The photo on the left is from the opening of the 2008 Iditarod, March 1, 2008. The photo on the left is from the awards ceremony of Alaska's World Ice Carving Championships in March 2007.
She looks more pregnant in the photo where she's not supposed to be pregnant
There is a new AP story about a recent, unexpected interview with Levi Johnston and he says the baby's duedate is Dec. 18 (they sure like the same numbers: Trig is 5 months old when Bristol is 5 months pregnant; Trig is born April 18, Bristol is now due Dec. 18--not much creativity!) Anyway, this piece of news means she conceived in March, just when the gov. was announcing her pregnancy and squelching rumors about her daughter (who was not pregnant, apparently, just "fornicating" and not abstaining). AP did not report seeing Bristol.
I just discovered your wonderful site and I think I have read it cover to cover. I would be interested in reading your thoughts on why Sarah Palin has chosen to tell the story the particular way that she has, assuming that Trig really is Bristol's baby. I think this is one of the most puzzling aspects of the saga. Why did she wait until march to announce the pregnancy? Why did she invent the whole story about leaking amniotic fluid, traveling many hours back, passing Anchorage and the NICU to go on to Wasilla and its podunk hospital? If she had simply said that at the end of her trip she felt a little funny, and went to the nearest hospital where they discovered problems and induced her, the story would have seemed far less suspicious and it would not have materially diminished the cover she was providing for Bristol. Does she have some strange craving for publicity that caused her to invent this implausible story?
As to why she did not announce her "pregnancy" until march, the only theory I have been able to think of is that she did not decide until then to cover for Bristol. And perhaps the Down's syndrome entered in - assuming they actually did know in advance that it was going to be a Down's baby, perhaps that triggered a family decision that Sarah and Todd would raise the baby. Granted, that rationale gives them credit for maturity and selflessness in parenting for which concrete evidence is lacking.
I am also very curious about what will happen next. The current Bristol pregnancy story carries them through until after the election. But not long after. Does McCain plan for Palin to step aside after she has served her purpose to him?
Another important point is this. She is normally a very thin woman. I've seen pics of her wearing jeans, and she's probably no larger than a size 5. A coat that would have fit her when she was not pregnant, would be difficult to zip over the boobs and belly at 7 months. At minimum, it would be noticeably tight.
Very interesting comparison. No need to wear the fake belly under a big coat. I'm sure it wasn't very comfortable to wear.
I'm also curious as to why she was always wearing a scarf. I could understand before she announced the pregnancy, but why so much after the announcement? If she was so happy and pleased about the pregnancy and her tight abs, why cover the belly so much with a scarf. Maybe to make it less obvious that it was a fake belly. I remember reading somewhere that an aid mentioned that wearing the scarves was a new thing. This was stated after she announced the pregnancy and her aide was saying that she hadn't noticed, but noticed that she had taken to wearing scarves. I will post the exact quote once I find it.
I dont see my other post so I'm trying this again. I believe the story. my theory on why Palin waited so long to come out with her "FAKE PREG" is because they had made a family decision to give the child up for adoption but at the last minute the adoptive family changed there mind and it was to late and to risky to find another. So now they are forced to keep the child and YA the lie is big but who would question the Governor? Levi is the father and his family knows all of this and In the best intrest of both families its better to keep the secret. NOW MORE THEN EVER... for those who say they cant believe it just think of your own family because we all have secrets. "Family Secrets". I will be the first to say it IT'S just WRONG what the adults in this situation have done and with the best intension (I'm sure) they have screwed this two kids for life. Bristol is not pregnant now she is just slow at losing her baby weight so they havent finshed putting her through hell round 2 is coming when they explain her misscarrige. To Bristol... it's ok parents dont always know whats best but they always try to do what they THINK is best. hang on with time it will get better.
I have theorized something in the same vein. I had thought that possibly they were pressuring her to give the baby up and when she refused, they came up with this plan late in the game. A second possibility is that the baby was diagnosed with Down's prenatally. You can see some subtle signs on ultrasound, and this would have been much more likely later in pregnancy. Also, an ultrasound is something that would be done on a teen mother. When the Down's was confirmed, the family realized that while healthy white babies have no problem finding adoptive families, Down's Syndrome infants are a different matter and the decision was made to keep the baby.
Audrey, I would also be interested in your theory about why she would have embroidered the story with the amniotic leakage details. Why not just quietly race home and then "go into labor" about the time she got to Wasilla? It seems like she overdid it. If the ghastly story about the plane flight hadn't tipped us off that the story was fishy, would we all be obsessing over it now? Thank you for your terrific blog.
Has anyone been able to get ahold of any info on Piper's birth? Supposedly she was delivered by the MIA Baldwin-Johnson as well, right? It would be great if we could find anything to the contrary. [Interesting to note that Baldwin-Johnson's husband is the VP on the Operating Board of the Valley Hospital Association]
I agree with the supposition that Trig was supposed to be put up for adoption (or possibly placed within the family, as has happened in other families), when something changed. Down's Syndrome can be detected thru ultrasound, which, I agree, is probably how this played out. Since it is unlikely someone would adopt a special needs child, and since a child born to Bristol would not have health insurance, Sarah Palin whipped into action and came up with the story she was pregnant. I think Bristol went into the Wasilla hospital in labor and Baldwin-Johnson called the governor in Texas. I also think that the adoption papers were signed in the hospital room so that Sarah and Todd could emerge immediately and announce they had a new baby. As for Baldwin-Johnson, look at her words carefully. She only spoke the day the baby was born and not since. If you look at her exact quotes, she never said who had the baby. Even her comments about Palin flying home do not say Palin was pregnant. She said it's reasonable for her to give a speech and then fly. I think that's because Bristol was in labor, but would probably not deliver immediately. Baldwin-Johnson eventually induced labor.
Note throughout this whole affair, most of the evidence is conjecture and logic. There is one solid piece of evidence and that is that that is Palin's statements (several) that she consulted her doctor, who "approved" her taking the flight (also said "gave me the greenlight" in another interview). In her doctor's only comments on the subject, she said she did not give Palin permission to fly. So who's lying and why?
I agree with the others who think they had originally planned on having Bristol give up the baby for adoption, until it was discovered that the baby was Downs, or as some have suggested on other blogs FAS. The adoption fell through and then they had to do some fast thinking/back peddling. That is why she never told anybody up front, IMO. Sarah's new-found scarf wearing is interesting also. I too thank you Audrey for keeping this blog and topic current. IMO, the AP/Levi story is a crock. All they have to do though is keep up appearances for one more month until the election. And that "they" will not release medical/financial, etc. information of SP until after the election is appalling. That is almost like cheating!
Hi Audrey, I have been thinking about Levi's interview, which I just read on the Huffington Post. The baby is due December 18th. Has anyone seen Bristol lately? I am dying of curiosity as to whether this is a complete lie!!! There has to be a way to find out...
Here is a link to the AP interview with Levi.
Interesting that both he and Bristol have been MIA, Bristol is still MIA, but Levi appears out of nowhere to proclaim that the baby -- a boy -- is due December 17 - putting Bristol's conception date a month before the birth of Trig.
If Bristol actually has a baby on December 17 (as opposed to Karl Rove out there looking for one for her to adopt, telling the real mother that the baby will be part of an "important" family), then all the conjecture at this site will be false.
We'll see.
Levi also spouts that they will get married next summer, even though they have been planning to get married since freshman year of high school. I really don't know why they are planning to have their baby in "sin" rather than legitimizing the baby. Perhaps the apple does fall far from the tree, and Bristol really prays to Buddha -- just like all those Godless people world over, according to the minister who recently gave an invocation for John McCain. According to the good McCain minister, non-Christians world over who pray to foreign gods are praying for Obama (as opposed to the good Christian people who are praying for McCain-Palin). I guess Bristol and Levi aren't good Christians, since they have made a choice to have an illegitimate baby rather than legitimize the birth of their child by marrying before his birth.
"almost" like cheating? It's worse than cheating. This whole thing is about the integrity of an individual who may become president of the United States. And we can't ask questions? It's none of our business?
Somehow, at some point, this has to be resolved. I don't know that I would even trust a birth certificate at this point. Anyone who has been devious enough to pull this off can probably get a fake birth certificate.
I can't help but think someone will "leak" it out, either to the Enquirer or at a frat party. Who knows?
This story (and also this site) has a limited shelf life. Hopefully, Obama will win the election, and then this story will retreat back to Alaska.
If anything has to be discovered, proven or disproven, it has to happen in the next three weeks.
The National Enquirer knows this, so hopefully we'll get something from them this week or the next. But it's going to be awfully hard to prove.
Audrey, please display the composite image "A Picture is worth a thousand words" (and this one) more prominently so that it can go viral. Your main site displays the first picture, but IMHO it should be linked directly to the blogged article.
Here is what I now think is going to happen with Bristol.
There can't be a miscarriage - it would be too suspicious. Before the Karl Roves of the world got involved, it was amateur night in Alaska, but now there are true pros involved.
I believe Bristol is going to have a home "birth" in December. She and Sarah will pose for another puff piece in People Magazine. Everyone will say, you see, you guys were lunatics - Bristol just gave birth, so Trig can't be hers.
I believe Bristol will be adopting a baby who is due in December. The mother has been promised a lot of money by Republican operatives, plus her baby will be with a "prominent" family. Watch also that Bristol and Levi, high-school drop outs both, will be living quite high off the hog. Sort of like Rielle Hunter living in a multi-million dolllar house with no visible means of support.
Sarah Palin's political career would be destroyed if the truth came out about Trig. The Rebublican right wing won't let that happen under any circumstances - she is their collective wet dream. If she is defeated, she will be back in 2012. The only thing we can hope for is that a large part of her appeal to the mainstream media and to horny Republican men is her looks (it certainly isn't her brains) and she like other mortals is subject to the laws of gravity and will eventually lose her looks. Any bets on whether anyone is going to think a 58-year old Sarah Palin is "hot"? I don't think so. But I hope she disappears long before that - let her fade back to being prayed over by witchhunters and teaching her grandchildren about how dinoseaurs and human roamed the earth together 6,000 years ago.
No Time for Tuckerman
Time. It is precious, they say. It flies, they say. And former Republican
Party Chair, former Dunleavy Chief of Staff, and now former University of
Alaska ...
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
Thirteen years ago, as I was starting to experiment with this blogging
thing, I wrote the following: [T]he speed with which an idea in your head
reaches th...
Alaska – Just a Disconnect
Oh, my darling Alaskans. The wringing of hands and hearts seems a bit over
the top in reaction to this week’s election. Despite the bipolar quality of
the ...
She looks more pregnant in the photo where she's not supposed to be pregnant
Have you seen this blog with photos of Palin in April of 2008?
There is a new AP story about a recent, unexpected interview with Levi Johnston and he says the baby's duedate is Dec. 18 (they sure like the same numbers: Trig is 5 months old when Bristol is 5 months pregnant; Trig is born April 18, Bristol is now due Dec. 18--not much creativity!) Anyway, this piece of news means she conceived in March, just when the gov. was announcing her pregnancy and squelching rumors about her daughter (who was not pregnant, apparently, just "fornicating" and not abstaining). AP did not report seeing Bristol.
I just discovered your wonderful site and I think I have read it cover to cover. I would be interested in reading your thoughts on why Sarah Palin has chosen to tell the story the particular way that she has, assuming that Trig really is Bristol's baby. I think this is one of the most puzzling aspects of the saga. Why did she wait until march to announce the pregnancy? Why did she invent the whole story about leaking amniotic fluid, traveling many hours back, passing Anchorage and the NICU to go on to Wasilla and its podunk hospital? If she had simply said that at the end of her trip she felt a little funny, and went to the nearest hospital where they discovered problems and induced her, the story would have seemed far less suspicious and it would not have materially diminished the cover she was providing for Bristol. Does she have some strange craving for publicity that caused her to invent this implausible story?
As to why she did not announce her "pregnancy" until march, the only theory I have been able to think of is that she did not decide until then to cover for Bristol. And perhaps the Down's syndrome entered in - assuming they actually did know in advance that it was going to be a Down's baby, perhaps that triggered a family decision that Sarah and Todd would raise the baby. Granted, that rationale gives them credit for maturity and selflessness in parenting for which concrete evidence is lacking.
I am also very curious about what will happen next. The current Bristol pregnancy story carries them through until after the election. But not long after.
Does McCain plan for Palin to step aside after she has served her purpose to him?
Another important point is this. She is normally a very thin woman. I've seen pics of her wearing jeans, and she's probably no larger than a size 5. A coat that would have fit her when she was not pregnant, would be difficult to zip over the boobs and belly at 7 months. At minimum, it would be noticeably tight.
Very interesting comparison. No need to wear the fake belly under a big coat. I'm sure it wasn't very comfortable to wear.
I'm also curious as to why she was always wearing a scarf. I could understand before she announced the pregnancy, but why so much after the announcement? If she was so happy and pleased about the pregnancy and her tight abs, why cover the belly so much with a scarf. Maybe to make it less obvious that it was a fake belly. I remember reading somewhere that an aid mentioned that wearing the scarves was a new thing. This was stated after she announced the pregnancy and her aide was saying that she hadn't noticed, but noticed that she had taken to wearing scarves. I will post the exact quote once I find it.
I dont see my other post so I'm trying this again. I believe the story. my theory on why Palin waited so long to come out with her "FAKE PREG" is because they had made a family decision to give the child up for adoption but at the last minute the adoptive family changed there mind and it was to late and to risky to find another. So now they are forced to keep the child and YA the lie is big but who would question the Governor? Levi is the father and his family knows all of this and In the best intrest of both families its better to keep the secret. NOW MORE THEN EVER... for those who say they cant believe it just think of your own family because we all have secrets. "Family Secrets". I will be the first to say it IT'S just WRONG what the adults in this situation have done and with the best intension (I'm sure) they have screwed this two kids for life. Bristol is not pregnant now she is just slow at losing her baby weight so they havent finshed putting her through hell round 2 is coming when they explain her misscarrige. To Bristol... it's ok parents dont always know whats best but they always try to do what they THINK is best. hang on with time it will get better.
I have theorized something in the same vein. I had thought that possibly they were pressuring her to give the baby up and when she refused, they came up with this plan late in the game. A second possibility is that the baby was diagnosed with Down's prenatally. You can see some subtle signs on ultrasound, and this would have been much more likely later in pregnancy. Also, an ultrasound is something that would be done on a teen mother. When the Down's was confirmed, the family realized that while healthy white babies have no problem finding adoptive families, Down's Syndrome infants are a different matter and the decision was made to keep the baby.
Audrey, I would also be interested in your theory about why she would have embroidered the story with the amniotic leakage details. Why not just quietly race home and then "go into labor" about the time she got to Wasilla? It seems like she overdid it. If the ghastly story about the plane flight hadn't tipped us off that the story was fishy, would we all be obsessing over it now? Thank you for your terrific blog.
Has anyone been able to get ahold of any info on Piper's birth? Supposedly she was delivered by the MIA Baldwin-Johnson as well, right? It would be great if we could find anything to the contrary. [Interesting to note that Baldwin-Johnson's husband is the VP on the Operating Board of the Valley Hospital Association]
I agree with the supposition that Trig was supposed to be put up for adoption (or possibly placed within the family, as has happened in other families), when something changed. Down's Syndrome can be detected thru ultrasound, which, I agree, is probably how this played out. Since it is unlikely someone would adopt a special needs child, and since a child born to Bristol would not have health insurance, Sarah Palin whipped into action and came up with the story she was pregnant. I think Bristol went into the Wasilla hospital in labor and Baldwin-Johnson called the governor in Texas. I also think that the adoption papers were signed in the hospital room so that Sarah and Todd could emerge immediately and announce they had a new baby. As for Baldwin-Johnson, look at her words carefully. She only spoke the day the baby was born and not since. If you look at her exact quotes, she never said who had the baby. Even her comments about Palin flying home do not say Palin was pregnant. She said it's reasonable for her to give a speech and then fly. I think that's because Bristol was in labor, but would probably not deliver immediately. Baldwin-Johnson eventually induced labor.
Note throughout this whole affair, most of the evidence is conjecture and logic. There is one solid piece of evidence and that is that that is Palin's statements (several) that she consulted her doctor, who "approved" her taking the flight (also said "gave me the greenlight" in another interview). In her doctor's only comments on the subject, she said she did not give Palin permission to fly. So who's lying and why?
I agree with the others who think they had originally planned on having Bristol give up the baby for adoption, until it was discovered that the baby was Downs, or as some have suggested on other blogs FAS. The adoption fell through and then they had to do some fast thinking/back peddling. That is why she never told anybody up front, IMO. Sarah's new-found scarf wearing is interesting also. I too thank you Audrey for keeping this blog and topic current. IMO, the AP/Levi story is a crock. All they have to do though is keep up appearances for one more month until the election. And that "they" will not release medical/financial, etc. information of SP until after the election is appalling. That is almost like cheating!
Hi Audrey,
I have been thinking about Levi's interview, which I just read on the Huffington Post. The baby is due December 18th. Has anyone seen Bristol lately? I am dying of curiosity as to whether this is a complete lie!!! There has to be a way to find out...
Here is a link to the AP interview with Levi.
Interesting that both he and Bristol have been MIA, Bristol is still MIA, but Levi appears out of nowhere to proclaim that the baby -- a boy -- is due December 17 - putting Bristol's conception date a month before the birth of Trig.
If Bristol actually has a baby on December 17 (as opposed to Karl Rove out there looking for one for her to adopt, telling the real mother that the baby will be part of an "important" family), then all the conjecture at this site will be false.
We'll see.
Levi also spouts that they will get married next summer, even though they have been planning to get married since freshman year of high school. I really don't know why they are planning to have their baby in "sin" rather than legitimizing the baby. Perhaps the apple does fall far from the tree, and Bristol really prays to Buddha -- just like all those Godless people world over, according to the minister who recently gave an invocation for John McCain. According to the good McCain minister, non-Christians world over who pray to foreign gods are praying for Obama (as opposed to the good Christian people who are praying for McCain-Palin). I guess Bristol and Levi aren't good Christians, since they have made a choice to have an illegitimate baby rather than legitimize the birth of their child by marrying before his birth.
"almost" like cheating? It's worse than cheating. This whole thing is about the integrity of an individual who may become president of the United States. And we can't ask questions? It's none of our business?
Somehow, at some point, this has to be resolved. I don't know that I would even trust a birth certificate at this point. Anyone who has been devious enough to pull this off can probably get a fake birth certificate.
I can't help but think someone will "leak" it out, either to the Enquirer or at a frat party. Who knows?
This story (and also this site) has a limited shelf life. Hopefully, Obama will win the election, and then this story will retreat back to Alaska.
If anything has to be discovered, proven or disproven, it has to happen in the next three weeks.
The National Enquirer knows this, so hopefully we'll get something from them this week or the next. But it's going to be awfully hard to prove.
Audrey, please display the composite image "A Picture is worth a thousand words" (and this one) more prominently so that it can go viral. Your main site displays the first picture, but IMHO it should be linked directly to the blogged article.
Here is what I now think is going to happen with Bristol.
There can't be a miscarriage - it would be too suspicious. Before the Karl Roves of the world got involved, it was amateur night in Alaska, but now there are true pros involved.
I believe Bristol is going to have a home "birth" in December. She and Sarah will pose for another puff piece in People Magazine. Everyone will say, you see, you guys were lunatics - Bristol just gave birth, so Trig can't be hers.
I believe Bristol will be adopting a baby who is due in December. The mother has been promised a lot of money by Republican operatives, plus her baby will be with a "prominent" family. Watch also that Bristol and Levi, high-school drop outs both, will be living quite high off the hog. Sort of like Rielle Hunter living in a multi-million dolllar house with no visible means of support.
Sarah Palin's political career would be destroyed if the truth came out about Trig. The Rebublican right wing won't let that happen under any circumstances - she is their collective wet dream. If she is defeated, she will be back in 2012. The only thing we can hope for is that a large part of her appeal to the mainstream media and to horny Republican men is her looks (it certainly isn't her brains) and she like other mortals is subject to the laws of gravity and will eventually lose her looks. Any bets on whether anyone is going to think a 58-year old Sarah Palin is "hot"? I don't think so. But I hope she disappears long before that - let her fade back to being prayed over by witchhunters and teaching her grandchildren about how dinoseaurs and human roamed the earth together 6,000 years ago.
"Johnston has dropped out of high school to take a job on the North Slope oil fields as an apprentice electrician."
Apparently this is not a job you can easily get without help, especially without a high school diploma.
I wonder how he got so lucky. A little payment for playing along?
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