Saturday, April 18, 2009

MySpace Part Three

It has always been my preference to focus on the evidence that Sarah Palin was not pregnant in March and April of 2008, and let the question of the identity of Trig Palin’s biological mother play second fiddle. But, in spite of our preference to leave the Palin daughters out of the equation, we have not been able to avoid that completely. Bristol Palin was named nationally as Trig's mother in numerous places as early as August 29, 2008, and she was brought into the game by her own mother on September 1, when Sarah Palin chose to "prove" that she WAS Trig's mother, not by providing Trig's birth certificate or a clear statement by her physician, but by stating that her daughter was then five months pregnant, thus precluding Bristol's having given birth previously in mid-April.

Bristol Palin is by no means the only possibility for Trig Palin's birth mother. However, the persistence of the rumors that she was pregnant dating to before Trig's birth, coupled with the complete lack of photographs of her from the time period, makes it difficult not to continue to consider her the most likely "other mother."

Since September, numerous people have been looking to social networking websites, like MySpace for additional info about "Life and Times at Wasilla High." As we've stated previously, MySpace has NOT provided us concrete proof about this issue, specifically who Trig's mother is OR whether Bristol Palin was pregnant. But the MySpace comments do give a glimpse into the lives of Bristol, Levi and their circle of friends. And what we can see does indicate that something "changed" as early as July 2007 and that something was amiss during the winter of 2007-2008.

A number of the comments already published here have been suspicious, but none have been conclusive. For example, we’ve seen that Bristol made a series of interesting comments to her friend Johnny in the spring of 2007, including one stating that Gov. Palin had confronted her about possibly being pregnant. Other comments made to her girlfriends also merit attention:

June 22, 2007 9:40 PM
Hey, call me NOW!!

June 25, 2007 1:33 AM
:( now im a mother duck for that baby!

(Note from Audrey: This curious comment is discussed in more detail at the very end of this post.)

June 25, 2007 1:50 AM
ha ha im a slut. but sounds good…what number?

Without context, however, these comments can be interpreted in numerous ways. And, during this same period, other examples show Bristol to be happy and social, engaging in typical summertime activities. This makes it all the more strange when, in late June 2007, she suddenly disappears from MySpace, and is mentioned by name only once after that, even by her good friends.

Please be clear that we have no evidence that as of late June 2007, she actually did stop using MySpace abruptly. It's possible that she could have. Perhaps she became bored with MySpace. Perhaps her computer broke. Perhaps her friends just stopped talking both ABOUT her and TO her as of that date. But it's also quite possible (even probable) that she continued to use MySpace for months after this… and then at some point between late June 2007 and late August 2008, for reasons that we do not know at a point in time we cannot pinpoint, a decision was made to remove Bristol's page from the site, as well as delete any and all comments she made to friends, and apparently either to delete (or asked to be deleted) comments others made about her between themselves.

Because of this, our conclusions are drawn as much from what's NOT there as from what is.

What does our research show post-June 2007? One of the only comments that directly references Bristol after that time (and the only one that uses her name) has already been published, from September 2007, in which one girl (Kaila) is joking with Jenny Jo, who is a good friend of Levi’s off-and-on girlfriend Lanesia, because Jenny Jo had threatened to beat Bristol up for Lanesia.

9/28/2007 Kaila to Jenny Jo:
haha, you were gonna fight Bristol for Lanesia.. idk, it was freakin hilarious though. you were getttin ready to take on like 394083 people yourself. haha..funny ass shit. call me tonight bia.

Is this because Levi and Bristol’s relationship has just been discovered? The problem with this comment is that it references something that happened earlier, "you were gonna fight…" but there is no date context. Was this something that happened the previous night or three months earlier? We don't know.

In any case, by January 2008, Lanesia had moved on to a different relationship, indicating that Bristol and Levi most likely became “official” sometime in either the summer or the fall of 2007.

Although she had a new boyfriend, one specific comment shows that Lanesia might still have harbored some residual feelings for Levi. In late January 2008, there is a burst of chatter that may be significant, though it's inconclusive at the same time. First, messages are left between a young man named Tylor to our old friend Jenny Jo.

In the first, Tylor asks Jenny Jo: "Who do you want to beat up?" (indicating that Jenny Jo has told Tylor that she's angry with someone) and the second – in response to something Jenny Jo then said back to Tylor that we cannot see – "THEY F***ED?"

Is Tylor a newcomer to some gossip? Does the gossip even have anything at all to do with Bristol Palin? The next couple of exchanges certainly indicate the strong possibility that Levi and Bristol are involved. Tylor immediately posts to Rachelle (the sister of Johnny – who has been identified as Bristol's boyfriend prior to Levi) "ARE YOU SERIOUS"

Again, why do we think this has anything to do with Bristol? Because just a couple hours later, Lanesia then posts back to Rachelle:

yea i heard and #### no never again she messed that up to many times and i aint one to talk shit about a girl and go be tight with them but no im not she totally messed up by Fn my Xbf

These exchanges indicate that something surprising was revealed in late January 2008. Lanesia's "yea I heard" can only mean there is new information which involved a girl who was "fn" Lanesia's "xbf," and from our research, the only ex-boyfriend of Lanesia was Levi Johnston. And, although Levi had been linked with several other girls in 2005 and 2006, from 2007 on, the only two girls mentioned in conjunction with Levi were Lanesia herself and Bristol Palin. It would be easy to say that "new shocking" info would be that Bristol was pregnant. Yet – two of the comments specifically mention just sexual activity – as if that might be the "new" thing, which then becomes hard to explain in the context of someone wanting to beat Bristol up FOR Lanesia at least four months earlier.

And then… in this sequence… nothing more.

We can only come back to what was said before: For a popular girl who had an active social life and many friends, and who had been a regular MySpace user, the complete absence of any mention of Bristol through this time period is astonishing. It's important to reiterate that the only comments we can link to her (with the one exception of the comment from September 2007, which makes reference to her being "beat up") do not contain her name.

For example, in April 2008, 8 days before Trig’s official birthdate, an older Wasilla teen named Dannie, someone not closely connected to the primary social group, makes this curious comment on a friend’s MySpace:

April 10, 2008 12:03 AM
…i want to tell you something kinda funny so when you call remind me about the governor’s kid…

Something to do with Bristol?

After that comment, there is nothing more to be found in MySpace about any of the Palins until the end of August. The pregnancy that was announced by the Palin campaign on September 1, 2008 was said to be an “open secret” in Wasilla. Really? Because in spite of the fact that many of the teens’ MySpace profiles were used extensively between April-August 2008, neither Mercede nor any other person makes even one mention of Bristol or the pregnancy. Not one.

Mercede's MySpace page was public until midafternoon on September 1, 2008. We have screen shots of the entire thing. She is so close to her older brother Levi that she had posted several pictures of them together, in which she calls him "her best friend" in the world. She has had his name tattooed on her wrist. Yet not one post about this exciting "open secret" that her dear brother was to become a father, which would make her a new auntie? No.

Numerous comments exist on many girls' pages in which pregnancies, showers, and babies are discussed, in some cases with great excitement and positive feelings. But regarding Bristol, Levi and the Tripp pregnancy... well, it doesn't seem to exist. The only thing we do have is a photograph of Bristol and Mercede together from April 25, 2008 in which Mercede refers to Bristol as her sister-in-law. This is after Trig's birth but before it is plausible that it was known that she was pregnant with Tripp.

Then, the morning of August 29, 2008 arrives, and with it, John McCain’s announcement of his running mate.

On that day, there is an occasional comment along the lines of --hey, did you see who got picked?--but generally nothing more than that. But on the afternoon of the 29th, Dannie (the one who had heard something "kinda funny" about the governor’s kid) does have a specific question, and she poses it to another Wasilla teen, Zach, again someone not tightly connected to the primary group. Because Zach's MySpace profile is private, we cannot see the initial question to him, but his answer is this:

August 29, 2008 3:39 PM
I know who started it. Tylor [last name deleted by PD]
I think that’s how you spell his name

There is no context surrounding this remark to aid interpretation. All we know is that Zach says that Tylor started “it”. Because Zach identifies Tylor by his first and last name, we know for sure that this is the same Tylor who was involved in the exchanges regarding the surprising news back in January.

Fast forward a bit to September 3, the day of Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention. Not only is the Palin/Johnston pregnancy an “open secret” in Wasilla, it’s now the most famous pregnancy in the entire United States. The governor of Alaska is on the ticket; her oldest daughter has been outed as a pregnant unwed teen on the national news; said daughter and her hockey star fiance are being seen all over the world. That should warrant quite a few MySpace comments. No need to keep it on the down-low anymore. Right? Or at least a couple of comments? Actually: zero.

Well, maybe just one, a cryptic question--asked by a girl named Kelci of Kaila (the same Kaila who was involved in the exchange with Jenny Jo about beating up Bristol a year earlier):

September 3, 2008 6:06 PM

Kaila's answer is not known because Kelci's profile is private, but, after receiving a response, she comments back to Kaila

September 4, 2008 6:02 PM
mmmmm gotcha. that’s what I figured but I wasn’t fasho

For the uninitiated, "fasho" in teen speak means "for sure." So Kelci is saying, "That's what I thought [about whatever it is they were talking about concerning "bp"] but I wasn't sure."

But what could it be? If we're to believe that Bristol’s pregnancy is an "open secret" in Wasilla, and that Levi and Bristol are an established, even engaged, couple, why is it that the only possible mention of it at this point (OR throughout the entire previous summer OR during the entire following campaign) is this one girl who dares use only initials? Hmmm.

And what could this girl be asking? We believe she is a relative of Kaila (though we can't confirm that 100%); she also lives in the Wasilla area, and she is friends with many of the same people as Kaila. So she wouldn’t be confirming simply that Bristol is pregnant, because everyone already knows that, right?

So what are my conclusions?

1. Bristol Palin was "scrubbed" from MySpace as of an arbitrary date. This date seems to be around July 1, 2007, though the date the scrubbing was actually done is completely unknown. Numerous comments from before this date existed as of September 1, 2008 (though many have since been removed) including one fairly troublesome one about her mother questioning whether or not she was pregnant. Only one comment exists which mentions her by name after that date, and NO comments from her.

2. There was chatter about something surprising, even shocking, in late January 2008 that involved Levi Johnston, and in all probability, Bristol Palin. This was far too early for her to have been pregnant with Tripp. However, considering earlier comments, it seems too late to have been simply that the two young people were in a relationship.

3. There is not a single mention of Bristol, Levi, or Bristol's pregnancy throughout the entire summer of 2008, even though it was supposed to have been an "open secret" in Wasilla. A single comment, mentioning Bristol only by using her initials, strongly suggests on September 3rd that there is something more going on than just the supposed "open secret. " It was something that there was gossip about, something that some young people in Wasilla (who should have been connected with the group) were unaware of. Something about Tripp's pregnancy was not "as presented" on September 1, 2008, though what exactly that is is completely unclear. Dates? Who the father might be?

The MySpace information is confusing, at time contradictory, and terribly incomplete. Yet, overall, it's hard to escape the conclusion that the timelines of neither the Trig nor the Tripp pregnancies seem plausible based on what is being said (and not said) among teenagers in Wasilla.


PS. Those who have read this far (!) will probably note that no comment has been made about a curious post from late June, 2007, in which Bristol states:

:( now im a mother duck for that baby!

(For those who don't know, the ":( " is a "frowny face" indicating unhappiness.)

This comment has caused quite a bit of private debate and discussion among those affiliated with this blog. Certainly, it is hard to say it is not significant: it is the second to last thing still available from Bristol on MySpace (only her "now I'm a slut" comment came later, by a couple of minutes) AND – good grief! - it mentions a baby!

But what does it mean? It has been suggested that she is being forced to gestate a child, like a mother duck sitting on eggs. Several of the Palin Deception researchers subscribe to this theory, and find it extremely significant.

It has also been suggested that, in spite of the timing, it has nothing to do with Bristol being pregnant or not pregnant. I for one find the use of the phrase "that baby" to indicate that she is talking about something separate from her, possibly a child (Piper, who was five at the time?) she was being forced to babysit for. (And ducklings follow mother ducks around constantly.)

If Bristol Palin had said, ":( now im a mother duck for THIS baby!" I would be saying that I found it highly indicative of pregnancy. But the use of the word "that" to me means she is talking about something she is not happy about, something she has actual disdain for. Most teenaged women who become pregnant and decide to keep the baby tend to be excited about it (naively perhaps, but still excited.) The negative tone of this comment indicates to me that she is talking about something else. I do not know what.

But I am presenting both sets of thoughts here, and the reader needs to decide for himself on this one.


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wayofpeace said...

ProChoiceGrandma, said:

"To me, everything hinges on what occurred during that weekend in Fairbanks and I believe the final piece of the puzzle is in Fairbanks."

i believe you're very close to the truth, as are many who have recently posted.

truly amazing how this blog has patiently and persistently pursued the truth of the matter and i think we're so close, we're touching it!

wv: SubstyP

B said...

TriG wears his glasses in Sarah's Special Olympics video. And thanks for the plausible scenario.

Palin Pregnancy Truth said...

Doubting Thomas, good find.

Wasilla hockey coach Bill Sturdevant, who was invited to the wedding, said he was sorry to hear Johnston wasn't going to return for his senior year of high school. But he said he believes Johnston, a talented hockey player, will find his way. Notice that it says "was" invited, not "is" invited. That implies that there was already a wedding, not an impending date. I've always believed that they were married close to Trig's birth. It would fit the timeline of Levi dropping out and stopping hockey/starting work.

And Levi's tattoo seems a little too permanent for a "promise ring". His story about losing it on a hunting trip would make more sense if it was a wedding band he lost. Wasn't there an article earlier about him getting his ring "stuck" and that being a sign? What was the date for that?

Sarah supposedly made a bet with Todd about getting a tattoo wedding band:

I had read the source article a while back but now I can't find it. I believe it was in the Frontiersman, not ADN as people have sited. More stuff disappearing?

herkimer said...

Ivyfree, vid showing triG wearing eyeglasses...


Ivyfree said...

Thank you, B and Herkimer. I just wondered. I know I don't follow all the Palin videos/pictures as closely as many others here do.

B said...

Palin Pregnancy Truth said, "Wasn't there an article earlier about him getting his ring "stuck" and that being a sign? What was the date for that?"

That was in the Esquire article. The reporter was describing a visit to the Palins in mid-Dec.

Caroline said...

Just wondering about something....Sarah tends to call Piper 'sister'. A mother calling her daughter 'sister' is unheard of where I live, but then again, that's not Alaska. So I have to wonder if much emphasis should be put on Mercede calling baby Trig 'brother'.

Windy City Woman said...

Sherry shouldn't talk about her drug charges without her lawyer present; she could slip up and say something detrimental to her case.
I can understand Track being pressured (by his parents) to join the army if he was mixed up in bad stuff aback home, but how could Sarah get him shipped off to Iraq? There are lots of places soldiers could end up, but I would think most parents would keep their fingers crossed that it would be anywhere in the world other than Iraq or Afghanistan.
Maybe Levi doesn't have acting skills, but you don't need that to become a model. He's very cute; it's a possibility.

Windy City Woman said...

Where did you see pix of Britta during her trip to Europe? Do you have links?

Vaughn said...

Have to correct a comment I made on Apr.24 at 6:32pm

I went to Free Republic and went through a lot of posts about Sarah Palin and only found 2
posts from this person that had anything to do with Sp. One was the picture and the other
was a reprint of the government statement about Trig,s birth.

I went back to Free Republic and found the archive of all of bahblahbah,s posts.This person
has been posting there since 2004.I found 39 posts that had something to do with SP.
35 of them were reprint articles from magazines,newspapers and blogs.There was no personal
imput from bahblahbah just reprints of articles.On the other 4 posts 1 was the picture on
Flickr with no personal comment at all and the other 3 were article reprints with a short
comment by bahblahbah.Even when he or she was asked how they got the picture they never gave
an answer.All 39 of these posts were done between Aug.30 and Oct 27 2008.

What was so odd was that after 3 posts in Aug.and 31 in Sept. then 5 in Oct.bahblahbah left
a comment on someones post on Nov.11 where he stated---Sorry Palin,but 2012 probably isn,t
going to happen--go for another term at governor.

The three amigos picture implied by the caption that erik99559 was Dan Carpenter,but it could
just as easily have been someone else.
Guess what else I found out while I was digging around at Free Republic.bahblahbah lived in
Illinois in 2004.OH! guess what else I found out---- our very own Andrea Gusty graduated
from Northwestern in Chicago,Illinois in 2005. Kinda makes you wonder does,t it.
I have never believed that Gusty didn,t know how that picture got on Flickr. wv is -endupp

midnightcajun said...

Just saw another quote of Meg S's statement that Bristol is busy raising Tripp, going to school, and "advocating abstinence." Has no one asked, "Um, what exactly is Bristol DOING to 'advocate abstinance'?" How do you advocate abstinence, anyway? Go around and talk to schools and youth groups, right? Is Bristol actually doing that? Sort of hard to square with her "abstinence doesn't work" comment.

Does no one in the press call the Wasilla Hillbilly on her lies?

Anonymous said...


The text for that picture includes a misprint. It should read February 2009. The picture was taken as part of SP's trip to the North with Franklin Graham from Samantha's Purse to deliver bibles, prayers and cookies as sustenance for the starving northern villages.


Truthseeker2 said...

Nice find, Nana. For those who haven't seen it, here is Sarah at the 2008 Iron Dog, to add to the long list of photos from Feb-March where she did not look one iota pregnant.

Lilybart said...

TINYURLS: could someone help me with this?

I copy and paste the link provided when people post a tinyurl link.

But if never works.

What am I doing wrong?

How does one get to a tinyurl link?


eat whine rally said...

Regina of
has an unusual thank you card from Bristol to a Palin-fan who sent gifts for Trig and Piper (presumably to quell those pesky "jealous auntie" emotions.)

"Dear Elizabeth,

Thanks so much for Trig's adorable sock puppet and Piper's adorable mini quilt! :)

God Bless,
Bristol and the Palin Family"

Yes, it was from Bristol, thanking the giver for a gift for Trig. WTH?
As a commenter on Palingates said, No wonder she has no time for school with all her first family press secretary duties! Regina also has a reminder post and video of Sarah's Juneau hike in mid February 2008 with some excellent comparison photos.

Kathleen and Patrick:

I too believe, the pulling of the Gusty photos are an attempt to lesson the oncoming humiliation. We will be sure to remind folks of that ridiculous rouse!

Great find Lisan TX!

In the article, Johnston said he has dated Palin since his freshman year in high school. "We were planning on getting married a long time ago with or without the kid," he said. "That was the plan from the start." While Johnston provided few details about next summer's wedding, the planning has started: A cousin will likely be his best man, and he has asked two hockey buddies, Ben Barber and Dane Wilson, to be groomsmen. He's bagged bears, sheep, elk, and caribou. Some of the antlers are scattered about his yard. Last July on a caribou hunt he lost a "promise" ring that Palin had given him. He said he decided to tattoo her name on the finger and not bother with more rings because he'd just lose them anyway."

So, they have been dating since they were freshmen? He lost the "promise" ring Bristol had given him, sometime before July? What was the date of the photo of Bristol sleeping on his lap, with Levi wearing a ring? I agree with others that they were married quietly so the Palin's could legally adopt Trig. No boy/man wears an "engagement/promise" ring.

We also now know that he was coerced into going to the RNC convention, but in the article, "Johnston said he wasn't forced to campaign with Palin's mother. Bristol Palin invited him and Johnston jumped at the chance. It was a whirlwind experience for Johnston, who was seated with the Palins at the Republican National Convention."

You know comrades, I feel as though we are coming to the end of this ride. Everyone's recent posts seem to be the same story translated into different languages (subtle variations on a theme.) I am grateful for Audrey's outrage and determination, as it has been the catalyst for all of us and her wonderful blog has given us our voice. We have been at this precipice before and not had the answers, but there are so many forces at work now, the truth will be known soon.

Many of you have admitted your malady, "Chicken Little Syndrome," or CLS. My spouse gets that glazed look in his eyes when I speak of this farce, but I know I can turn to all of you when that happens! We know how important this is, and soon the rest of the world will too.


Anonymous said...


Can you send us a link to those remarks.

I find them interesting because Gusty's home town is Bethal, zip code 99559.


Maizey's Mom said...

Also too a fabulously entertaining article by Andrew Halcro - his opinion of why SP will bail out on the 2010 election:

JJ said...

I think Mercede's shirt is from a teen store called "Hollister" and they were just trying to avoid endorsements.

pearlygirl said...

Man, you guys are good. At first, I was wowed by Nana's find but even more impressed by the swiftness with which it was revealed to be a typo and should not be considered evidence. This is exactly why this blog can break this story---persistence with accuracy to every detail.

By the way, great work Kathleen and others posting about the disappearing pictures and our blahblahblah poster. Those pictures get hinkier and hinkier (as in Scooby Doo--something hinky is going on-----"and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling bloggers!")

wv: hition as in "intuhition?" (I know it's intuition but I could resist)

RNP in CA said...

VW: "sporie" - def.: a tall tale told by SP!

For what it's worth: I have a friend who refers to her daughter as "sis" all the time. I think it's just a kind of rednecky term of endearance. But I've never heard her refer to either of her sons as "brother."

Unknown said...


I think the t-shirt is a hollister brand.

I found one on ebay similar to it.

item # 390046614994

B said...

Caroline said....A mother calling her daughter 'sister' is unheard of where I live, ***

I'm familiar with a family calling the oldest daughter "Sister" or "Sis." I think it is just a nickname for Piper, nothing weird, and not relevant to Sadie calling TriG a brother -- instead of nefu.

B said...

Lilybart said... I copy and paste the link provided when people post a tinyurl link. But if never works.

It works when I paste it into the address bar at the top of my screen, but not if I put it into my search engine (Google) field.

B said...

midnightcajun said...Has no one asked, "Um, what exactly is Bristol DOING to 'advocate abstinance'?" . . . Does no one in the press call the Wasilla Hillbilly on her lies? ***

Maybe with two babies to take care of and no dad around, having kicked him out, abstinence is finally realistic to Bristol?

The press does not call Sarah on her lies. They didn't call W on his either. The same press called Al Gore on lies he never said.

B said...

Vaughn said, "Guess what else I found out while I was digging around at Free Republic.bahblahbah lived in Illinois in 2004.OH! guess what else I found out---- our very own Andrea Gusty graduated
from Northwestern in Chicago,Illinois in 2005."

What a find! I really appreciate your research, attention to detail, and desire for accuracy, Vaughn.

SCmommy said...

Diana said:

The mystery is what does it say and why?? It looks like **lister**
The best I could come up with is maybe it is a football player named McCallister which might date his birth to around the superbowl timeframe. But I'm not a football fan so I really don't if that could be it. The other interesting name was Bill McCallister but I don't get that one either.


I'm pretty sure that's a "Hollister" shirt (brand name), and I know certain TV shows will "blank" out brand names--they even do it in music videos. Maybe it has something to do with copyright infringement.

jeanette said...


I haven't seen many, if any, pictures of Trig with those glasses other than when Sarah was videotaped for her address to the Special Olympics. I think she knew this group would know he should be wearing them and would be critical of her if he didn't have them on.

He didn’t have the glasses in any of the still photographs that were shown or short video clips. It was very interesting that it seemed that all of the still photographs and the two video clips showing Sarah interacting with Trig were taken the same day the video was taken. All the clothing was the same. I guess there weren’t any pictures of Sarah interacting with him other than on that day. There were historical pictures of Bristol holding Trig, including one with when she was with friends,

Piper seemed very strange in that video as well. I think her job was to make sure Trig didn’t take his glasses off and stayed where he was supposed to. She even pushed him back once when he leaned forward. IMO this video was classic Sarah manipulation.

SCmommy said...

Caroline said...
Just wondering about something....Sarah tends to call Piper 'sister'. A mother calling her daughter 'sister' is unheard of where I live, but then again, that's not Alaska. So I have to wonder if much emphasis should be put on Mercede calling baby Trig 'brother'.

I don't know about in Alaska, but I know at least 3 other families where a little brother or sister will call a big sister "Sissy." And when I'm scolding my youngest daughter, I'll often use some form of "sister," as in "You better shape up, or you're gonna get it, SIS." ;)

I haven't been able to listen to that video where Sarah calls Piper "sister" yet, but found the comment someone made about "sister" being a "control word" very interesting. I'm anxious to delve into that. If I just didn't have 4 kids to homeschool, I'd be all over this! lol

Anyone else familiar with "control words?"

SCmommy said...

Has anyone noticed that post over on "palingates" about the thank you note for the gift for TRIG that's signed "Bristol and the Palin family?"

Very interesting.

And can anyone give a hint as to what, how can I phrase this? "Another blogger" is onto that gives the impression that the big story is about to blow??

I'm just on pins & needles and it's killing me!

Lilybart said...

B: Thanks so much! I can now open a tinyurl.

My verification is unifti, two letter change away from UNFIT!!!

VN Media said...

Jeannette and Ivyfree,

With respect to infants wearing glasses: I can speak with a little experience here. My now 26 year old daughter was visually impaired due to prematurity from at least 4 months of age. At 10 months she was fitted for glasses (back then you had a choice between two styles only- girl frames and boy frames!) Even though she was legally blind she would only keep the glasses on when we went somewhere new so she could scope out the surrounds and once she had a visual picture of that she would fling off the glasses. She started keeping them on once she started walking. I never made an issue of her keeping them on figuring she knew what she was doing! I wouldnt be too critical of Trig not wearing his glasses all the time.

mlewis said...

Penny, I've noticed that you remember the same photo I do, the one of Bristol napping during the campaign with her head on Levi's chest. His left arm is around her, and there is a gold ring on his ring finger. I have looked high and low for that photo, and if I believed in a conspiracy, I'd think that photo was scrubbed. Surely not from everyplace. In the recent photos of Levi shown with baby Tripp, there is a photo of him holding the newborn baby. Levi is wearing a plastic hospital ID bracelet, and this time the ring is on his thumb, consistent with the Esquire story about a ring being stuck on his thumb. How many rings are there? He lost one in July, got a tattoo on his ring finger, has another ring on the campaign, now it's on his thumb. If I have to make a bad joke here, I'd say that it doesn't ring true.

B said...

Sarah in SC said...And can anyone give a hint as to what, how can I phrase this? "Another blogger" is onto that gives the impression that the big story is about to blow?? I'm just on pins & needles and it's killing me! ***

I recommend climbing down from the pins and needles. Gryphen's up there around Anchorage, I think, and is going to try to find out more. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. One thing I've learned from following this blog for 7-8 months now is that big revelations happen when you least rather than most expect them. Stay patient!

Ivyfree said...

"My spouse gets that glazed look in his eyes when I speak of this farce"

Oh yes. My husband says, "I don't care. I DON'T care. I don't CARE."

I reread the first page of the website last night and found myself wondering: why the HELL did SP fake a pregnancy? At what point, in what universe did that seem like a good idea? Having a kid with an illegitimate kid is only mildly embarrassing these days! It would probably create sympathy among her followers. I mean, WHY?

Oh, my WV is "sersi." As in "seriously..."

B said...

anne s.,
Thanks for the link to Water-break-gate. Amazingly complete for end of August, though some parts not quite right:

"The father was also on a leave from his oil field job."

We've found no proof Levi had an oil field job before September, after this article was written. Perhaps he had gotten the job but didn't start till September? He was hunting sheep in late August.

"Checking with the Anchorage High School that Bristol Palin attended, reporters were given word that her family had taken Bristol out of school due to contracting infectious mononucleosis. The amount of time Bristol was absent shifts from five to eight months."

Audrey found no proof that the mono story came from West H.S. or any other official source.

SCmommy said...

B said...

I recommend climbing down from the pins and needles. Gryphen's up there around Anchorage, I think, and is going to try to find out more. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. One thing I've learned from following this blog for 7-8 months now is that big revelations happen when you least rather than most expect them. Stay patient!

Thanks, B. I know, I know....I've been following this blog longer than I'm going to admit, but I think we're about the same time frame. ;) I'm just so ready for this to go mainstream. (And it would prove to my husband, also, too who "doesn't care. DOESN'T care. doesn't CARE!") lol

Oh--and that photo of Levi/Bristol and the ring on Levi's finger--I'm pretty sure I've seen that one in Diana's truthseeker flicker photos. I could be wrong, but I know I've seen it somewhere in connection to this blog.

Lynn said...

I haven't heard Sarah call Piper "sister" but I know that when I grew up in the South it was a sort of bonding term from church--as in we are all brothers and sisters in the faith. It's still a little strange coming from your mother but my uncle, who was a minister, would call his nieces and nephews as well as adults that. More of an old time religion/folksy thing to do. In Sarah's case it would take a person with a degree in Psychology to explain why she would do that!!

My wv contains a clue--jivary. As in jive-ery.

LisanTX said...

mlewis--Diana captured the picture with Levi and Bristol sleeping. It is on page 3 of Diana's flikr photostream.

MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...

Ivyfree, penny, and everyone else whose spouse gets that "glazed look" on the topic of Anything GINO: I laughed out loud in sympathy! Here, too!

Accessing addresses: I'm not the handiest on computers, but if I type www. first, I never get it; if I type http:// and then tinyurl, it comes right up.

Lilybart said...

Ivyfree: I really think she did it mainly because having a DS baby would make her the poster woman for the right to lifers, and I was correct about that.

Whatever happened, whomever gave birth to Trig, he made her, although we hope she is on her way to OVER now!

I don't think she went looking to adopt, but Trig's DS was icing on her cake. The silver lining to a bad situation, for someone!

Maizey's Mom said...

Here's the photo of Levi wearing an actual ring:

Doubting Thomas said...

Holy Toledo!!

Craig said...

I'm just curious. I am wondering if, short of a DNA test to affirm Trig's mother being Sarah, a majority of the people here who are regular posters will take to their grave the certainty that Sarah is a baby conspirator?

Let's just say that a custody fight does happen, but that nothing related to Trig comes out of it. And lets say that Levi and/or Sherry does write a book relating their relationship with Bristol and Sarah and the Palin's in general, and nothing damming regarding Trig's birth comes out of it. And lets say Sarah does her own book and includes a picture of her in a maternity room looking like she just gave birth, with the family around her (including Willow and Bristol). The picture, admittedly wouldn't absolutely prove anything in itself, but let's say it exists anyway. And during all this time (let's say over the course of 12 to 18 months) no one else speaks out through any media source and contradicts the Sarah/Trig official narrative.

What would be the opinion here? The point being, no "definitive" additional proof is given from the Palin camp, but no one ever says or provides anything that contests the official story either (even anonymously).

Its not out of the question that this is the way this issue ends up for the forseeable future (or much longer).

I'm sure people will say, "well, what about you Craig? What will it take for you to doubt Sarah as Trig's birthmother?"

Well, I've answered this many times, but I simply want someone credible, who could reasonably be in a position of knowledge, to raise a doubt about some key aspect of this official narrative. Then I will start to at least question it.

I truly am just wondering about how this scenario will affect anyone.

Duncan said...

MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...

"Ivyfree, penny, and everyone else whose spouse gets that "glazed look" on the topic of Anything GINO: I laughed out loud in sympathy! Here, too!"

Mrs TarquinBiscuitbarrel, I appreciate your sympathy, in our household it's my wife who thinks that I'm the nutty one.


Amy1 said...

Ivyfree: she had a compelling reason to fake the pregnancy. It was more than a pg teen. We knew from the first that it had to be a big deal reason. Some of us have scenarios, but no proof yet. But you are right -- it was more than a pg teen.

mlewis: is this the photo? scroll down.

Bretta said...

Craig said..."""I'm just curious. I am wondering if, short of a DNA test to affirm Trig's mother being Sarah, a majority of the people here who are regular posters will take to their grave the certainty that Sarah is a baby conspirator? April 27, 2009 1:25 PM"""

A legally acceptable DNA test, a birth certificate or a certificate of adoption would satisfy me.

Vaughn said...


April 27, 2009 6:35 AM

Go to the Free Republic website and click on the search box a keyword box will pop up
click on user and then type bahblahbah in the search.You,ll get all of bahblahbah,s posts
from 2009 till 2004.The Aug.31 post you can get by going back to the keyword box and
clicking on title then type into the search box---Karl Rove took this picture--- it will
popup no match but there is a box that says archive and when you click on that and search
again you.ll get the post.The Flickr picture is gone but the comments are still there.

I went back to FR and read the comments on the post more carefully.I missed it the first
time but he did answer where he found the picture.It was posted on the Ann Althouse blog.
Person named P Bain posted it in a comment on Aug.31 at 9:42pm the link that he posted
came from didn,t go there and try to find it but I may later on.

I know nothing about Flickr so could someone find that picture on Flickr if they didn,t
have the account owners name.Somebody please answer that for me this is about to drive me
I was looking at the time on bahblahbah,s post and because it was posted on Free Republic
it was posted on Calif. time at 8:40pm PDT.The Red Pen post on Daily Kos was at 8:50pm PDT
because Daily Kos is also based in Calif.That,s 10 minutes apart and I sure would like to
know how he found it so fast. When I was searching I was just looking for anything on SP
on Aug 31.and I don,t even remember which one of their forums I finally found it in.
I of course didn,t know to look for a post called---Karl Rove took this picture in a
pregnancy suit.So The Red Pen must know a whole lot faster way to search their site than I
Almost forgot to add that Ann Althouse lives in Wisconsin which is central time,so the P.
Bain post was probably posted about an hour before the bahblahbah and Red Pen posts.

mlewis said...

Yes, thanks to LisanTX and Amy1, that's the photo. Penny quotes Levi as saying that he lost his promise ring last July, and he wasn't going to bother with "no more rings." He gets a tattoo which is much more permanent than a ring, and then, lo and behold, he's got a gold ring on the left hand ring finger. Did they get married? In a picture with newborn Tripp, the ring's on his thumb, huh?? Is he trying to lose another ring? We're not getting the whole story here-- and have we checked out Bristol for "promise rings?"
This story is like an iceberg; we only see the tip. There is so much just below the water.

Sophie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caroline said...

The link to the Matt Lauer interview where SP calls Piper 'sister', (possibly a control word?) Notice how quickly Piper comes around to please Mom after she says it.

B said...

Vaughn said, "Person named P Bain posted it in a comment on Aug.31"

Could "P Bain" = "B Palin?"

Who did a post called: "Karl Rove took this picture in a pregnancy suit?" P Bain or blahblahblah or TheRedPen or someone else? Do you think the idea behind that caption was that the pregnant photo would save Palin's candidacy?

MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...

Hi, Duncan: There was a reason why I typed "spouse" instead of "husband." I've noticed quite a few male-type screen names here from the beginning. I didn't mention that my SONS are less polite than Mr. B; they all but plug their ears when I mention anything Palin.

This site, to my mind, is "social networking" at its best: goal-oriented citizen journalism as well as good company!

Bretta said...

re: calling Piper "sister"

I think it is just a term of endearment. A second cousin of mine was called Sid because her little brother could not say "Sister" - her real name was even more difficult - I think it is not important to this discussion.

wv: forsho

Bretta said...

re: teenage wedding rings

My daughter (born same year as BP) and her boyfriend have exchanged rings and said they got married on MySpace (last year).

Not a big deal, just pointing out what might be happening in teen-world.

Caroline said...

Bretta said:

re: calling Piper "sister"

I think it is just a term of endearment. A second cousin of mine was called Sid because her little brother could not say "Sister" - her real name was even more difficult - I think it is not important to this discussion

Yes, that was the point of my original post. If 'sister' and 'brother' said by non-siblings are terms of endearment and not important, then Mercede calling Trig her brother is also not important.

Previous posters have wondered what she meant by that, but now it is cleared up. Thank you.

Doubting Thomas said...

Craig said..."""I'm just curious. I am wondering if, short of a DNA test to affirm Trig's mother being Sarah, a majority of the people here who are regular posters will take to their grave the certainty that Sarah is a baby conspirator? April 27, 2009 1:25 PM"""

A legally acceptable DNA test, a birth certificate or a certificate of adoption would satisfy me.
A birth Certificate would NOT satisfy me. As we have shown before, in the State of Alaska, once an adoption has been completed. The Adoptive parents can have a new birth certificate issued showing that they are the birth parents and the true birth parents are now totally and permanently erased from the child's life.

Vaughn said...

B said...
Vaughn said, "Person named P Bain posted it in a comment on Aug.31"

Could "P Bain" = "B Palin?"

Who did a post called: "Karl Rove took this picture in a pregnancy suit?" P Bain or blahblahblah
or TheRedPen or someone else? Do you think the idea behind that caption was that the pregnant
photo would save Palin's candidacy?

B I,m sorry that I didn,t make it clear but bahblahbah was person who posted the picture on Free
I have no idea who P Bain could be but I can tell you one thing,he or she joined Blogger in Aug.
2008 just so they could do that post on Ann ALthouse,s blog.
No one that I can find has ever said how they managed to find that picture on that Flickr.I think
whoever erik99559 is made sure that someone knew so that it could get spread out on the conservative

I really don,t think the Karl Rove caption was anything but bahblahbah being sarcastic.We all know
the Flickr picture was put out to try and save Sarah,s butt,look how well that worked out for her.

ProChoiceGrandma said...

Patrick, I always look forward to your posts - that video with Michael Carey of ADN is a huge find!
Ha! The McCain/Palin goons didn’t bury this deep enough to hide it from your expert sleuthing! Kudos! I am amazed that Carey still works at ADN - I would think Sarah would have tried to get him fired. Perhaps he has some leverage protecting him?

“Michael Carey confirms that the rumor that Sarah Palin faked the pregnancy with Trig existed long before September 2008, and he also tells the viewers that he heard of this rumor through a lawyer, who is a good friend of his and presented this rumor to him as "the absolute truth".”

ProChoiceGrandma said...

I would still like to at least see a condensed numbered timeline and accompanying numbered pictures/videos for people who have not read this entire blog. It needs to be simplified because people are, well, basically lazy, and would not take the time to go in depth. The talking points used by Sarah and the McCain/Palin campaign are stuck in their heads and the idea that Sarah faked a pregnancy is just too outlandish for many people to believe that someone, let alone a governor, would do such an outrageous thing. But she did! And the reason we are intent to follow up on this is because Sarah’s incredibly irrational judgment shows she is unfit to hold public office, ANYWHERE, let alone anywhere NEAR Washington DC.

in search of truth said...

okay -- i think i finally figured out how to get a dang google account. i have read this blog for a long time....have looked at and read every link....

the photo of levi with the baby where he has the hospital bracelet on his arm -- he also has a ring on his thumb. is that his wedding ring?

i don't remember anyone commenting about that.

i don't know how to do tinyurls but if you go to the flickr site

and look to the right and scroll with the left arrow through the 31 photo file -- about two or three photos over is the photo i am refering to.

btw -- thanks to everyone for keeping this investigation going forward.

maybe now i can add some thoughts from time to time.

cooky said...

Craig, I've said repeatedly that I wanted to think well of Governor Palin, although I disagree with her positions on most issues. Thus far that has been a challenge. I've also said that I would be satisfied with a definitive statement from Sarah Palin, with CBJ's definitive confirmation:

"I Sarah Palin gave birth to my son, Trig, on 4/18/08 at MatSu Regional Medical Center with CBJ present in the delivery room as attending physician. "

"I CBJ attended Sarah Palin as she gave birth to her son, Trig, at MatSu Regional Medical Center on 4/18/08."

Note that I require no inquisition, invasive testing, intrusive questioning. Just make the statement.

The fact that SP will not make that simple, direct, definitive statement says one of three things:

She did not give birth or
She did not give birth under the circumstances she reported or
She did give birth and will not acknowledge her son.

Craig, what do you think of Todd (Iron Man) Palin's performance as a protector and leader of his family? It appears to me that Sarah Palin may have six kids, including Todd the big boy. Sad for the whole family. I hope those children can find some peace in their futures.

Daniel Archangel said...

To counter B's valid point, what he describes is the definition of "inconclusive". While our group has the burden of proof -- which nobody can meet yet -- SP should have a much simpler job in this case proving she gave birth to Trig, but she hasn't done so. All she can do is hope that no reporter asks her the direct question:

"What proof can you offer that you gave birth to your son Trig?"

Since she hasn't affirmatively answered that question, the weight of the circumstantial evidence makes it more likely than not that she faked the pregnancy. We have lots of confirmable evidence she faked it. She has presented no confirmable evidence at all that she was even pregnant.

If our burden of proof level weren't so high -- beyond a reasonable doubt -- it would be over one way or another. She using the burden to assert she's innocent of the charges. She'll get away with that with MSM, but not with me and not with the rest of the people who follow this investigation.

I have a plan to make her answer. We know at least one MSM publication that doesn't take her word for it: Vanity Fair.

When she answers the question above, and that evidence is confirmed, then I'll believe her. I'll also conclude she's stupid and reckless for flying 12 hours while in labor.


Lilybart said...

I am beginning to think that the reason the pg was faked is bigger than just Bristol being an unwed teen.

The photos we have been allowed to see prove to me that Palin was NOT pg. Who was, I don't know. birthdates are deliberately vague and Bristol was missing during key months, but is this enough? I think it might be for Palin. Maybe when they found out about the DS Palin decided this was great news for her and her base, so she told Bristol don't worry, I will fake it.

So, it wasn't that a teen mother was SO BAD for Palin, but that the DS baby was SO GOOD for her ambitions.

And I do believe she is that self-obsessed and cynical.

midnightcajun said...

Craig, about once a month, asks what it would take to convince us that Sarah had Trig. At this point, my answer is, Nothing will ever convince me, except evidence that all photos like this one--

--were photoshopped or misdated. People in positions of influence have the power to change the dates on birth certificates and hospital records, to coerce doctors and other hospital staff into lying, etc. They can even insure that DNA samples are mishandled. And if I sound like I'm wearing a tinfoil hat, let me hasten to add that my husband spent decades in US intelligence. I know of what I speak.

For those of you who find it hard to believe that-- HIPPA notwithstanding--someone in the hospital wouldn't come forward to say that Bristol gave birth to Trig, or that Trig spent a month or two in neonatal care, I had an interesting conversation last weekend with a close, trusted friend who works at a exclusive local hotel. She told me about a very prominent politician (married with children) staying with them who is very obviously having a hot affair with his female body guard. This politician is on a tour that has already lasted several weeks and involved him staying at numerous hotels. His extramarital behavior has obviously been witnessed by many hotel employees around the world. They, like my friend, doubtless whispered about it to their friends and relatives. But no where in the press have I seen references to this very religious politician as being anything other than very faithful to his wife. Why? Because hotel employees, like nurses in small towns, worry about losing their jobs, and because such small fry are not considered reliable sources by the press.

We have numerous reports that "rumors" were flying around Wasilla. They came from people who knew the truth whispering to their friends and relatives. But until someone like Levi or Dr. CBJ steps up to tell the truth, we won't see this story break. No reputable media outlet is going to quote the sister of an 18 year old hospital volunteer who claims she saw Bristol in bed after giving birth to Trig, even if it's true.

Amy1 said...

I showed this graphic to a really bright, well-read woman who is NOT pro SP in any way. She looked with some interest for a minute, and then the conversation around us changed. A moment later, I asked her what she thought, and she said she was not convinced, saying "Oh, well, you, know, these things you see in the Internet, . . . Photos can be photoshopped."

Her doubt re the vagaries of the internet trumped the on-the-face-of-it validity of the graphic.

This is as well-meaning a person as we would ever hope to find, as perfectly aligned with our larger purpose as anyone could be -- but the graphic did nothing for her. Good to know.

So, we still need some other "elevator pitch" -- I mean a VERY short, compelling phrase, visual, or SOMETHING is still lacking to move our job forward.

To progress it.

MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...

On page 5 of truthseeker222's Flickr account--the page after Levi with the ring--there's a shot of the April 2009 issue of Conde Nast Portfolio. As it happens, there's a cover shot of GINO. And it's the last issue of that magazine: Conde Nast is folding it.

Now, not that it's any connection, but here's hoping SP will soon be newsstand poison. Sort of like the Sports Illustrated Curse...

Anonymous said...


GINO= Governor In Name Only

It's a slam at Palin's penchant for spending more time fighting with bloggers and currying favor with her base than doing the job the Alaska people elected her to do.

JJ said...

Ok, so gryphen is saying that he has sensitive information that he can't share right now, because he doesn't want to compromise Levi's book deal.
So 1) Is that confirmation that Levi has a book deal and
2) Does that apply to this website, too,- that we won't find out the details of the deception until the book is out?

RNP in CA said...

Thank you, Morgan!

GinaM said...

Wow... Maybe the end is finally near for this crazy saga.

Daniel Archangel said...

Amy1 wrote:

So, we still need some other "elevator pitch" -- I mean a VERY short, compelling phrase, visual, or SOMETHING is still lacking to move our job forward.

To progress it.
How about:

"How many women do you know who knowingly went into labor in Texas but gave birth in Alaska?"

Nobody's got a good answer for that one, just lame defenses. Then you hit 'em with:

"With a premature, high-risk pregnancy, she flew 12 hours without being checked by a doctor or even a nurse first. Then she, supposedly, gave birth a few hours later, at the farthest hospital possible. I don't know. I don't buy it."

There's no defense to that. All someone can say is "Well, I guess that's what must have happened."

To which you reply:

"Well, I guess a faked pregnancy is what must have happened."

It might seem like a draw, but the person will repeat it.


Lilybart said...

amy1: The photos that I find most convincing are the video interview where she hikes to work and the photo of her with Beth Kertulla in the fleece jacket, FLAT on her belly.

I don't find the graphic you link to, very compelling in its choices of photos.

Burgh said...

*** Palin Pregnancy Truth said...
Doubting Thomas, good find.

Wasilla hockey coach Bill Sturdevant, who was invited to the wedding, said he was sorry to hear Johnston wasn't going to return for his senior year of high school. But he said he believes Johnston, a talented hockey player, will find his way.

Notice that it says "was" invited, not "is" invited. That implies that there was already a wedding, not an impending date. I've always believed that they were married close to Trig's birth. It would fit the timeline of Levi dropping out and stopping hockey/starting work.***

I also find the photos of Levi wearing a wedding ring curious; we have reports of him having different girlfriends, also too, so I'm not sure what to make of it. Maybe it was a purity ring, ha ha?
I wouldn't read so much into 'was invited to the wedding' though. The invitation could've been an offhand statement like, 'we're getting married and we want you to be there' rather than anything formal or with a date attached. However, the wedding ring makes me curious as to whether they eloped around the time BP was pregnant with Trig. SP wouldn't want this known for at least two reasons: one, she might not consider a justice-of-the-piece elopement to be a real, churchy wedding; and two, a pre-Trig wedding would lend credence to the BP-is-pregnant rumors.

Burgh said...

*** Craig said...
I'm just curious. I am wondering if, short of a DNA test to affirm Trig's mother being Sarah, a majority of the people here who are regular posters will take to their grave the certainty that Sarah is a baby conspirator?***

What's important to me is that her political career ends. There were plenty of ways the conspiracy theories, if false, could've been put to rest, but she prefers to pile lie upon lie. Her lifelong duplicitous behavior makes it nearly impossible for me to believe anything she says or does at this point. I know that doesn't answer your question, but 'take it to the grave' implies that this particular matter is the most important part of my feelings for SP.

***Let's just say that a custody fight does happen, but that nothing related to Trig comes out of it. And lets say that Levi and/or Sherry does write a book relating their relationship with Bristol and Sarah and the Palin's in general, and nothing damming regarding Trig's birth comes out of it.***

That wouldn't surprise me at this point. You have two crime-ridden, dishonest families, and I assume they'll be gliding over many issues in the future, just as they always have. I wouldn't take omissions as evidence.

*** And lets say Sarah does her own book and includes a picture of her in a maternity room looking like she just gave birth, with the family around her (including Willow and Bristol). The picture, admittedly wouldn't absolutely prove anything in itself, but let's say it exists anyway.***

SP has never had problems showing pictures of herself, pictures of herself hugely pregnant, pictures of herself with her children, pictures of her kids with newborn Trig, pictures of family friends with newborn Trig in a hospital... well, you get the idea. The only picture she hasn't shown is a picture of her, her husband and 'her' newborn baby Trig right after giving birth. It's a picture everyone who's given birth has. If it existed, she would've shown it. Instead, she disclosed a private matter about her unmarried underage daughter.

***And during all this time (let's say over the course of 12 to 18 months) no one else speaks out through any media source and contradicts the Sarah/Trig official narrative.***

Anyone whose income depends on playing nice with SP probably won't talk. I don't expect them to. The possible gain isn't worth what they'd lose.

***What would be the opinion here? The point being, no "definitive" additional proof is given from the Palin camp, but no one ever says or provides anything that contests the official story either (even anonymously).***

That's pretty much accepted for now, I think. I don't know if I expect anything else, if SP remains in office.

***Its not out of the question that this is the way this issue ends up for the forseeable future (or much longer).***

To some degree, or to people who either don't care or support SP, that's probably how it will always be. I'm not expecting a grand confession from a weeping prostate SP, begging for forgiveness for her lie. But I don't expect that from, for example, OJ Simpson either. People who live their lies so thoroughly don't usually fess up.

***I'm sure people will say, "well, what about you Craig? What will it take for you to doubt Sarah as Trig's birthmother?"

Well, I've answered this many times, but I simply want someone credible, who could reasonably be in a position of knowledge, to raise a doubt about some key aspect of this official narrative. Then I will start to at least question it.***

What's 'a position of knowledge'? A hospital worker? Some authority figure? I think that's a higher bar than we'll reach. The knowledge is out there. We're all exploring it. But I'm not sure what you're looking for on this blog if you're not at least questioning her narrative; seems like something called Palin's Deceptions wouldn't be of more than passing interest to someone who doesn't find anything deceptive about SP.

sandra said...

It could be that Bristol and Levi did get married in the spring of 2008. This certainly would have made it more acceptable to Levi's living in the Palin house. However, if wedding pictures were requested, the pictures might show Bristol being very pregnant. That would never do.

LisanTX said...

I wonder which baby Bristol brought in the snugli to the Slush Cup this past weekend? Probably Tripp, since he isn't holding his up very well.

Craig said...

Midnightcajun said;

"No reputable media outlet is going to quote the sister of an 18 year old hospital volunteer who claims she saw Bristol in bed after giving birth to Trig, even if it's true."


That's exactly what the tabloids are for! They rarely, if ever, name the names of their sources when they break their bombshells. They are happy to run with the stories that the "reputable" media is too squemish to touch. Do you think they worry much about second-sourcing and proper journalistic ethics?

They would run with a source that you mentioned above, in a New York minute!! Just how carefully researched do you think all these stories are about who is sleeping with who, or who has a terrible illness, or who kicked who out of their house?

Now, I certainly don't keep up with that type of media, but I also don't recall a hint of any such Sarah/Trig/Bristol allegations from such outlets in many months (if ever).

I hope you won't suggest that the National Enquirer, and those of its ilk, are all afraid of Palin. It has always amazed me that they have not run with the initial Bristol/Trig rumours and these Sarah pregnancy pictures, from September and through today. Even if they doubted it was true, it would have still made for good circulation spikes.

They run a blurry picture of the back of an old man's head every few years or so and say that JFK lived on in an undisclosed location for many years after 1963 (I am NOT making that up, either, LOL). Yet they won't touch these Palin pictures? You just have to know that their researchers have seen them at some point.

Just very curious to me.

Craig said...

NY tabloid chick said;

"What's 'a position of knowledge'? A hospital worker? Some authority figure? I think that's a higher bar than we'll reach. The knowledge is out there. We're all exploring it. But I'm not sure what you're looking for on this blog if you're not at least questioning her narrative;"


A broader group than that is okay with me. A close teenage friend (or former close friend), a Johnston or Palin relative, a former staffer, a current (or former) family friend. Obviously, if they look like they have an ax to grind, then that has to be taken into account, but not immediately disregarded.

Why I still visit is that it is just interesting to me to see how this alternative narrative is able to sustain itself and how new information is absorbed. And on the off chance that you guys are ever proven right, I'll be the first to say "well done".

Unknown said...

All these months people have commented on how there are no photos of SP and the family after she's given birth. Now, you know how I feel about all of this b/c of my presence here. But allow me to say "au contraire" on this one. No matter who the governor or senator or public person is, they are not going to show the no makeup/hospital gown/IV/husband leaning over/newborn on her chest photo. It wouldn't be professional or appropriate. Those are personal, family shots.

What the P's did show is consistent with what a "celeb" or public person, of whatever degree, would show. And that is the one of her puffy faced and TP holding the newborn close between their faces. How newborn? We don't know. But if I were in her tacky shoes, i.e. a governor, I too would clean up and have a formal photo taken. And (also, too) if he was whisked off to a NICU to check his heart, he, the baby, wouldn't be available anyway. Not to mention, she didn't have this baby. But my point being, I think they did show an appropriate photo for a public official. Now, whether they borrowed said baby from Bristol, is what we need to figure out. L.A. in S.F.

B said...


Any idea who the guy is? Matt Hanley? Johnny Chandler? She sure is open about being with him.

She was standing next to a taller guy at the Iron Dog, in the picture Gryphen had, but his face wasn't visible.

I agree the baby's TriPP. TriG should be too big and heavy for a front Snugli. Maybe Levi can't be with him, but some other guy can.

Thanks for sharing this!

Shelby said...

Craig said;
A broader group than that is okay with me. A close teenage friend (or former close friend), a Johnston or Palin relative, a former staffer, a current (or former) family friend. Obviously, if they look like they have an ax to grind, then that has to be taken into account, but not immediately disregarded.
One thing that should not be discounted is the fact that if Palin did go to the lengths it appears she went to fake a pregnancy I really doubt she was going leave her political future in the hands of anyone that wasn't 100% trustworthy, such as a teenager, former staffer etc.

I believe that only very small group is in on the deception. That group could be as small as Dr. Johnston, Todd, Sarah & Bristol Palin and possibly another very close family member who may have provided a place for Bristol Palin to remain hidden for until Trig was born. Trig could have been birthed at home by Dr. Johnston and no one would have known about him until Sarah ‘presented’ him to the world.

While Palin's fake pregnancy seems almost amateurish in retrospect due to the the fact that if one really wants to look, she really never looked pregnant, the fact remains she appears to have to great lengths to pull off this deception even to the point of padding herself, arranging fake photos and concocting elaborate lies.

For every Palin believer who cries, “Where as all the 'witnesses'?”, I always have to ask, yes, where are all those witnesses? Are you telling me the Governor of a state gave birth to a special needs baby in a public hospital and there is not ONE witness to come forward and verify her story? A story that, btw, demands verification!

I do believe there is one person who now does have an axe to grind and who may have information that Palin really doesn't want out in the public. But that person also has a son or sons being raised within the Palin compound so I don't believe he is going to spill the beans until he can be assured that he has all his ducks in a row. I don't think it is any accident that Rex Butler is representing the Johnstons. Sherry or someone probably did some research to find out who was the best around because that is what she needs now. And doesn't that seem a little odd for a middle-aged Mom who got caught selling off her own prescription of pills?

It is interesting that according Gryphen at The Immoral Minority that there is now reason to believe Sherry Johnston's arrest was politically motivated Now why the hell would Sarah Palin want the grandmother of her grandson arrested?

It might makes sense that if Bristol and Levi are at odds, Levi is frustrated with the custody situation, Levi knows too much that Palin may have had to flex some muscle to keep the Johnstons in line.

Never forget the immortal words of Anne Kilkenny, "It is astonishing and almost scary how well she [Palin]can keep a secret."

This is woman who rules by intimidations, fear and control. She can get people fired, she can get people arrested and she isn’t afraid to strap on a square pillow and stand in front of the world and say she is pregnant.

This story is far from over and Sarah Palin is a formidable adversary but the truth will drip out eventually.

Ivyfree said...

"she might not consider a justice-of-the-piece elopement to be a real, churchy wedding; and two, a pre-Trig wedding would lend credence to the BP-is-pregnant rumors."

It wouldn't have to be a justice of the peace. I mean, I think SP's trashy and she'd want a big splashy church wedding with a harpist and a soloist and a bubble machine and a wedding dress from some major designer that she got a big discount for and fourteen bridesmaids in a rainbow color effect and spike heels and a huge reception with the bride in a second wedding dress and a cake flown in from Los Angeles or someplace- if possible. I think there was a marriage ceremony before Trig was born, and there are no pictures and it was kept quiet because Bristol was bigly pregnant.

A wedding can be a religious ceremony and just exactly as legal if it's performed in the minister's study or living room with two witnesses. Say, Sarah and Todd.

Truthseeker2 said...

I am also inclined to believe that there was a wedding ceremony, possibly before Trig's birth, but they may have married without Sarah & Todd's official permission. This would explain the "in-law" references. But once Trig's DS was known, the health insurance issues may have trumped the unwed mother issues, from a practical standpoint.

(Presumably marriage records are also not public record in AK, like birth certificates? Seems like these private records are an invitation to fraud, especially in a state that gives substantial cash dividends to its citizens.)

One of the things that surprised me in the Levi-LKL interview was that Levi did not seem to have a copy of the birth certificate(s). He said that the original certificate for Tripp said his last name was Johnston, but implied that he did not have a copy. If I were Levi, I would make sure I had official copies of both birth certificates, post-haste.

SCmommy said...

About the "au contraire," I have to say "au contraire, au contraire!"

Bobby Jindal just recently released photos of himself & wife in hospital gown, sitting in the hospital bed with her, after he delivered their newest baby at home when they couldn't get to the hospital soon enough! So there are politicians, etc., who will release the "official photo." Just not Bible Spice, because she can't.

I'll try to find the link to the Jindal photo. It's recent, tho--it's been since that whole Republican response to the State of the Union address fiasco.

SCmommy said...

Here's the link to the Bobby Jindal photo. Sorry I don't know how to do that tiny url thing.

B said...

Shelby said, "[T]he truth will drip out eventually."

Just like leaking amniotic fluid.

LisanTX said...

B--No I have no idea who the guy is in the picture. He and another guy also had their pictures taken (1) with Todd and (2) with Sarah. Other pictures of Sarah from the Slush Cup were posted on meat haras with these. I don't think the photographer (or porson who uploaded the pictures) even knew who the guy was--the tags on that page say Bristol, Johnston, cup, slush, Tripp!!! Johnston!

The pictures were posted on meat haras by Denise Spencer.

I checked the I.M. blog picture of Bristol that you mentioned. The guy next to her had a different coat on, fwiw.

Burgh said...

*** Craig said...
Midnightcajun said;

"No reputable media outlet is going to quote the sister of an 18 year old hospital volunteer who claims she saw Bristol in bed after giving birth to Trig, even if it's true."


That's exactly what the tabloids are for! They rarely, if ever, name the names of their sources when they break their bombshells.****

Actually, that's not just a tabloid thing; reporters for major, reputable newspapers have gone to prison rather than reveal sources. In tabloid land, sometimes people want to be named as sources, sometimes they don't. A family member, close friend, hairdresser making good money from the celeb... they don't want to be named. Works out well for both sides; they keep their relationships and the tab gets more info.

***They are happy to run with the stories that the "reputable" media is too squemish to touch.***

Sometimes, yes; sometimes they have an angle for which the story will work, whereas it wouldn't work for a reputable outfit.

*** Do you think they worry much about second-sourcing and proper journalistic ethics? They would run with a source that you mentioned above, in a New York minute!! Just how carefully researched do you think all these stories are about who is sleeping with who, or who has a terrible illness, or who kicked who out of their house?***

That one I have to take issue with, after leaving work last night after 3am, waiting for lawyers, celebs' reps, sourcing etc to all check out. If something isn't second-sourced, it's usually coming from the celeb directly or from an eyewitness who wants to be named; even then if it's an "I saw so-and-so doing cocaine at a bar" eyewitness, we do check that so-and-so was in that city and look for other verification. I'm not saying the tabs are operating at all times on a NY Times level, but they're not running a story based upon an unvetted source.

***Now, I certainly don't keep up with that type of media, but I also don't recall a hint of any such Sarah/Trig/Bristol allegations from such outlets in many months (if ever).
I hope you won't suggest that the National Enquirer, and those of its ilk, are all afraid of Palin. It has always amazed me that they have not run with the initial Bristol/Trig rumours and these Sarah pregnancy pictures, from September and through today. Even if they doubted it was true, it would have still made for good circulation spikes.***

Political figures don't sell that well on tabloids. National Enquirerdid well with John Edwards, but none of the others really followed up because those stories aren't a big seller.

***They run a blurry picture of the back of an old man's head every few years or so and say that JFK lived on in an undisclosed location for many years after 1963 (I am NOT making that up, either, LOL).***

Those are the newsprint tabloids with alien babies and bat boy, not the glossy celeb weeklies (People, Us, Star, In Touch, OK! etc). I have no idea what their standards and ethics are but I can take a guess :)

*** Yet they won't touch these Palin pictures? You just have to know that their researchers have seen them at some point.***

Researchers only get photos when they're passed on from editors and writers. Everyone has seen the photos; if a cover story would sell more than Britney or Brad, they'd do it.

Burgh said...

*** Craig said...
NY tabloid chick said;

"What's 'a position of knowledge'? A hospital worker? Some authority figure? I think that's a higher bar than we'll reach. The knowledge is out there. We're all exploring it. But I'm not sure what you're looking for on this blog if you're not at least questioning her narrative;"


A broader group than that is okay with me. A close teenage friend (or former close friend), a Johnston or Palin relative, a former staffer, a current (or former) family friend. Obviously, if they look like they have an ax to grind, then that has to be taken into account, but not immediately disregarded. ***

Any 'former' anything can be portrayed as having an axe to grind; that's the SP way. I would trust a series of photos and co-workers saying 'she did not look pregnant' over a teenage friend of anyone involved, but I know we all find different bits of evidence more compelling than others.

Burgh said...

*** Laura said...
All these months people have commented on how there are no photos of SP and the family after she's given birth. Now, you know how I feel about all of this b/c of my presence here. But allow me to say "au contraire" on this one. No matter who the governor or senator or public person is, they are not going to show the no makeup/hospital gown/IV/husband leaning over/newborn on her chest photo. It wouldn't be professional or appropriate. Those are personal, family shots.***

I'd think so with most politicians, and I'd think she'd be too vain to show a shot like this, but this is a woman who thinks a dying turkey dripping entrails is an appropriate background for a television interview. I could go either way on this, but I'd rather show a picture of me looking sweaty and tousled postpartum than tell the world my daughter's private details.

Burgh said...

*** Ivyfree said...
"she might not consider a justice-of-the-piece elopement to be a real, churchy wedding; and two, a pre-Trig wedding would lend credence to the BP-is-pregnant rumors."

It wouldn't have to be a justice of the peace. I mean, I think SP's trashy and she'd want a big splashy church wedding with a harpist and a soloist and a bubble machine and a wedding dress from some major designer that she got a big discount for and fourteen bridesmaids in a rainbow color effect and spike heels and a huge reception with the bride in a second wedding dress and a cake flown in from Los Angeles or someplace- if possible. I think there was a marriage ceremony before Trig was born, and there are no pictures and it was kept quiet because Bristol was bigly pregnant.

A wedding can be a religious ceremony and just exactly as legal if it's performed in the minister's study or living room with two witnesses. Say, Sarah and Todd.***

I love the bubble machine! Yes, I could imagine her doing it that way... but I was thinking more of the kids sneaking off and getting married.

Bretta said...

"""MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...
On page 5 of truthseeker222's Flickr account--the page after Levi with the ring--there's a shot of the April 2009 issue of Conde Nast Portfolio. As it happens, there's a cover shot of GINO. And it's the last issue of that magazine: Conde Nast is folding it."""

Interesting that you note this. Too. Also. Because I saw Chelsea Lately hold up that magazine. I recognized the Vogue picture of our Gov on the cover, expecting some remark about SP, but No, she was completely bypassed for some other personage-of-the-moment. I thought the same as you, that possibly SP is Old News. I can only hope.
wv: cousn. Is that a clue?

Craig said...

I still classify the National Enquirer with the newsprint tabloids, myself. I'm not really including People magazine and such when I refer to "tabloids" as far as my own definition goes.

As you say, NY TabloidChick, these newsprint versions are probably even less concerned about sources than "People" and "US" magazines. It would be so easy for them to run some pictures that are publicly available already and rehash the whole "Is Sarah really the mother, or is Bristol" narrative. Who cares if its mainly recycled info. Tabs put out variations of the same stories all the time, from what I've seen.

And I have to disagree about the broad idea that politicians make bad copy. Sure, most of them do because they are frankly not very interesting people. Sarah is an exception since she is more of a populist politician who connected with a lot of people on a personal level. Then there is the whole family thing that was pushed onto the public as well. Like it or not, her story and the way she burst onto the scene last fall, made her a "Personality" as well as a politician.

She may not rate with Brad Pitt in drawing circulation numbers for People and such, but as a secondary story, some narrative attached to those pregnancy photos would draw many eyeballs and attention from other media! I don't see how anyone could argue that otherwise.

It must not be a validity issue, unless you are going to tell me that these photos wouldn't meet the credibility test at People magazine or the others. They certainly would for the newsprint tabs.

Someone could argue that the pictures themselves are old news. But the public really hasn't seen the enhanced photos. That is the angle that makes them "news-worthy".

We can disagree, but like I said, I just find it curious that this isn't explored by any version of the tabloids. It seems counter-intuitive to how they seem to operate and how they would evaluate storylines.

Burgh said...

*** Dangerous said...
Amy1 wrote:

So, we still need some other "elevator pitch" -- I mean a VERY short, compelling phrase, visual, or SOMETHING is still lacking to move our job forward.

To progress it.How about:

"How many women do you know who knowingly went into labor in Texas but gave birth in Alaska?"

Nobody's got a good answer for that one, just lame defenses. Then you hit 'em with:

"With a premature, high-risk pregnancy, she flew 12 hours without being checked by a doctor or even a nurse first. Then she, supposedly, gave birth a few hours later, at the farthest hospital possible. I don't know. I don't buy it."

There's no defense to that. All someone can say is "Well, I guess that's what must have happened."

To which you reply:

"Well, I guess a faked pregnancy is what must have happened."

It might seem like a draw, but the person will repeat it.***

You've got the technique down pat! And if the person has ever been pregnant, that's the kicker: "Would YOU do something like that when you were pregnant?"

Burgh said...

*** Craig said...
I still classify the National Enquirer with the newsprint tabloids, myself. I'm not really including People magazine and such when I refer to "tabloids" as far as my own definition goes.***

I work for 'such', lol... and the main difference is NE is more willing to 'go there' on stories, and they're willing to pay for information. That's not a knock on NE; they were right on John Edwards and OJ, after all... but they operate under slightly different standards than People, Us, Star, In Touch, OK!.

***As you say, NY TabloidChick, these newsprint versions are probably even less concerned about sources than "People" and "US" magazines. It would be so easy for them to run some pictures that are publicly available already and rehash the whole "Is Sarah really the mother, or is Bristol" narrative. Who cares if its mainly recycled info. Tabs put out variations of the same stories all the time, from what I've seen.***

Well, NE has touched on SP, her family etc, and if it were sending newsstand sales skyward, they'd go there again.

***And I have to disagree about the broad idea that politicians make bad copy.***

I didn't say that; I said they don't sell.

***Sure, most of them do because they are frankly not very interesting people. Sarah is an exception since she is more of a populist politician who connected with a lot of people on a personal level. Then there is the whole family thing that was pushed onto the public as well. Like it or not, her story and the way she burst onto the scene last fall, made her a "Personality" as well as a politician.***

But she is still a seated politician. For the person deciding between In Touch, People, Star, Us and OK!, she's not the cover that bumps sales enough to make her a cover star. I find Brad and Angie, Aniston, Britney, Lindsay etc boring as hell, but they sell.

***She may not rate with Brad Pitt in drawing circulation numbers for People and such, but as a secondary story, some narrative attached to those pregnancy photos would draw many eyeballs and attention from other media! I don't see how anyone could argue that otherwise.***

But if you're breaking a story like this, with political implications, it's not something to be buried inside the magazine. All of the tabs follow a very familiar formula. People is the only one that puts current events (Craigslist killer is the most recent example) with much success. If it worked for the others, they'd be doing it as well.

***It must not be a validity issue, unless you are going to tell me that these photos wouldn't meet the credibility test at People magazine or the others. They certainly would for the newsprint tabs.***

Unless you're talking about someone the public loves to hate, the public doesn't buy a magazine for negative stories like this. Recent example: Mel Gibson has been cheating for years. Open secret, lots of people whispering, pictures floating around... but he's a box-office star, long marriage, wife and kids out of the spotlight. He gets himself in big public trouble, DWI, and everything hits the tabs and papers at once. We could've been running this story for years, but the public doesn't want a beloved star to be brought down like this. And to a her base, who are also big consumers of these mags, she's a beloved star. When she brings herself down, and she's working toward that, the pix will be printed.

***Someone could argue that the pictures themselves are old news. But the public really hasn't seen the enhanced photos. That is the angle that makes them "news-worthy".***

In the photoshop world we live in, the public is skeptical about photos.

***We can disagree, but like I said, I just find it curious that this isn't explored by any version of the tabloids. It seems counter-intuitive to how they seem to operate and how they would evaluate storylines.***

As soon as this will make money, it'll be out there. Like with Mel Gibson, give it time. Mel took years to be exposed. I've got, hmm, till the runoff to 2012. :)

Craig said...

Thanks for your response NYtabloidchick. You make good points. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you have some specific knowledge about the editorial-decision process, even though I don't know what your function is with your employer (i.e. a part of the creative process or a member of the accounting department, LOL).

To me, its one thing to run a story that some so-and-so implied that Sarah had an affair once with someone. Not much meat on that bone.

But to run a story with enhanced photos that can be claimed to show a non-pregnant Sarah weeks before delivery, and suggesting that Trig is Bristol's first child?? Now THAT would get their readership's attention!! Plus, other media could safely piggyback onto the story by saying that it was coming from the NE, not from themselves. Talk radio would pick it up as the hot 24-hours opinion-generating topic of the day.

So on and so on.

This would be even more so last Fall and Winter when her name and her family were white-hot in terms of public interest.

Yes, she is a "seated politician". She doesn't have the cover star draw of those who can do any mundane thing and still generate circulation numbers. I get that. But a one-off bombshell topic like a faked pregnancy?? With pictures as proof?? During a time, last Fall and Winter, when she was all over the news and TV??? Seroiusly? I just have to question the idea that such a story wouldn't attract eyeballs.

At the end of the day, I just can't believe that this scenario wouldn't have been used sometime between last Fall and now, by even the lowest common denominator media sources. I've not heard any rationale so far that would explain it satisfactorily.

The closest thing would be if such editors felt that these photos aren't obviously enough evidence or that the enhanced photos would look suspect. But like I said before, the tabloids I'm talking about have no qualms about running that blurry photo of an old man every few years and claim that it is JFK, who lived well beyond 1963!!!

So even that rationale is shaky, at least for the lower rungs of the tabloid world.


Burgh said...

*** Craig said...
Thanks for your response NYtabloidchick. You make good points. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you have some specific knowledge about the editorial-decision process, even though I don't know what your function is with your employer (i.e. a part of the creative process or a member of the accounting department, LOL).***

I am not part of the accounting department! I am on the creative end (not creative accounting; creative creative). :)

***To me, its one thing to run a story that some so-and-so implied that Sarah had an affair once with someone. Not much meat on that bone.

But to run a story with enhanced photos that can be claimed to show a non-pregnant Sarah weeks before delivery, and suggesting that Trig is Bristol's first child?? Now THAT would get their readership's attention!! Plus, other media could safely piggyback onto the story by saying that it was coming from the NE, not from themselves. Talk radio would pick it up as the hot 24-hours opinion-generating topic of the day.***

I still think this is a story with legs. The timing was unfortunate; it was only after Dec/Jan (Tripp birth/public appearance) when the pieces really came together (or fell apart, depending on your viewpoint). And AK is a problem; it's a long way to send people, there are no stringers around and a new face asking questions won't get far. And although everyone knows NE has gotten some stories first (and correct), no one wants to use them as a source.

***This would be even more so last Fall and Winter when her name and her family were white-hot in terms of public interest.***

See my previous comment; plus, she's very love-her-or-hate-her. Also too, bringing down politicians during a very tight campaign is just about unheard of, especially for tabloids and especially for family reasons.

***Yes, she is a "seated politician". She doesn't have the cover star draw of those who can do any mundane thing and still generate circulation numbers. I get that. But a one-off bombshell topic like a faked pregnancy?? With pictures as proof?? During a time, last Fall and Winter, when she was all over the news and TV??? Seroiusly? I just have to question the idea that such a story wouldn't attract eyeballs.***

It would, but it wouldn't necessarily make readers happy. She was too popular to bring down. Pics of Katie Holmes' dubious bump didn't please readers. Pics of John Travolta kissing a man, same thing. I'm often surprised when I see the comparison of circulation numbers and see what brings in the readers (and the angry or happy letters).

***At the end of the day, I just can't believe that this scenario wouldn't have been used sometime between last Fall and now, by even the lowest common denominator media sources. I've not heard any rationale so far that would explain it satisfactorily.***

NE put out feelers with the drug stories and affair stories. I'm guessing it didn't work for them, or else they're still working on it. This story is not dead yet.

Windy City Woman said...

Hey, everyone. Go to ProChoice Grandma's link for the picture she hadn't seen before (April 26, 5:00 a.m.) and read the comments below the photo. Someone said that he hoped McCain was picking Palin for Veep. And look at the date on the comment. Think someone in the Palin camp planted that comment?

Windy City Woman said...

Pardon me if I mentioned this before, dear readers, but I really think that if Bristol & Levi got married, it would not be a "secret." I think Sarah would love to publicize the marriage, because then she could say that Bristol is NOT a single mom, just as she claimed that Bristol & Levi are not high school dropouts. Only in this case she'd be right: Bristol would no longer be single.

LisanTX said...

Windy City Woman--I went to the linked story and found "Tom's" comment. His entire comment sounds like a colorful story someone made up. The June plug for VP is weird, too. Here it is:

Tom Says:
June 16th, 2008 at 4:11 pm

I remember when my wife’s OBGYN mentioned to us the testing for defects or whatever it was when she had my son John in the womb.

We both looked at each other confused and then the doctor explained. I damn near decked him on the spot for even remotely implying we might use a test to find out if John had defects and implying we would abort him. He could have come out looking like an iquana and I would not have cared. He’d get the same ridiculous amount of love and attention he always gets.

Hope McCain picks her for Veep. She’d just have many women gushing over her. What a great example to show others. As ambitious as she is, she also has a selfless streak too.
"when she had my son John in the womb"--how creepy is that? "my son" "in the womb" Hello, this writer forgot to refer to his wife having "our" or "their" son.

"I damn near decked him on the spot" Uh, right.....

"He’d get the same ridiculous amount of love and attention he always gets." Huh? Again, this is creative, but over the top. Not to mention he uses future and present tense incorrectly in the sentence.

"She’d just have many women gushing over her." Some would; others would gag over her.

"As ambitious as she is, she also has a selfless streak too." WTH? pure advertising copy, besides being untrue.

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