the entire website'. This site contains WAY too much to read through in any short period of time. I'm looking forward to the book-version!

B said...

Tripp was not born 2/18/09.

Look at Gryphen's picture of Bristol at the Iron Dog right before that. She looks stretched out post-partum but definitely not third trimester pregnant. Bristol had her Greta interview before that 2/18/09 date too. It is far too big a jump to say that was a borrowed baby and Bristol was hiding a 9 month pregnancy behind the table. She was hiding that stretched out belly Gryphen found, that is consistent with a second pregnancy and recent -- not 12/27 -- childbirth.

Also, it really doesn't matter when the green sweater photo was taken.

If it was 2007, then we already have the camo dress bulge from 09/07 to know a pregnancy is possible. If we had a photo after the camo dress that showed no possible baby bump, that would be helpful. But we don't. We do have the surprising lack of photos after the camo dress, though, when Sarah could have used some to kill the Bristol/TriG rumors.

Bristol is still thin in the green sweater photo and not thin in the camo dress. I agree with Audrey: 2006.

I'm ready for MySpace part 3.

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